Supplements to improve strength training

(Alex Dipego) #21

I have all there programs, it’s great stuff.

(Jason) #23

I take HMB

I also supplement pre-workout with
Salt, Caprilic Acid, Condense by Purus Labs, and BCAA. It’s a great mix.


I use Ketocana (kind of expensive) about 30 mins before some workout when I need to hit turbo - it’s exogenous ketones to get a boost as I’m normally running right around nutritional ketotis of greater than 0.5 mmol to 1.0 mmol.

(Steak and iron) #25

Speaking from experience here, I have never found creatine to affect ketosis at all.

(Abraham Reyes) #26

Also forgot to recommend citrulline malate its great for working out fasted

(Jamie Hayes) #27


I’ve always found the absolute best supplement to improve strength is BHW.

BHW is Bloody Hard Work!!!

Start by recognising that muscles do not get stronger lifting weights… or to be more accurate during each weight lifting session. They actually get stronger in the adaptation period 24 to 72 hours AFTER you’ve lifted weights as a direct response to the overload stimulus you’ve given each muscle group on each exercise from the effort you made, especially in the very last rep of each exercise, provided they have adequate nutrition (just enough protein) and rest. No overload - little or no adaptation.

I see so many gym members going through their routines of multiple sets of multiple reps and never getting to a point of overload on any exercise. If you can actually do all your sets and reps without getting to a stage that it requires real effort, then you are denying yourself optimal results.

A little-used strength training term is INROAD, which describes the adaptive stimulus created by getting to a point of momentary muscular failure - the inability to (with good form) do another rep.

There’s two type of inroad: concentric (the lifting phase where the engaged muscle/s are shortening) and eccentric (the lowering phase where the engaged muscles are lengthening).

We are actually weaker on the lifting phase, so most people stop when they can no longer lift the weight (with good form).

The advanced technique that typically requires a spotter/trainer is eccentric overload, where the trainer helps you lift the weight and then take over and slowly lower the weight. With pull ups, this can be done by using a step to get to the high position and then slowly lowering yourself. But be warned that training to eccentric failure can stimulate a greater amount of delayed muscle soreness.

Good luck with your training. You only need to do it for life.

(Athena Elliston) #28

I have read that using creatine can kick you out of ketosis. Have you found this to be true?

(Jamie Hayes) #29

Hi Athena,
This is almost a new topic to get the attention it deserves.
I have no answer. Sorry.

(Athena Elliston) #30

no worries, hopefully more will be researched and discussed on this topic in future!

(Athena Elliston) #31

I have not heard of this. What are the benefits?

(Peter Barney) #32

I have had no problems with creatine kicking me out of ketosis, I use it daily in conjunction with my work outs my daily blood ketones hang between 0.8 - 1.9

(Abraham Reyes) #33

it depends on what brand of creatine monohydrate you use some are mixed with sugars just get pure creatine monohydrate it has no carbs and it shouldn’t kick you out of ketosis … I’ve tested my blood and I stay within my normal ketone levels

(Abraham Reyes) #34

(Jake P) #35

What do you all think about this?

I started doing Strong Lifts 5X5; I haven’t used any supplements yet, and with the great foods I am eating on Keto, I’m not sure I need them, but still, an edge is an edge.

(eat more) #36

i say no
but i’ve had more than one bad experience with preworkout so if it actually does provide an edge…at what cost? and there’s usually all kinds of other crap in them
the whole preworkout thing is realitively new…like the last 10-15 years…before that it was coffee :blush:

are you struggling with getting through your training? like above muscle fatigue or unusual in relation to the effort you’re putting out?

i also say save your money and have bpc or just some straight fat before your training…
about 10-15 years ago a bodybuilder told me “have 2T of peanut butter before the gym…you’ll be amazed with your workout”
this was in low fat days but i did it anyway cuz i liked pb lol

(G. Andrew Duthie) #37

Contains caffiene and maltodextrin. If I want caffiene pre-workout, there’s always coffee. :slight_smile:

I think there’s potential merit to supplements, but this particular product looks like it’s a bunch of stuff thrown together in packaging to appeal to wanna-be bros. Probably better to research the individual supplements (like creatine or citrulline, etc.) and do some testing on yourself and see if they are helpful.

Far cheaper that way, too. Here’s the creatine I’ve used (still have a bunch, and considering adding it back into my pre-post workout beverages):

Much, much cheaper than the packets of combined stuff, some of which I don’t even recognize.

And FWIW, this topic is quite timely for me…I’m also doing SL 5x5, and I’m getting to the point of failure on OHP, and probably close to it on both squat and deadlift, though the latter I think may be partly a matter of needing chalk to improve my grip on the bar.

KB's KETO Diet Study
(Jake P) #38

I am not struggling yet regarding the weight, I’m getting board of squatting, though but that’s ok. I have been going later at night, between 8:30-9:30, sometimes I feel more tired than usual, but chalking that up to the late time.

The peanut butter sounds like a good idea.

(eat more) #39

how long have you been doing 5x5?
maybe your brain is just bored…i get bored with my training far too often :joy:
i’m doing a 5x5 program also but i think today i’m going to do 3x8-10 sets of the same exercises just for something different

(Jake P) #40

I had lots of false starts, or would get in a few weeks and peter out, I have been going consistently for over a month.
I started going with a friend and that has helped considerably. I can tell a difference and I like what I see so I’m dedicated to this.

(G. Andrew Duthie) #41

I wonder if working out alone is part of the problem. I could probably push harder if someone was encouraging me. But the reality is that I haven’t got the time, nor someone who is similarly interested in the workouts, to push me.

I usually work out first thing in the morning, so I might be well served to have a little fat and/or coffee before I work out, and then go to it.

Also struggling in part because of a foot injury, having slipped on the stairs over the weekend. Not bad enough to prevent me working out, but it’s enough to make squats harder in particular, and probably doesn’t help with the deadlift, either.