Ultra Disheartened - Now what?!?


I tried Metformin 3 times all before going to Keto WOE. The first time I had no side effects unless I had a carbonated drink, but I stopped taking it because I didn’t think it was helping me at all. 2nd time had terrible digestive issues and doc at that time said your allergic. 3rd time (new doc didn’t agree with thoughts of allergy) no digestive side effects, but I was swelling like crazy on it, 10lbs in less than a week, doc said he’d never seen anyone react that way and to never take it again - that same doc started me on Trulicity which I truly think was helping my insulin issues (noticed improvements in ovulation or mid-cycle symptoms) but was increasing episodes of severe bile duct pain, my insurance wouldn’t cover it for me without a T2D diagnosis which I don’t have so I chose to just stop it at that time. My IR symptoms are likely from PCOS, but my symptoms are hirtuism, dark patches of skin (under arms, inner thighs, and neck near thyroid) and inability to lose weight, I don’t have other typical symptoms though like many cysts on ovaries, cystic acne, of high cholesterol. If given the opportunity, I would not return to taking Trulicity though because there is NO way I could eat Keto on it, high fat with Trulicity causes serious issues like pancreatitis! I would rather get the healing from Keto now. I am really glad you have a doctor willing to listen and let you go to the higher dose :slightly_smiling_face:

(Jane) #22

I don’t see any red flags in what you are eating.

You are coming up on the fat-adaption phase and if your hunger is reduced then you are well on your way to that.

If your IR is bad enough you may have to keep reducing your eating window to get your insulin down. Eat real food and enough so you don’t get hungry in between. You are basically on two meals a day except for your coffee and I still count that as TMADeven with the milk and HWC (purists would argue).

At some point you can try what Dr. Fung recommends and skip eating altogether for a day - basically a 36-hr fast. Don’t try this until you know you are fat adapted and it will be easier.

Other than that - just patience. Some women take a couple of months before they start losing weight and most believe it is because of internal healing going on with keto. I tend to agree as I’ve seen so many amazing results from keto - both me and my husband. He didn’t need to lose any weight but eats keto just for the health benefits.


Re: hormone tsunamis, I’ve heard Ken Berry say that he suspects that one reason women have more trouble losing weight is that our bodies are designed to be more protective of our fat stores to sustain not only ourselves, but pregancy, whether needed at that particular moment or not. If you lose a lot of weight quickly that your body might be inclined to put the brakes on as a response. I wonder if that type of thing is what Shawn Mynar was trying to address when she suggested going slowly?

However, I think over time that your body will adjust and you probably end up with the same amount of weight loss either way. Most women go keto cold-turkey and don’t seem to have any serious problems with it.

(PSackmann) #24

It sounds as if you’re eating enough for your body. Reading through the other posts, it sounds as if you have quite a bit going on medically. I would suggest reading The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung, it will give you a foundation to using fasting as a tool to heal the hormones. I’m hoping that will help you.
In another group in which I participated several years ago, some of the women had better results when increasing their carb intake by adding more above-ground vegetables and maybe some berries. This is only anecdotal of course, but if you can add a bit of carbs (maybe from 20 to 40) without leaving ketosis, it would be an interesting experiment. In the meantime, KCKO


Thank you, I have been listening to the obesity code podcast and really enjoying it, I look forward to reading the book as well :blush:


This may just be a fluctuation, but yesterday was the first day since starting Keto that I didn’t eat coconut oil (fat bombs or otherwise prepared), was down 1/2 lb this morning from yesterday…:thinking: perhaps coconut oil while super yummy, isn’t for me during the weight loss phase. Going to continue abstaining and see what happens (I still had dairy yesterday so only eliminated the coconut oil so far)…


Actually doing one at a time will let you see which one is the problem.
Either that or eliminate all possible then reintroduce 1 at a time

(traci simpson) #28

Also, you have to have all 5 bands before the CDC will consider it treatable. I have one band and there is no treatment because there are no effects with just the one band.


Oh boy! Lyme disease can be so elusive in labs and yet overwhelmingly obvious in wreaking havoc on your body, my sister tested positive a few years back, had a bullseye rash though that covered most of her upper arm. Doc told her she probably had dormant Lyme for 15 yrs (when bitten by multiple ticks on a hiking trip as kids) and was re-infected because her reaction was so severe.