Starting Completely Over

(Brian) #7

That’s true, Alex. I wasn’t sure where Dawn might be exactly. I know some people have an easier time with fasting then others. I’m not one that does it that often but love that I can do it pretty easily.

I’m on a sort of “modified fast” right now myself, just because I felt like I wanted to. I ate breakfast on Monday morning and since then have just been having my morning coffee. I can’t do it black so a little cream and stevia is how I take it. Just the normal amount, and all at one sitting, at breakfast time, not sipped on all day. And I’m amazed at how great I feel, that I’m not hungry, and that I have plenty of energy. I have in mind to have supper with my wife (she’s away on a short trip so it’s just me… and I DO know how to cook, LOL!) on Thursday evening. So that’ll be maybe 80 hours or so, give or take a little. And it’s not truly a “water fast” since I’ve continued my morning coffee. But I’d like to think it’s a good thing. The scale has gone down a little, not a lot. And that’s fine. I notice it a little in the mirror. But mainly, I’ve been kinda feeling like I needed to take a break with the food even though I generally have been eating low-carb. Funny thing is, habit is probably my biggest reminder that I haven’t eaten. Once I get busy with something else, I’ll forget completely. Dunno, maybe that means I’m “fat adapted”. (?) It’s just not something I worry about. And, if I get hungry tomorrow morning, I won’t get dogmatic about that 80 hours, I’ll have something. But as things are going, I’m just fine.

Anyway, just sharin’. :slight_smile:

(Alex) #8

I’d say you’re definitely fat adapted if you can casually go 80 hours without food! I get the feeling like I need to take a break from food sometimes too, give my digestive system a break. I rarely make it beyond dinner though as my body always expects dinner, so it works out as the occasional spontaneous omad I guess.

I only highlighted it from your post because it’s easy to forget how much going without food sucks when you’re not fat adapted. I think it’s good advice if someone’s been doing keto for months and have just had a carb filled holiday weekend they want to bounce back fast from, but for beginners it’s more headaches and fixation on food than feeling great and full of energy. At least that was my experience when I tried to fast my way back into keto adaptation after 4 or 5 months off!

Also, focusing on doing your best today is a great ethos :slight_smile:

(Scott) #9

Make note of how you feel health wise and write your thoughts down. Have it as a reminder or motivator if you ever feel yourself slipping back. You know from all the success here that you not only can but you must do this. Yesterday is gone, today is here so start now and don’t wait for tomorrow to come. You got this!


I don’t know how to support you, so I’m just sending you a big virtual fraternal hug. You can do this!

It sounds like you’re feeling down. I’m here hoping you’ll feel better soon and get the results you want.

(Dawn) #11

I am a very seasoned faster but I am not fat adapted right now. My longest fast was about 17 days - which changed my life for the better. If I can get through about two-three weeks of Keto, dedicated with no carb loads, I can jump back into fasting relatively easy. But for right now, I am just so desperate to get back into some type of routine with keto. I left this forum for a really long time, especially after Carl and Richard stopped the keto podcast and it was a HUGE mistake. Just being back today has given me so much encouragement and strength it is unbelievable. I am so grateful to this community and I should have never left, even if I was not strict keto. I would not have fallen as far as I have if I had kept this comment close at hand.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #12


(Dawn) #13

Just your hug is all I need. To have someone who understands. I have to do this on my own. I don’t have family or friends to help, so it’s just me and I am not the strongest person in the world. But I can do this. I did it before, I can do it again

(Susan) #14

Welcome back, Dawn and I wish you all the best in getting back on track.

Exactly this!! We will all be here to cheer you on =).

(Robin) #15

Walk away from all that fret. Today is a new day. And so is tomorrow and the day after. I am assuming, you are a human being, therefore, capable of learning, failing, and starting again. And remember TWO GIANT STEPS back only count in Mother, May I. Otherwise, it’s experience and another chance to live and learn. You already know this will work. You’ve been here before. You know the way already. be kind to yourself, forget the crap that you got you to this place, and march on. You’ve got this.


I think I am unusual with fasting. I also have gained back a lot although I did not really leave so much as take weekly vacations from keto.

I started fasting in 2017 a month before I started Keto. I had a lot of events and would fast from one event to another. There was a week where I fasted from Friday to Sunday night, Most of the day Monday then Tuesday to Thursday. The first 24 hours were a little weird but then it was ok. I had been reading a lot of Jason Fung at the time. I did not believe in Keto at the time but after reseaching realized it worked well with the fasting and started Keto almost a month later. I recently recommitted to keto and have done 42 hour fasts a couple of times. I think it is the only thing that really pushes me into ketosis

As for coffee, I used to do cream even on fasts but now I have found good quality coffee, with cinnamon, turmeric, ginger and a pinch of salf is drinkable black. Never thought that would happen. Good Luck to you and your daughter on your Keto journey

(Dawn) #17

Ok. With the exception of a few too many macadamia nuts and a nasty bout with some thousand island dressing, I did great. I’m stepping down to my 20net so I won’t stress if I’m a little over as I try to get back into this. Sugar cravings are really bad right now. Using Diet Coke to help contain them for now. 1 day at a time right, better each day

(Doug) #18

Welcome back, Dawn. :slightly_smiling_face:


(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #19

You could do a lot worse than too many macs. So just stay focused on getting your carbs down. Best wishes.

(Alex) #20

That’s great! Macadamias and thousand island dressing sound delicious ha.

One day at a time, better each day - awesome mantra :smiley:


Fantastic mantra!

And forward we go!

Have a fantastic day!

(Alex ) #22


Relate, been here many a time. Just remember how good you felt when things were going better, and don’t beat yourself up, no one is perfect.

(Roberta Worley) #23

Great to have you back!

I’m still a greenhorn when it comes to this whole keto thingy. For my husband and me, it’s our last ditch effort after being on so many of those meaningless fad diets. Ugh.

This one is tougher than the Whole30 by far, but in a different way. Not really sure how to explain that.

We own our business and work out of the house. Staying on an even keel with intermittent fasting is one of the biggest challenges we face. Not to mention our twelve year old to be Border Collie. He’s such an incredible exercising instigator! He loves it that we cook so much more at home now than we ever did when he was younger. He’s so lean and full of energy still that it quite amazes both of us! And he really does work at getting us up to run him through our idea of agility courses. And he makes us laugh.

(Dawn) #24

Still struggling but getting better each day. Made a couple bad choices but I’m not beating myself up. This is so very hard though.

(Dawn) #25

As of today I have been gone for four years from this forum. I am now a COW, like a literal cow. I am so completely disgusted with myself that I cannot even think straight. So once again I am starting completely overly.

BUT, I am jumping back in with complete carnivore for 30 days just to see how many body reacts. I have done Keto but not strict carnivore before. It should interesting. I lost most of my weight last time through EF which didn’t make me feel so great. I think fasting has a place, but maybe a bit more subdued like 3- Zorns instead of the 5, 7 14 day fasts that I did in the past.

For anyone doing carnivore, do you know if ham can be used instead of bacon? I am not a bacon fan. Also, is cheese 100% out of the question? I know Dr. Berry does not suggest it for the first 30 days.

I knees are so stiff and swollen that I can barely walk. My gut is a mess. My weight is an all time high. I feel like I just gave up when work became stressful. But now I have a chance to try again.

Alright friends. Sorry to knock this three year old past back to the top of your feed. But if you have any words of encouragement, I could sure use them.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #26

Ham should be fine for a carnivore diet. And I personally don’t see any problem with cheese, although some people might object. I don’t know why Dr. Berry doesn’t recommend it, but his thinking might involve (a) how much milk sugar (lactose and galactose) the cheese in question contains, and (b) whether you have any digestive problem with milk proteins. Myself, I can digest lactose, so that’s not a problem, and I haven’t (yet) noticed any problem with milk proteins, so I would probably not worry about it.