Truffle degustation at the NPC

(Richard Morris) #1

Oyster with sea urchin and truffle foam and a glass of bubbles

I avoided the Cobb and just ate the butter - scandalized a few ppl at the table apparently. But the truffles were in the butter not the bread.

Raw beef then they came around and poured over it a truffle consomme

Cured salmon with avocado puree, caviar and truffle mayonnaise
[This was my Salmon, that chef had to commandeer cos he got extra covers at the last minute]

Roast bird + licorice braised leeks and spinach in a milk and truffle sauce. It was on a mash (which I tasted and left) and morel and truffle sauce

I just sneered at the desert and shot the truffle anglaise straight in my mouth cos chef assured me it was just truffled eggs and cream.

Truffled cambenbert

… and then to make sure I had somewhere to put any carbs in that meal I wasn’t aware of … I cycled 64km today to put a hole in my muscle glycogen. Started the ride at 6.7 mmol/l by the end I was 4.7 mmol and making ketones again.

Canberra is overflowing with Truffles ATM
(Richard Morris) #2

Darren the exec chef truffling the cheese.

Btw @Brenda this is what I’m doing to @jules 's triple cream brie for ketofest.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #3

Oh holy shit, I’m a lucky lucky girl!!!
I can’t WAIT to try it @jules! THANK YOU for being such an awesome fromagère!