I think the people saying “there’s no problem here” are getting too much of their information from unreliable sources.
What we DO know:
- people with pre-existing conditions are much more likely to require hospitalization, ICU and more likely to succumb to the disease.
- these include immune-deficiencies, respiratory disease and cardiovascular disease (so, we can include heart problems, asthma, T1&T2 diabetes, people with scarred / compromised lungs).
- people over 50 are hit much harder by the disease
- it’s harder on men than women
- can also cause excessive clotting / strokes.
So, while children, for the most part tend to just shrug it off and teens - 20’s much the same, as we get older and have other health conditions our probability of severity dramatically increases.
Me, I smoked for 30+ years, worked in a yarn factory in the late 80’s for a couple years (read: no PPE, so lungs full of synthetic fibres), had pneumonia 4x over the years (first time at 20), and I’ll be 52 in July. Based on the stats I’ve seen, if I get it, I have about an 85% chance of dying. Otherwise, very healthy and active (lost over 100lbs on Keto).
Edit: Where they’re enjoying warmer temps - the risk may be lower. It appears Covid may follow similar patterns to our flu season - the warmer temps may kill it off. As we get more data, this should prove this out…and we’ll find out what outdoor temperature ranges make things considerably safer.
Edit2: (sorry, meant to add this as well). Many of us came here originally in search of information so we could battle health issues that we had (overweight, fatty liver, T2 diabetes, etc). Many people that are overweight are either T2 or pre-diabetic - a very high percentage of the population (lots of sources out there - someone can post a link to somewhere reputable) So, unfortunately, where this disease to run it’s course, with no isolation, I think you could be seeing millions of deaths in the US.