Time to hit reset

(jilliangordona) #1

This past weekend I enjoyed a lovely weekend with my boyfriend in the mountains getting ready to watch the solar eclipse (which ended in him now being my fiancé :ring:). We wined, we dined, and then we dined some more. I think I had more bread and sugar in one weekend than I have for the whole last year!

Do I feel bloated and tired? Yep.
Am I mad at myself? Nope.

At the beginning of keto, if i would say non keto foods I would feel so guilty and beat myself up. But… if I had been freaking out about food all weekend, I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the weekend and the delicious food that we had.

Heading into a fast tonight, probably three days, to help kick start things. Hopefully anyone out there who has recently “cheated” and feels guilty can read this and not feel so bad. I will never be in the business of making non keto foods a habit… but life goes on and should be enjoyed whether there are keto food on your plate or not.

Keep calm and keto on, y’all!

(Linda Culbreth) #2

Congrats on your engagement! Yes, the eclipse was special - celebrate with a few more pieces of :bacon: when you stop fasting.


Many happy wishes and congratulations for your engagement!

I love the attitude of enjoying life, even if you have to stray from your preferred WOE for just a bit. It is a healthy way to see these celebration moments and not to allow food to become and issue.

I’m very happy still, to hear that you are going right to the fasting and back to keto. KCKO :smiley: :bacon:


How very fabulous - many congratulations. I think the key is not to let shame and guilt enter the equation because that is where the spiralling most likely starts. Own it, learn something from the experience and move on. Good attitude.


Congratulations! Sounds like a lovely weekend and a great plan for returning to healthy eating.