Teaching Parents About Intermittent Fasting


I have been explaining the benefits of intermittent fasting to my parents for about 2 months now. It’s all I would talk about to the point that my mother told me I was being annoying–it’s literally the harshest thing she has ever said to me.

Today, mother surprised me by telling me that she and my father had been 16:8 intermittent fasting for a week now, and that it was easy–I almost dropped the phone in shock. What impressed me most is that they decided to start intermittent fasting because the science was sound. Additionally they are phasing out high carbohydrate foods slowly, their diet is good already in that they don’t eat processed or take away food, so it’s just a matter of phasing out starches, grains and fruit (except berries)–again because the science is sound–both have varying degrees of inflammation and hope to reduce it in time.

My parents are 75 years old, goes to show change is possible at any age.

(Alec) #2

I thought you were going to the local mothers club and evangelising about fasting!! :rofl::rofl:


@Alecmcq Haha, I’m tempted but I think my mother will end up doing that herself.


Absolutely fantastic! Good for them :smile:


Thanks @buffy, I’m so excited for my parents, I can hardly wait to see what benefits they will start to see first.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #6

That’s what I thought too!

(Maha) #7

Sadly, my kids will never be able to say this ;-).

I’m really happy for your and your parents that they are on track to improving their health. That’s really awesome and what a good feeling that must bring you. Nice work!

(B) #8

@crickette time for an update how is it going 15 days in?


Mum is doing great but it’s been a bit of a battle with dad. He has completely removed table sugar which is amazing, but the grains, namely bread is a challenge—Mum and I are trying to perfect Keto bread to remedy this. Both are intermittent fasting with a feeding window of 8 hours which surprisingly they don’t have a problem with. Im still very encouraged by their efforts but understand it is a long process to completely change their diets.

(B) #10

thats great. im on heaps of fasting fb pages and a whole food lower refined carb approach really works well. for some anyway. not the end of the world if your dad has carbs still!


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