Still not losing weight after 3 years on keto


You say that like fatty is a saving grace and automatically makes it a better choice.

If you’re trying to reduce caloric intake, fats are about the only way to do it. The carbs are already too low to get much return from reducing them further, and you don’t want to consistently be short on the proteins macro.

Those that are fat adapted with lessened hunger often have to go to leaner meats, to make sure they get in enough protein.

(Feeling better ty) #43

No, just that carnivore is the most unhealthy way to eat, if you like it then good for you, I prefer to eat vegetables to get enough potassium that can’t be found in meat alone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Feeling better ty) #44

Eggs are not carnivore for me, I could not eat them on carnivore, only on keto, i would get severe gut cramps

(Feeling better ty) #45

I like tracking sodium and potassium and protein for the most part, I tried to not keep track many times and I was always low on something like sodium or whatever, if I just guess and not track it just doesn’t work, so I track things because I like to eat a lot of vegetables, but some won’t track because they just eat a couple cups of vegetables like cauliflower and they know they are easily under 15 net grams no problem but I use so many vegetables so I get the most potassium I can get and still stay under 20 net grams of carbs, I cut it real close so I have to gram weigh everything

(Feeling better ty) #46

I will never lift heavy weights again while on keto, my muscles hurt like hell just riding bike, and sweating too much I lose to many electrolytes, like my groin and legs are hurting, I know, no pain no gain, but I am not trying to bulk, just cut, I really don’t care if I lose some muscle if my gut fat will go away. I just wanna get skinny with some muscle but not built :nerd_face:

(Feeling better ty) #47

That video is too hard to understand, it’s like he is talking to a bunch of doctors or scientists, I stopped it halfway through because it’s to hard to understand with all the big words that make absolutely no sense to me, I was completely lost, I was like wtf is he talking about :man_shrugging:t2: Layman terms please geez :roll_eyes:


Go to sleep. :wink:

(Scott) #50

There is not much difference between carnivore and keto WOE. When I went Carnivore the only change for me was I stopped eating veggies with dinner. Everyone has their own way of defining a way of eating so my saying is my diet, my rules. If it comes from an animal that has two eyes, its carnivore. So eggs and heavy whipping cream are okay by me. My point is you are all over the place and it is not working for you. You are going to need to simplify this rather than make it complicated. You already know the simple definition of Keto and Carnivore. If it is not for you then so be it. I am perfectly okay with that but I do think you need to find something to improve your health. Getting your body to a healthy weight however you do it is going to be a significant first step.

(Feeling better ty) #51

Yes well it’s very hard sense I don’t have anyone to do it with and nobody to say this is what I eat and what I do, and with two ppl in my family eating carbage all day, I can only do what works the best I can, some ppl have a wife or gf that does it with them so they can learn together, I just know how awesome I feel when I eat a lot of cauliflower for instance, and trying to watch videos that are too complicated to understand so I can only do what works for me, I can never cheat, some ppl can have a cheat day but I can’t even eat a tiny bit of carbage or I feel like crap the next day. I was just reading this stuff on your site for the last 3 years and some was difficult to understand so I just figured f it. I just wing it and hope it works, my niece told me that when I Plateau that I should just cheat come out of ketosis and then go back in and then I would start losing weight again, but that is the wrong way, trying to become fat adapted and then try to fast is best I just don’t think I’m fully fat adapted even though I been doing it so long, I don’t get hungry in the morning till noon, I just know carnivore is not healthy for me, can’t get all the necessary nutrients from only meat And dr phinney does not endorse carnivore, keto is best with plenty of low sugar vegetables fiber is not a lie, believe what you want to, I think fiber is necessary and foolish to think otherwise

(Feeling better ty) #52

And joining some websites and groups are like joining church that believes a certain way, and if you don’t believe the way they do then you don’t feel welcome, I was in this church and they said I had to go to some kind of classes to become a member then because I just didn’t agree with them I was kicked out of the church or nobody would talk to me, but you folks have much knowledge on these things and trying to join a fb group with ppl running the group don’t know what they are talking about, like The blind leading the blind. So that’s why I decided to join here because there is more evidence and Science behind what you all talk about, I just don’t agree with everything after trying things on my own, what keeps me going is writing all the things down that has gotten better or gone away like no Spring allergies And no IBS and my inflammation is so low that if I hurt myself my body heals faster, 6 months ago I fell on the ice getting out of my car the back of my head and had a thick hat on, it hurt for a few days then I was as good as new, and that infection that I got the doctor said most ppl that get what you have are usually in lots of pain and I said to him well maybe it’s because of being in ketosis and he just said nooooo I don’t think it has anything to do with your diet, I thought to myself I think it has everything to do with it

(Scott) #53

This is why I say you are all over the map.

You have strong unyielding opinions and don’t seem to want to digest or apply any help that others offer. Best of luck to you and I hope you find what you seek.

(Jane Srygley) #54

I can sympathize. I am 57yo and have adopted and rejected various suggestions over the years. You might look into the Wahls Protocol. Dr. Wahls advocates keto with a lot of vegetables.

Not sure if you’ve tried fasting for 24 hours or more or if you’ve read The Obesity Code. Insulin is the reason we have weight gain and the reason we can’t lose, and food isn’t the only thing that stimulates insulin. Carnivore Yogi also had trouble with a 100% carnivore diet and found that her blood sugar was going up pretty significantly at night even on zero carbs. It really is a matter of trial and error.

Good luck :heart:

(Edith) #55

I think you just need to keep it simple: fattier cuts of meat and vegetables. Adding in nuts, seeds, and fancy keto treats just makes things too complicated.

You will still have veggies, not too much fat, and protein. You may find keeping it that simple helps. Too much fat will still allow you to be in ketosis, but you burn dietary fat instead of body fat. I wouldn’t add extra fat except what you need for cooking the food.

(Feeling better ty) #57

That’s because I thought I was in ketosis, but after I saw my blood pressure was so high I went back to keto and my bp dropped, and I was talking about my body having low inflammation and that was why I was not in pain like other carb addicts, maybe you don’t know that you can have an infection and not be in pain like others would be on carb heavy diet, so quit pulling things I say and using them out of context, you just don’t take the time to read and understand what I’m trying to say, on this site it sure seems like I have to agree with everything you ppl say here, it’s the way I understand things if you don’t like it oh well, I’m not perfect but I’m not going to do something I have already tried and it didn’t work, maybe I didn’t do carnivore right, but I didn’t have anybody to help me do it right, all I get is criticism, if you all wanna agree with each well good for you, but I’m doing this WOE the best I know how and all I get ppl picking apart what I say, I tried to get some help transitioning back to keto from carnivore on a fb group and everyone just attacked me, saying you shouldn’t stop carnivore, I’m like it’s my choice, and instead of fighting with me try helping me go back, then a lady from that group jumped on them saying they should support me not cut me down, so that lady helped me with some tips.

(Feeling better ty) #58

I don’t eat fancy treats, I am very strict, I will sometimes have a small bag of nuts, other than that, I don’t do fat bombs or keto ice cream or bullet proof coffee Hell I don’t even know how to make fat bombs or bulletproof coffee, I like my coffee with a bit of whipped no sugar cream, I am retired I don’t work a regular job anymore so I might get as much exercise but riding bike walking or cleaning house or cutting the lawn, :man_shrugging:t2:

(Ron) #59

I have read this whole thread and I fail to see where you have asked a question. You have come on here and just complained about how things don’t work for you. You have gotten suggestions to try and have dismissed them completely. What exactly are you expecting from this forum and the people who participate? Were not doctors or claim to be and we all understand everyone is different. All have learned what works for them through trial and error just like you are doing. If your looking to just vent your woes on someone maybe a facebook group or something might better suit your emotional needs. Good luck figuring it out.

(Feeling better ty) #60

Yes I like help if you can try n stop coming across like a know it all, ok I get it you are perfect I guess I’m not oh well let’s just pick apart everything I say, geeez man I read your suggestions but most I have tried already and hearing it all over just frustrates me more, been there tried that, I know what works for me, and I might run into a snag or two but I push through and read more info on this site to see what is going on. For some ppl the WOE comes easy, I’m not going to quit keto just quit listening to you if I think your wrong. I can tell what I need most of the time or I eventually figure it out

(Feeling better ty) #61

Wow, what a jerk, and I thought this would be a good site to join and maybe enjoy learning something but I just Get attacked and cut down, you all think you have all the answers for everything ok you all are right I am wrong :man_shrugging:t2: What a joke and to think I referred ppl to this site, well that won’t happen again

(Bunny) #62

Only Bat Man can solve this dilemma?

I seen what looked like the original bat mobile while waiting at a traffic light yesterday, if it was copy, it sure was a good one.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #63