Trying to determine carbs and benefits/risks of products


(Willow) #1

Hello all,

I have become confused about some things and would like to ask opinions on several things.

First, there are total carbs, fiber (not diegested), sugar alcohols (that are not digested), and net carbs (that are digested). When you track are you tracking all of the carbs (total carbs) or just net carbs?

I ask this because I was wondering about consuming this xylitol sweetener. It has 4 sugar alcohols. If I put it in the recipe I want to make will it add carbs to it or is it not counted because sugar alcohols can’t be digested?

Sorry if this was covered somewhere in the FAQ post I sometimes need clarification (learning style is visual). I know people who track net carbs and people who track total carbs which way should I track? Before getting excited about the sweetener I wanted to ask everyone.

Picture below:

Second question I have is how does everyone feel about the drink sparkling ICE pictured below:

I have been reading about it as an alternative to ween myself off needing soda. I just like to have something I can maybe mix with tequila…that is not seltzer water haha

Last question what does everyone like to eat to stave off a sweet tooth cravings? I never have the urge to eat sweets until I restrict myself :alien: If I was to say make chocolate covered bacon what would be the choclate that has the least carbs (as far as brand) I know dark chocolate will have less carbs. Any brand in particular that everyone agrees is keto friendly.

Thank you all sorry if some of the information could be found in FAQ sometimes I need validation that I am on the right path even if I have the right idea or after reading the information many times.:grin:

(Carl Keller) #2

It’s like 60/40 in the forum poll, with the 60 being net carb counters and the 40 being total carb counters. I’ve done both and both have worked for me. If you are doing this to lose a little weight and improve your overall health, I believe net is fine. If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, battle with sugar addiction or have more serious health concerns, then maybe total is the way to go. The main difference to me is that I can eat nearly twice as many veggies on net carbs. Check out this thread to get more angles from both sides of the question:

I don’t use this but from what I have read posted by others, some sweetners will spike your blood glucose and others might not. People respond differently to these and there’s only one way to find out.

I’ve read that some possible side effects of xylitol are inflammation and upset stomach, but again, it’s not everybody. Personally, I just indulge in a little stevia in my morning coffee. For the most part, I don’t want anything to do with artificial sweeteners because I don’t want to even flirt with the prospect of reawakening my tasmanian devil of a sweet-tooth.

(Scott) #3

Fiber carbs don’t count. Me, I just don’t see the logic of artificial sweeteners so I don’t need to count them. I am anti sugar kind of guy.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #4

I’ll be honest, that stuff goes right through me. I’ve read plenty about Splenda being bad but it’s what I use. I can’t stand the taste of Stevia. I personally count each packet Splenda as one carb and it goes toward my 20 net carbs a day.

Everyone has a different opinion on artificial sweeteners because they effect people differently. Years ago, when I was doing Atkins, I bought some Diet A&W Root Beer and those things stalled and bloated me out so bad. Trial and error.

(Willow) #5

Hmm I have much to think about. I so far have been doing total carbs. It has not been bad. If I want a treat I will just plan for it and count it. It has not been hard to do that so far. I was just reading up on the sugar alcohols and got to thinking.


On a different matter, if you own dogs it’s best not to use xylitol at all as it’s very deadly for dogs.

(Willow) #7

I did read that and it is concerning I have not opened the package all the way yet I began to but then wanted opinions. I have a small dog, I also have cats, guinea pigs and a gecko. I would be worried about all the animals because I was reading up on the xylitol.

(Jennibc) #8

I am with you Carl. I stay away from all of it because my tastes have changed and I don’t want to go back. An interesting aside is a friend of mine quit drinking Diet Coke and took off 20 pounds. That’s right, Diet Coke. That’s the only thing he changed and down he went 20 pounds. So obviously the artificial sweetener was affecting him. My half sister was complaining because she has about 30 pounds she wants to lose and has been doing low carb and she hasn’t budged. She told me she was eating a nightly ‘keto mug cake’ that she made using one of those fake sweeteners and almond flour. I suggested that she forgo it, she did, and lost over 3 pounds that week. I haven’t talked to her since so I don’t know if she has managed to stay off of the fake sweets or not.

(Troy) #9

Some people do ok w Sucralose
Not something I choose to drink
I can’t just have one🙂

For me, I will have an occasional zevia

(Carl Keller) #10

Amen to that. My tastes have definitely changed and going back has zero appeal to me.

Ironic how eliminating something that’s “zero” calories can trigger weight loss. Good for your friend! :slight_smile:

(Cindy) #11

Willow, so much of this is going to be “see how it affects you” type replies. Everyone does things a bit differently. For example, I don’t count carbs at all. I know myself well enough that if I said “I can have up to 20 g carbs/day” (wouldn’t matter if it was net or total), I’d find ways to eat right up to that limit. And for me, that’s not what this is about. I want this to be sustainable, I don’t want to worry or stress over everything going into my mouth (how many carbs does it have? Oh no, I didn’t measure it!), so instead, I think about having as few carbs as possible within the context of still enjoying what I eat.

Example…tonight’s dinner was part of a ribeye, some green beans, and cheesy cauliflower. I haven’t a clue how many carbs was in that…or protein…or fat. But it was delicious and satisfying and healthy…

(Empress of the Unexpected) #12

I know - isn’t that amazing? I have a friend who claims that is all she gave up as well! I wasn’t one of the lucky ones - I never drank soda, juice, or ate fruit but managed to only lose the weight when I went to 20 grams of carbs or under.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #13

Please forgive the correction, Carl, but it’s necessary, because this whole way of eating is about lowering insulin. And besides, someone might feel a sugar rush, but elevated insulin is generally something we don’t feel directly.

@ZombiePagan89 Carl is basically right, however; many people have a reaction to one or another of the non-nutritive sweeteners (or whatever we should be calling them). You may or may not react to xylitol with an insulin spike; you’ll have to experiment to find out. But if you use the stuff and don’t get the results you’re hoping for, just remember that it might be the sweetener holding you back. On the other hand, as a crutch for getting through the mourning period for sugar, it might be totally worth it. But a lot of people find it easier just to give up sweetness altogether. You’ll have to see what works best for you. Good luck, and keto on! :bacon:

(Carl Keller) #14

Good call. It was early and I was still waking up…


Once I went keto I didn’t desire sweets. Your desire for food and types of food changes.

No diet or style of eating is without its challenges, but I find it pretty easy.

The idea is to look forward, count the benefits and dig up some tasty recipes.

I think if you look in the paste and over the fence and try to emulate sugary foods it might all be a big struggle.

I wouldn’t touch xylitol if they gave me the company for free. It even sounds like poison. Didn’t even bother naming it with some deceptively sweetonol type name.

Just my 2cents worth.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #16

My favorites are erythritol and allulose. Allulose acts more like sugar (dissolves in liquid easily, will make syrup or caramelize). Erythritol is cheaper and good when you just want to balance salt or add a little sweetness to coffee or tea. I have had zero issues in the amounts that I use them. Tried stevia and monk fruit, both have a bitter back bite after the initial sweet taste. But they are still useful to accentuate sugar alcohols which are usually about 70% the sweetness of sugar. That’s why commercial blend have multiple sweeteners instead of just one type. But I prefer to mix my own and it’s cheaper to buy a 1# or 2# bag than little packets. I’ve only made keto treats a couple of times since I started and mostly use them for balancing salt in small quantities. Like in a stir fry to balance soy sauce.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #17

I wish I could say the same. But at least I’m clear that it’s a drug craving, not a real desire.

Even though I sometimes give in. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, alas!

(Heather Meyer) #18

Spoken like a true Bapticostal! :wink:

I too, confess, any Keto sweet is not just a sweet but a drug. And too many Keto chocolates over Christmas got me an addiction. So now im confessing…repenting and trying to move beyond even though my flesh cries out for just a taste more of that “unmentionable keto sin”

(Heather Meyer) #19

God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change.
The courage to change the things i can
And the wisdom to know the difference…

Clearly ive visited one too many carbaholic anonomous meetings…

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #20

Let us join together, brothers and sisters, in singing hymn number 176, “O Praise Ye the Lard!” :bacon: