First, find Dr. Boz on YouTube and start watching her explain things.
She talks a lot about how to measure (and why) your MORNING Glucose and Ketone levels.
You have to heal the liver a bit first. Empty it of its extra glycogen/fat…
Your morning Glucose gets to that.
Next, you SHOULD STOP Artificial Sweeteners. First, they are evil in the beginning of this journey. Literally ALL of the “I fell off the wagon and regained ALL my weight” stories start with a “KETO xxx” Bingefest on artificially sweetened foods. I personally feel it maintains the addiction to sweet foods. Going cold turkey is hard. Dr. Fung says start by cutting the dose in 1/2 for a few days, then 1/2 again, then just stop.
I believe Artifical Sweeteners are gateway drugs to the real thing (sugar). I also KNOW from testing myself early on, that they caused an insulin release… Because consuming them in coffee or in diet coke, caused my glucose to go up a bit, and then crash down hard. Then I was hungry and cranky. I saw that once. I stopped Cold Turkey. Right there.
Now, once you are at goal, and at a whole new level… That’s a different story.
Next, most women do NOT consume enough fat, and they subconsciously calorie restrict. I see it so much. Then they MUNCH on something.
Watch the “Dr. Fung 1 of 6” series (all 6 videos)… He explains a lightbulb idea.
EVERY TIME we EAT, we get an insulin hit. And the heavier you are the worse it is.
So, IF (intermittent Fasting) is the weapon of choice.
You can go from 6-9 doses of insulin per day to 3 by cutting all snacking.
To 2 by going to a 16:8 eating window
To 1 by going OMAD (One Meal A day. I lived here for a long time).
Even lower with ADF (Alternate day fasting).
It turns out THIS was a huge variable for me. Once I added fasting AND went Carnivore, the weight fell off like NOTHING I have seen before. 1-2lbs/day. It was insane. Actually a bit scary, but it felt great. And I was full.
So, you DONT have to jump into any of this. Baby steps. Start like a beginner.
Watch Dr. Boz. She walks you through it. Stop eating after dinner. Start measuring you blood numbers (glucose and ketones). And learn to have ONLY BLACK Coffee in the Morning, until you get to your first real meal. And Enjoy that meal with plenty of fat.
Stay there until you are ready to push further. Just getting there will start letting your liver empty. And the weight loss will follow.
Also, make sure you are not eating your allergens.
If your sinuses are always plugged, you wheeze when you breathe. Your socks/stockings leave marks into your shins. This is an Inflammation problem. You will need to remove the offending foods. (Some brands of coffee do this to me!)
Welcome aboard the Keto Train. It will change your life if you learn to listen to your body!