Ultra Endurance Athlete Starting Out


(Nathan Toben) #61

@VirginiaEdie, you read my mind. For this adaption phase i have been sparing with vegetables and fruits just to expedite things. But i intend to reintroduce more diversity after i feel in a safe rhythm and my hunger is predictable.

as is, i eat about 6-12 eggs a day, chicken thighs, red meat, fish, so if anything i am getting little too much complete protein. The pork rinds are just for the crunch really.

i take a new chapter multivitamin, drink ample mineral water in the evenings, and take magnesium, calcium, CoQ10 and other things

(Nathan Toben) #62

hey @VirginiaEdie, i responded kind of rushed because i was on my bike before, i wanted to ask your advice on what you think i should incorporate into my days food wise and maybe at what times of day? i don’t really like to put veggies in my stomach when i’m going hard on the bike so i think thy will be allocated to dinner.

gimme the goods! :bacon::cucumber::broccoli::cut_of_meat::cucumber::broccoli::bacon:

(Edith) #63

I don’t know what your tastes are, but you want your foods to be as nutrient dense as possible. That’s why leafy greens are considered so good for keto. They have very few carbs but lots of nutrients. I know your budget is tight, but avocados are crazy nutritious and with healthy fats. Cabbage is pretty good and cheap. Coleslaw consumption has definitely gone up at our house.

Sounds like you’ve got your protein covered. Canned salmon is not too expensive and is a good source of potassium.

There are many who say that all carnivore is great for them. I don’t know if any of them have close to your activity level. I originally posted my concerns because when you mentioned what you were eating it seemed very high in pure fat/oil. That’s the problem with forum posts: we can never get a complete picture.

Keep posting, I’m enjoying your thread.

(Nathan Toben) #64

Day 24: Reiterating Keto Routines & Rhythms

Yesterday’s efforts:

running, 85mins
Biking, 45miles

Today was a carbon copy of yesterday minus the gut issues.


My rhythm is becoming: bring a spice jar filled with fat, my Himylayan salt shaker and water bottle to work. Today, instead of MCT, i brought EVOO. EVOO worked well. Why would MCT give gut distress and not EVOO? Then for lunch I buy a bag of 6 boiled eggs from target (or the local coop if my deliveries take me west). It comes out to be about 380 calories from the eggs and jeez, about 1300 calories from fat over the course of an 8 hour shift. While this may be a lot of calories for someone else, I am coming off of a caloric burn of about 3500 calories between the hours of 8am-8pm so what is that? A deficit of approx. 1820 plus whatever base metabolic processes go on just to keep me upright and not a total klutzy dufus. So for dinner, I had: 4 tbsp ghee, 6 eggs scrambled, a steak, pork rinds dipped in avocado oil mayonnaise. It was probably 3000 calories? These are all crude approximations because I am feeling better mental health if I don’t track right now. But I do want to keep a bit of an inventory for myself and for anyone interested in how I am fueling my massive days.


My run felt good after the 20 minute mark. We have been getting a lot of rain recently and I love the swampy North Carolina musk of being in the forest under the canopy, the smell of clay and sound of footfall on soft pine needles. When I get going, I feel fine, however there is a bit of tightness in my chest akin to anxiety when I stop or start. If I remind myself to relax, using running as stress relief, breath in to the bottoms of my lungs and stay light on my feet, i get to humming along at a good aerobic clip. I am happy to be passed the first few weeks where my legs feel fried and my mind feels bonked.

On the bike yesterday, I kept my efforts even and reduced my time in-shop. My focus was, if I am pedaling, I’m where I need to be. Keeping my biking mostly aerobic is starting to pay off. The subtle shifts of high volume aerobic conditioning, when really adhered to, sometimes it takes weeks and weeks of doubt filled efforts to finally have a day where, when you do need to push it for a moment, you feel such abundant energy availability that you remember what it is like to be both healthy AND fit, and not just fit.

On To The Next

Today, more of the same. Last night I thought I would need to eat breakfast, and I might still have something, but now just black coffee and letting my dinner fully digest feels more in line with a good run this morning. These last two days have been huge successes for this guy with Binge Eating Disorder. Even last night, I heard the little demon voice in my head say, you had too much avocado oil mayonnaise you dummy. But then I just reminded myself that I do not need to be in a deficit to progress in keto and fitness.

My weight is at 161.5, 3.5 lbs off of my race weight for Western States! I am hoping that my body agrees with my ambitions that if we were to get down to the low 150s, there would be less total stress on us for my endurance life. But we will see. My body type is mesomorphic so I tend to hold on to muscle and be a bit boxier than my endurance athlete idols. Gotta check myself and keep comparisons to a minimum. I love running. I love biking. It doesn’t matter if I didn’t win all the genetic lotteries. I am grateful for the assets that I do have and above all, grateful for my improving health both physical and mental, as a result of keto. Cautious optimism marks week 4.


Running, 60mins
Courier work, 6hrs15mins

(Nathan Toben) #65

Note to self: avocado oil mayonnaise is too delicious to moderate…


Just wanted to let you know that I find your detailed posts very informative and inspiring! KCKO :smiley:

(Nathan Toben) #67

Day 25: Caloric Deficits & Surpluses Inhibit KCKO

Yesterday’s Efforts

Run, 70mins
Bike, 35miles

Central NC got torrential rain yesterday and so courier work was very exciting. I love riding in the rain. Customers really appreciate (sometimes pity) my hard work and dedication and often times show that appreciation by adding a few dollars on top of their usual tip. I love these transient connections with my townsfolk. In doing this for a number of years, I have become this episodic character in these people’s lives, I know them by name and just try and be a positive presence in their work day. Bring on the rain. Having ketones moving through my body also highlighted this contrast of good mood + bad weather even more. I feel mood-resilient implementing this WOE.


4:30am wake-up to get in 20 miles in the woods before work…


Bonk Tests

Last week I did a bonk test to see where my capacity for fat burning was at. It was a hot and humid day and I managed 14 miles before I began to notice an increase in perceived effort, a tightening of the hips and joints. My experience with endurance has taught me that I have specific points on my body that begin speaking to me first when I begin to bonk. I could have continued but would have had to dig pretty deep into my willpower reserves to do so which is not what I want to be doing during my base-building/fat-adaption phase.

This morning is going to be my second bonk test. HOwever, this time I am going to bring some nourishment in the event that I start to struggle. My primary focus is covering the distance with minimal if any stress and insulin response. Secondarily, it is to get another weekly snapshot of my capacity for fat burning. Realistically though this could be more troubling than educational as I am finding that, during any one day, if I dip into too much of a deficit or rise into too much of a surplus calorically, then this infringes upon my progress to Keep Calm and Keto On—-which is the primary health goal. So I’ll have some bacon and boiled eggs in my truck if i need to double back and satiate.

Courier Work

Friday’s are my short shift at work. Only 10:30am-2:00pm. I am feeling so good on the bike these days and I am excited for my shift.

Despite having eaten to a surplus last night (I haven’t been tracking so honestly I don’t really know by how much), my stomach is not bloated as it once was on a carb-rich diet and as the day goes on, I only feel leaner and meaner and more nueromuscularly tuned. I got to appreciate these patches of days that I do feel progress because I know they will come and go.

It might have been the lightning and thunder and downpour but, I got this high yesterday where I could visualize the kinetic chain of my movements, predict traffic patterns and push my body as hard as I wanted to without any substantial difference in my respiration and perceived effort. For all the movement that I do, these moments are extremely extremely rare. NO doubt it was an enormous release of serotonin and “flow-state”. It is these moments that I live for. I was able to easily accelarate passed cars to 30+ mph while maintaining acute peripheral spatial awareness. It should be noted that spatial awareness is a byproduct of being a bike courier but the heightened awareness of this moment was something different than my baseline.

Happy Friday all! If any of my thinking seems suspect, call me out!

Keep Calm and Ego-Deflate On,


(Nathan Toben) #68

Well, my Bonk Test went just fine. I got a later start than i had planned because i went down the keto research rabbit hole.

I felt the usual tough start. Thirty minutes in, I found a groove and kept at it until about mile 10 when I started feeling dehydrated. I ran back to my truck for electrolytes and water and ended up hitting the road for another 4 miles. I felt heavy on the road and couldn’t restore my gait to a good groove. Made it back to my truck and called it. 14-16ish miles.

This is good though, sometimes stuff just falls short or doesn’t work out. It’s realistic. Keto is not a quick fix.

Besides, for most of those miles, I felt really good about where I am at though. I realized on a utterly section trail populated by thin pines that were weighed heavy by rain and fog, how different this is compared to my build up to Western States. Really all last year; when I was binging and recovering from binges every week.

What are other people’s experiences with the transition from month 1 to month 2 of keto in regards to their exercise?

It seems like, the more time someone has on keto, the more objective they become about their timeline. The best things take a while. Lay a brick a day, build a mansion in a decade.

Got rained on again at work and got through it. Got home at 3pm. Ate some eggs and chorizo in ghee and gave my dog a bath. Now I don’t really know what to do with myself and can feel the slow creep of a depressive episode forming.

I don’t intend to over share here. I am using this thread as one part accountability, one part chronology of the transition, and one part a tool to keep things right-sized. I hope it speaks to someone. It definitely is helping me stay the course.

I’ve had a long week.

So often, I downplay the role that plain ol’ Stress plays in my health and fitness.

Because I have trained my brain and body to be able to muscle through the pains and rains of life, I often overlook the gentler side of things. This mental and physical resilience transforms into nearsightedness when it comes time to relax and take notice of my limits.

I am punishing myself with the thought that I weighed 161.5 two days ago and weigh 164 today. That I am financially strapped. That I am breaking my routine next week to go to the beach with family. Does anyone else here prefer work and regular routine over vacation? Transitions are hard for me. Oh brain, you silly silly thing. How come you want to keep me so miserable so often? I will feed you with keto. It’s all good, man. I promise, trust me…brain—-ok I am talking to myself.

Anyhoo! Maybe a nap is in order or a good book.

If anything I’ve said strikes a chord, I’d love to hear from anyone. Happy Friday y’all, I hope your days are filled with fat

(Edith) #69

You may want to check out diagnosisdiet.com. The blogger is a psychiatrist, Georgia Ede, M.D.; who posts many articles about diet and mental health. She is very pro low carb. I think you will find her website fascinating.

And yes, sometimes I feel like going out of town is just a big, stressful hassle, but once I get to my destination I have a great time. Just remind yourself that you will have a good time. Vacations are a great way to reset and recharge.


These days, when I start feeling down, it is usually 1 of 2 things: I am tired and need a nap or go to bed (if evening), OR my blood sugar is low. So I check my BS and then eat something. I must say, though, that I am not having the lack of carbs low BS that I would get in the past, where my brain would scramble and my hands shake so much I could hardly stick my finger. Now, it is a gentle fatigue, where I have to make sure I check my BS. I am really hoping that once I am completely off my DM meds (esp. insulin & glipizide), that I cease to have these low BS episodes.I think because I am still taking some insulin & glip, it forces my BS down lower than I want.
About exercise, I am finding my walks very invigorating, and without the subsequent muscle soreness that I would get in the past. It isn’t as if I’m exercising like a demon, though, but definitely it is a vast improvement from where I was 4+ weeks ago.

(Nathan Toben) #71

i just ran 4hrs30mins or ~22 miles fasted. Gonna put that in the “keto wins” column.


Holy crap! That is excellent!!!

(Nathan Toben) #73

Thanks @AnnM!

Day 26: The Next 30 Feet

After yesterday’s challenging bonk test, and since I am leaving for vacation to the beach and will miss the trails terribly, I got up early and drove to the trailhead to meet my friend for a long run.

She, like myself, struggles with anxiety and depression. Her anxiety centers around getting started on a run. It can be very difficult for her. She is one of the funniest, wittiest, most thoughtful fellow ultrarunners in the area (she has a boyfriend :frowning:) and I have been making an effort to overlap with her training runs to be more social and help each other cover the sometimes grueling miles.

Well this morning was one where her anxiety was high, so I planned to circle back to my truck every 90 minutes in the event she ended up making the drive and joining me. Oh, for the most part, I keep my phone and my running separate. Sometimes I’ll listen to podcasts while running if i am feeling unmotivated but even then, I find…conscious thoughtlessness…to be the most relaxing and rewarding headspace.

What I mean by conscious thoughtlessness is imagining the caloric suck of the brain. I can’t remember the factoid but its something like: though the brain typically weighs one-tenth of one’s body, it accounts for 30% of its total caloric needs. So I imagine turning that caloric need off, assuring myself that I am safe and will not miss out on anything if I increase the distance between thoughts. I focus on asymmetric diaphragmatic breathing and if I am discipline, this sets me into a very pleasant, present headspace. The next 30 feet. The next 30 feet. The next 30 feet.

I brought keto into this headspace today. I told myself that I was going to turn off, breath, and believe that I do not need the sports nutrition that I once did. That I am strong and capable and ready to just soak up the sights and smells and sounds.

In not too long, my legs warmed and started turning over. On my first circle back to the truck, there was no sign of my friend. I crossed the road and headed to the northern side of the trail system. Near the end of that 90 minute stretch, the familiar spots starts talking to me; my right glute, left hip, inner right knee. This was about where my bonk test went south yesterday. But today, I refused to engage these feelings. I took stock of how I actually felt in the moment and whether or not it was all as bad as my mind could easily make it? NO. I still felt strong so I kept my gait turning over as efficiently as I could over each 30 foot section of trail. I didn’t feel much of an urge to look at my watch until it came time to make it back to my truck in time.

Back at the truck, I checked my phone. My friend wasn’t going to make it. I had already run 3hrs fasted, merely drinking from a gallon jug with Himylayan Salt and Lite Salt sprinkled in. One more 90 minute stretch. My mind sprouted the thought of stopping then and there. No, I thought, let’s just see if we can run the next 30 feet.

That last 90 minutes felt no worse than the second. Though my legs began to feel slightly more sluggish, I noticed I felt no muscular soreness. It was almost concerning. I imagine I am not alone in my surprise regarding how little muscular soreness I experience when compared to similar efforts fueled on carbohydrates.

The sun came out in the last 30 minutes and the wet deciduous growth just exploded in thick musky greens. A breeze could be seen filtering through the tops of the trees and it was surreal because down on the forest floor, running along serpentine pine-needle laden paths, the air was still and damp.

I returned to my truck feeling good. Finally slight soreness, but it was masked by the pride I felt for having stayed present-minded which allowed my body to show me that it is becoming more capable of using its stored energy to fuel movement.

I drove to the gym and sat in the sauna for 30 minutes drinking electrolytes and meditating.

Then I got on my bike and road around casually while listening to a couple favorite bands. I stopped at the grocery store for some olives, cheese, bacon, pork rinds and club soda. Finally got home a bit ago and broke an 18 hour fast with spiced breakfast sausage cooked in ghee and soaked up in pork rinds.

Now I feel sleepy weepy. And full. So grateful that keto has given me back a sense of fullness. Incremental shifts are taking place. The next 30 feet.

(Nathan Toben) #74

Day 29: Something Isn’t Right

Something doesn’t feel right.

I’m down here at the beach. Despite salting my steak and eggs last night generously, I experienced shortness of breath, dizziness and fatigue on my run this morning. I actually had to stop and noticed heart flutters a couple times. I made it back to the beach house with a walk-run. And then made some eggs with more salt, avocado and butter.

Ever since then I have been drinking water and continue to feel fatigue. The sensations are reminiscent of heat exhaustion. I also felt a tightness in my neck and shoulders and despite consciously reminding myself to stay relaxed and loose, I felt like I couldn’t hold my head up and my shoulders would bunch up.

Perhaps I just need even more salt. Or potassium? Magnesium? I did drink some instant coffee before my run. The beach house does not have a grinder so I couldn’t make my usual coffee. I never drink instant but I am pretty sure I didn’t overdo it. Hmm.

Or maybe it is something unrelated to my diet. Not everything is related to keto, said another member on a different thread. I thought maybe i’d Go for a light 3-milers after dinner to see if I had done something to work this out but right now (4pm) I still feel like I could pass out so I might forgo that idea.

One last thing I think it could be is perhaps I am having a stress response to my altitude tent. I am currently sleeping at 8200’ and have been for the last couple weeks so I wouldn’t think that this morning would feel so pronouncedly different than any other morning. Hmm.

Might just have to chalk it up to “who knows, take care of yourself”. Frustrating though because before things went south, I was feeling capable in my body. I kind of over-grazed this afternoon on olives, pork rinds, avocado oil mayo and avocado - I think it was sparked by not feeling quite right and my body looking for answers. Gonna let go of this stuff and rest on the couch and…who knows.

(Edith) #75

How much salt do you take each day. I need to supplement 1.5 teaspoon/day not including what’s in or added to my food.

Edit: My volume of exercise is probably 1/10 of yours.

Edit: One more thought. Back in January I got lazy with my salt supplementation. I started getting cramps all over my body. The hamstring cramps were the worst. When I started making sure I got my 5g of Sodium a day, the cramps went away. That episode showed just how important it is to not skimp on the salt.


Agree with you. I use way more salt than I am used to (pre-keto) but I find that it makes a big difference in how I feel. The days I use a lot, I feel much better the next day w/ fewer aches and pains and more energy. I take a magnesium supplement as well. I think we are all conditioned to use minimal salt because of the anti-salt stance from the medical community, and it makes it hard for me to reverse it and pile on the salt. BTW, I find that my BP the day after a lot of salt, is quite low! Why is that, if salt is so bad for high BP???:astonished:

(Nathan Toben) #77

@VirginiaEdie, @AnnM, salt!

It was salt.
I’m a goof.
It was salt.
A million times.
Salt. Salt. Salt.
Why? Why? Why?
Salt, salt, salt.
My issues earlier?

Not Enough Salt.

My fault.

(Edith) #78

Good. An easy fix.


Glad you were able to figure it out!

(Nathan Toben) #80

Day 31: IF Leads To Binge

Yesterday, I went for a 10-mile run in the morning. In the afternoon, I went to the beach for a few hours.

At 4pm I made some keto cheez-its which were delicious and cooked up some ribeye’s for my sister and I. We then went on a riverboat from 6:30pm-11:30pm.

So I had only eaten the one meal, even though it was probably a 2500 calorie meal.

When I got home, I think I was hungry. I didn’t want to eat because it was time to go to sleep but I ended up eating somewhere around 3500 calories of salami, pork rinds, cream cheese, chicken. I wasn’t tracking anything yesterday but I think my protein was very high and my carbs were over 20g. I’m kicking myself this morning because I feel heavy and full and dehydrated.

My food addiction is going to take a long time to unknot. I’m realizing this more and more. 1 month is nothing in the scheme of healing nueroatypical behavioral patterns.

The big idea that bums me out is that, if I could just talk myself down from those situations of mental ravenousness, I could become the body that will help me progress in ultrarunning.