Temperature in IF vs EF

(Karim Wassef) #1

Reading through the threads, I’m seeing an interesting dichotomy between IF and EF thermal effects.

It seems that IF has a thermic effect (getting warmer, feeling warmer)

And EF has a reverse thermic effect (cold, chills)

I have been IF for a couple of years so I don’t recollect the difference between IF and multi-day eating. I do feel cold or chills on EF.

I see the contrast between my usual (IF) and EF… but I’m curious if this “warming” effect due to IF is common or just specific to some individuals…

What’s your experience on IF? Do you feel warmer than with multi-day eating?


I’m cold all the time, but worse when water fasting. That said, I do have ME, the worst form of chronic fatigue and my body is short of energy all the time . Water fasting can make me ill for weeks with sore throat, cramps, pain, extreme malaise etc.
I do IF, it fits me , but I don’t get any warmer than if I eat every 3 hour or than I did the 2 years I ate high carb low fodmap after almost 6 years of keto/IF .

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #3

Interesting. I’ve been doing regular IF and for the past few days my temp has been running around 96.4-96.8

(Karim Wassef) #4

Is that higher or lower than without IF?

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #5

I’m not sure. I usually run around normal temp (98.6) even when IF

(Karim Wassef) #6

Ok so colder by 2 degrees F on IF

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #7

Not really. Temp has also been normal on IF as well. Just lower the past few days


I have naturally gotten into a pattern of IF now16:8, at night my legs become very warm/hot to the touch and I am hot every single night, turning thermostat down over and over. In the past (pre-Keto) if I did an Ext Water Fast, by day two I was cold all the time…could wear a sweater in Summer kind of cold and that would last until fast ended.

(PJ) #9

My temp is normally a full degree low. Since fasting (right now I’m 1 minute from starting day 10) it’s been coming up almost daily.

This might be because I am supplementing out the yang, though. There may be some nutrient that causes the cold effect – and short fasts don’t deplete it enough and EF does. I might be compensating for it with the heavy supp schedule.