Venting (non-supportive family members)


I decided I am going to make some Keto truffles and bring them with me to eat while everyone else eats cake. She will be happy she gets to make cake and I can eat chocolate, a win win…



(Jane Reed) #43

Idea…ask her to make a flourless cake and offer to show her how it’s done (but that is so you can be there to see she uses erythritol instead of sugar). Such cakes are dense and generally use beaten egg whites for leavening . I have a recipe for hazelnut torte which serves 10-12 and calls for only 2 tablespoons of flour. I would have slice of that in a heartbeat, if it were sweetened with something other than sugar.

(David) #44

Is this recipe in the recipe’s section at all? (hint hint)

(Larry Lustig) #45

I will not make snide comments about other people’s cooking.
I will not make snide comments about other people’s cooking.
I will not make snide comments about other people’s cooking.
I will not make snide comments about other people’s cooking.
I will not make snide comments about other people’s cooking.

(Larry Lustig) #46

Now, that’s just cruel.


That is a mantra I will adopt going forward!

(Jennie) #48

Duuuuude. Yes. I comprehend this specific kind of obnoxious behavior. I, too, avoid this person like the plague. I’ve only been keto for five months or something, but this family member lives in town and we did a lot of holiday stuff around them. They continued to badger me about “you should eat something” when we were at their house which made me feel like I was being really rude - but there was literally nothing I could eat, save a few bites of veg tray. They kept pushing, “Oh, just eat the meat without the bun!” when it was drowned in bottles of BBQ sauce. I just - I can’t even be around the person right now because the passive aggressive behavior is so unbearable.

This could all be a very long rant, because it just drives me nuts but, just to say, I hear you!!!


So a random person at work decided to weigh in on my progress the other day. (I’m 10 mo keto, down 50 lb and completely dedicated and comfortable with this woe - it’s my life and I love it). She told me…“don’t give up I know it’s hard and you get discouraged”…um…ok…thanks for the input :roll_eyes:

(Arlene) #50

I totally empathize with you. After years of cheerfully putting up with a similar passive aggressive sibling, I finally chose to use the dog training method of completely ignoring her during bad behavior and rewarding good behavior with normal conversation and interaction. This has helped, where nothing else did up to this point.

(Jason Webb) #51

Haha, sorry, the punster in me got a kick out of this.

(Keto in Katy) #52

My happiness increased exponentially when I decided to ignore most everyone everywhere.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #53

My inner snark demon immediately starts brainstorming future retorts to sneaky crap like this.

“I heard somebody in here was taking an online psychology course, is that you?”

“Wow, you look refreshed today.”

“I’ve been sharing the scientific reports on keto with people who like to learn. Ask [Brad] to show you some.”

“Your tag’s out.”

“It’s been a godsend finding an intelligent group to talk to.”

Lean in conspiratorially and whisper, “You might want to check your pants…”

(Patrick B.) #54

Hmm… My inner snark demon is on the fritz… I hope I didn’t lose him with the fat… All I could come up with is “Oh I don’t think it’s hard at all and I’m certainly not discouraged. Project much?”

(Stickin' with mammoth) #55

It’s common among passive aggressive non-supporters of the weightloss arts. You can really grind their gears by flat-out ignoring them. Morons want a reaction.

(Adam Kirby) #56

It’s funny how a relative who is a mocker of our LCHF diet is himself skinny fat, totally out of shape and unhealthy, and on various meds for cholesterol and whatnot. Most likely prediabetic.

(Luanne ) #57

Yes! My sis-in-law is skinny fat! She eats all sorts of junk/processed food, thinks margarine is healthier than butter, drinks coke, and she is worried about my WOE?

In fact, as an update to this thread, this past weekend I saw them again. I told them that my blood glucose went from 162 to 117 in just 6 weeks of Keto. Her comment was, well in home tests are not accurate, that I should probably get other tests done because even if my blood sugar is getting better, other things may be getting worse. Oh and I also told them that my blood pressure has improved. And again they say that it means nothing and it’s probably all inaccurate measures of my health.

(Arlene) #58

That’s fantastic in just 6 weeks. Just remember, it doesn’t matter what they think or say. You know you are doing something good for yourself. Congratulations on your great numbers.


Pun intended haha!


I’m moving in that direction…