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Two Urgent Care Physicians Blow Up The Shutdown
That’s true about drawing a line of acceptable risk. For traffic/transportation we impose laws to create a reasonable level of safety with speed limits, lanes, traffic lights, seat belts, guardrails, etc.
That’s right, the evil government takes away our precious freedom to drive at dangerous speeds, drive in the wrong lane, barrel through intersections with disregard, become a projectile through our windshields, drive off cliffs, etc.
In the case of COVID, a fast-moving, highly infectious virus, which affects some people in ways that are much more serious than the seasonal flu, governments are imposing temporary laws to they to mitigate the dangers of the virus just like traffic laws mitigate transportation dangers.
Where the line should be drawn (how many deaths are “acceptable” can be debated. But based on what was seen in China and Italy, the knee-jerk reaction of the sudden lockdown seems resonable given what we knew and didn’t know at the time, as is the cautious, deliberate approach to re-opening now.
The one thing that can never be calculated is what didn’t happen. How many people don’t die because there are traffic safety laws in place? How many people are not overwhelming the hospitals because the lockdown, mandatory masks and distancing etc. had and are having the intended effect?
Definitely - most of the U.S. is still in the very early stages of the virus outbreak; many states don’t have many cases, given the size of their population. For the country as a whole, cases and deaths have leveled off some, but if New York is removed then things are still trending upwards just about everywhere else.
That’s true of the whole world - there are the few real ‘success stories’ then a few countries where the virus outbreak is farther along, with substantial deaths, and then most of the countries on earth are still quite early in this deal. Brazil - 212 million people or so - I bet we’ll see some wicked numbers there, in the future. China - I’m not sure how true the numbers there are. But just taking the ‘heavyweight’ population countries beyond China - Brazil, India, Russia, Indonesia, most of the U.S., Pakistan, Mexico, Nigeria, Bangladesh - right there you’ve got 3 billion people, and either the virus is just getting going, overall, or hasn’t even really begun spreading much. And the same for most of the rest of the countries on earth.
Agreed - although here in the state of Georgia it’s hardly a “cautious, deliberate approach.”
In looking at the timing of policy decisions, I think it was silly for Governor Kemp to start opening things up when he did. It was on April 20 that he announced the coming first lifting of restrictions, saying, "𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…
At the time, I felt like, “Dude - put the Crack Pipe down…” because the numbers I was seeing ruled out what he was saying. Now, it’s been more than 2 weeks, so we can look back - and I don’t see any way that he could rationally say what he did. The two charts reflect different ways of counting new cases, the one on the left being new virus cases on the day they’re reported, the one of the right being from the Georgia Department of Health, where cases aren’t dated for as long as two weeks or more - the official date is when symptoms appeared, or, if that’s not known, then when the test was taken, or as a last resort - the date the positive test was reported. So any current graph makes it look like the numbers are falling off a cliff - and I’m assuming there is political pressure to have it be this way (it was in April that the GA DPH changed they way they were counting the cases).
For sure - I doubt that S. Korea, Germany, Singapore, Taiwan or Hong Kong are thinking, “Gee, if we could do it all over again, we wouldn’t have taken the measures we did.” I imagine that Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, The U.K. and in the U.S. - New York (and probably 5 or 10 other states, at this point) - would act sooner and more strongly if they could start over.
Heard today that another high population area in China is having an explosive outbreak. One might have to think that you do not become immune one you have had it???
Ron, I hope it’s not as simple as the virus mutating enough that people won’t be immune to new strains. It took 17 years to get from the first SARS to the current one…
China is really big, and they clamped down hard on the early outbreak. But we don’t see consistent or good figures from China - it would be nice to see how many tests, how many positives, etc. 100+ cities with over 1 million people - plenty of possible areas where the virus could spread quickly.
That woman had a psychotic break. In no way should she be employed in any role involving children.
43 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2020 Resistant Starch thread
You do know the same gems and viruses that are going to go on your hands and transfer will do the same with a pair of gloves right?
I work in a large home improvement store which I believe is just as big as our Super Walmart. We have a limit of 500 people at a time. I’m in the Chicago area. I’ve worked the whole time, providing essencial goods to both those who are sheltering in place and for other essential workers. I touch all the products that have to be put away (well I have others who help) I worked many weeks without a mask and now a few weeks with one. We had to wear gloves for a while but then that requirement was lifted. I find it much easier to wash or sanitize my hands without the gloves. I try to maintain 6 feet and for a while was anxious and worried about all the interactions I was having with All these people. In reality, it’s almost impossible to maintain physical distancing in my job. I have people that have questions about how to fix a problem and products that need to be explained. It’s hard to understand people sometimes through their masks especially if they have a strong accent and we are a diverse population of many ethnicities.
So one thing I find amusing is this notion that we want everyone to stay safe at home but we still want others to supposedly risk their lives to provide all our necessities and perhaps our wants. Keep the food and households goods coming, my mail delivered, my internet and TV functioning, water sanitized and provided ect.
Life is not SAFE. We take risks every day when we do anything. Something will kill each of us no matter what we do. I just think we need to think about how much our trying to be safe is really costing us as human beings. How much do we really know and how much is just someone’s guess. We already know how far off the mainstream is on nutrition. Why would we trust without question everything they say is true about this virus. And how do we know there is not an agenda? I personally feel there is a real threat to our liberties.
Do masks and gloves and “social” distancing really keep us safe? I don’t think they are a huge help for this virus.
I personally would rather live in a free world than a safe one.
(Sorry the gloves are just something that I find amusing because unless you take them off between each encounter with a person or object they are of course infected, potentially.) The rest is just my opinions about the current situation.
I do find it disturbing that we can’t really know how accurate these numbers are as anyone with the virus, whether or not it is the cause, can and is being counted, along with those that were not tested but exhibit Any of the Covid - 19 symptoms. Doesn’t that bother you?
This brings to mind a post I read from one of my transplant groups. She got a call from one of her coordinators asking how she was feeling. It ends up one of the nurses that was doing her home care trested positive.
No matter how careful we try to be, things are going to get by us. All we can do is our best, right?
There was a headline in the Telegraph this morning saying “Herd immunity is dangerous concept, says WHO official”
which is a bit worrying when the whole premise of a vaccine would depend on herd immunity and WHO is the only organisation permitted to voice an opinion in some areas of social media.
(I do not know whether the article will be accessible without a subscription)
Yes, my feelings exactly. I posted on another thread how selfish and sanctimonious people were about expecting everyone to shelter in place and angry if folks did not comply…
AT THE SAME TIME they expected their mail and Amazon delivered to their doorstep, food and supplies plentiful at the stores, reliable utilities, etc. Do they have ANY CLUE how many people have to keep working and put themselves at risk so they can feel “safe”??? I’ve seen how quickly the supply chain breaks down after a hurricane. It takes a lot of warm bodies to keep it going.
The guilt trip of “letting the old people die” rings hollow when they expect people like yourself and my 2 sons in Houston to keep working and exposing yourselves so they can be comfortable in their isolation.
I agree with Janie and Happyheart. I keep hearing (not so much here) older people wailing about the stupidity and selflishness of the ‘young’ whenever they see one doing just about anything besides serving them. It is easy to say keep everything locked down when the retirement check is still coming or you have a white-collar job you can do at home for full pay. All the while having take-out and grocery delivery and packages dropped on your doorstep. The people providing those services and working those jobs are by and large young. They can expose themselves all day long picking out rib eyes and delivering new blenders, but heaven help them if they want to see a friend or go to a park after work. Then they are horrible and thoughtless.
Toodling around on Brighteon, found another video- (and about 10 additional repeats of it) that was also banned on Youtube.
Interesting food for thought, if you haven’t seen it. Watch through until the end, as she addresses quite a lot of issues.
This is a prime example of a thread being derailed by one off-topic post. In the future please flag the off-topic post and it will be removed. I don’t have time to sort and move every resistant starch comment to a new thread. End the discussion and get back on topic, please. @atomicspacebunny, start a new thread if you want to discuss this further.
Fine, I found the time, created a new thread and moved all the comments.
Was just reading about Dr Mikovits here