Unexpected Benefits of Keto

(Khara) #8

Ugh. Painful. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

(charlie3) #9
  1. My beginner understanding is carbs are inflamatory on average. Drastically reducing them probably promotes healing.

  2. Teeth and gums don’t like sugar/carbs. That has been understood for centuries.

(Roxanne) #10

No more chronically stuffed sinuses for me, no more snoring or passing gas for either of us. And my fingertips didn’t crack open once this winter!

(Mike Crouch) #11

My wife has just gone on keto after seeing my success & has suffered from chrinic sinusitis for years, if the keto helps that she will be well pleased

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #12

I just realized my dust allergie has improved drastically. :astonished::astonished:
Two weeks ago when cleaning out the basement with my dad. I would have been dying. Sneezing, nose running, eyes burning all over the place in minutes

I was working for 4 hours and had just a tiny itch in my left eye for about half an hour after…

(Mike Crouch) #13

That’s brilliant!

(Jane) #14

Here is another thread you might enjoy on the same subject.

(Kay) #15

For me the speedy recovery after exercise is a real added bonus. I also like the fact my stomach doesn’t make whale noises after I eat anymore :grinning:


cool! Mine is… I haven’t been sick since 2017! I have definitely been exposed to viruses and would typically have caught them. I think my immune system just bats them off now!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #17

But, folks, the real question is, apart from the weight loss, fungal and dental healing, improved resistance to infection, reduction in arthritis and other inflammation, improved mood and energy, reduced peripheral neuropathy, better hormonal regulation, reduction in allergies, better digestion, improved vision, reversal of type II diabetes and fatty liver disease, increased cognition, lower blood pressure, elimination of visceral fat, and lower blood sugar, what, if anything, has keto actually done for us? :rofl:

(Roxanne) #18

Guilt free bacon, chicken wings and BUTTER!

(Scott) #19

I feel good, I am losing weight, cholesterol number are great, don’t feel bloated without carbs.

I truly don’t think I have even started completing this list but at seven months in I am just getting started.

(Mike Crouch) #20

Lamb chops, belly pork, now I don’t cut the fat off but eat the whole lot except the bones of course. I seem to have got used to eating fat from meat, but it would have turned my stomach pre keto

(Tamela Robinette) #21

I thought I was the only person in the world who experienced this, I never pass gas anymore, ever!

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #22

Well, Paul, since you’re asking, my acne cleared up. :grin:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #23

LOLZ! :rofl:

(Mother of Puppies ) #24

My nipples seem more sensitive (!) :grimacing:
Toe fungus gone is AWESOME
Finger eczema gone
Stopped debilitating periods
Neck moles gone
Foot pain since my 20s GONE (no more expensive orthotics or constant taping of arches)

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #25

Ohh, neat one!

(Roxanne) #26

Interestingly, neither do our dogs, now that they no longer get leftover toast, potatoes, rice, popcorn, etc., and they used to be able to clear a room with their farts, lol.

(Tamela Robinette) #27

Roxanne LMAOROF :joy::joy::joy: