SOP September, CarnivoreStyle


I tried to find some recipes (OH MY now I can’t even use carnivore recipes as they too often have dairy… and pork rinds I can’t get…) and stumbled upon some carnivore articles… It’s always the same when the author voices their opinions and makes statements… I soooo can’t relate in many cases.
I wouldn’t even say meat is boring and it’s probably the most boring for me in this thread. It wouldn’t be boring if I had a more variety (I am fine without seafood but SOME here and there still would help a lot I imagine… but we have nearly zero variety and they are usually super expensive while I know they can’t be substantial and tasty enough… except salmon, that’s good) and if I had some more recipes, maybe, very simple ones. I just stopped eating roasts with the occasional stews, I am a bit lost as I never cooked meat before carnivore. But it will be fine :slight_smile: I usually just use my usual mincemeat+egg+sausage spice mix now.
But being all dramatic… “It is an incredibly restrictive diet. You can’t even have olive oil!”
It’s good I hate olive oil. Cravings are actually no problems for me when on carnivore as my attitude towards food changes and I lose about all my desire to eat food when it’s not to quell my hunger. I go off because I just can’t eat my food anymore, run out of my food, eat at a relative or rather when things just… happen. I will focus on the reason in the future… Yeah, it’s individual, a decade on low-carb surely helps, it’s not like I started my first carni trial after eating half a cake or something, I already was used to very low-carb and liked it enough. Not that. But the author mentioned spinach :smiley: I imagine the newbie carnivore wanting spinach :smiley: One of the worst tasting food item in existence, well okay I hate greens, sorry, surely many people love spinach, Alvaro likes it enough but handles the lack of it pretty well. It was always him to cook it as I dislike making food I find inedible.

I wouldn’t call carnivore (my definition: animal products and not very much sugar either) extremely restrictive… Now. But it’s not, still so many options! But the best thing is that it wonderfully lowers my need for variety in a meaning that many food groups is included… When I did NOTHING but stopped eating vegetables, my food instantly became less boring. Who cares how restrictive something is just looking at the options if we simply don’t feel that? I don’t want to brag about my food options being sooo plentiful and my dishes exciting… I just want to feel happy enough with my food. If someone eats beef and drink water only and they are happy with it, it sounds better than someone on low-carb being utterly miserable without their mounds of potatoes or something.

It’s not even 1pm, I ate a lot yesterday and I already feel a tad hungry (and my stomach is growling, it’s very rare). I have no appetite, it’s something :smiley: I won’t eat yet, I walk first! I fried a little beef and made patties from some other. And got out some pork too, Alvaro probably will need most of our current meat supply in the weekend. But we had 1.5kg beef, not below 1kg, it’s good news. This beef leg slab has more tendons than usual but still not much and leg is the least expensive cut available while it tastes pretty good.

So I will cure my starting meat boredom with beef. Yay! Quick pan fried beef isn’t as tender as a stew but hopefully I will be able to handle most of it and I make the cats happy with the tiny leftover pieces. Cats are amazing. I give them super hard, chewy parts and they eat it like normal, desirable food. They probably swallow big things whole too, something that wouldn’t feel nice at all to me.

Oh. My fat adaptation made that kind of hunger go away for good, it was amazing.
And carnivore is even better than anything else, hunger is soft though can be quite urging… Poor you. I hated my sudden sharp attention seeker hunger of the past…

I have too few teeth at 45… That’s one part of my health that’s not good… But since I eat very low-carb, they don’t go bad all the time, it seems… They still do it as the gum doesn’t cover all the sensitive roots but it’s slow and only affect a few teeth. I avoid my dentist now, it was traumatic last time, too many insanely painful injections, none of my other dentists were that bad… But not eating afterwards were quite easy, I had my first natural 40-something hour fast since decades after a session, I lost all my appetite and my body was cute enough not to give me hunger or weakness either.
When I was younger, I had to go to the dentist nearly every year, for months sometimes… I spent a fortune on my teeth and it’s without implants. I never trusted free dentists (with Hungary’s healthcare, they exist, certain items still cost money but not the filling, pulling, work of the dentist themselves).

But when I eat meat, I wonder why I can’t choose the sharpness of my artificial teeth? Just a bit more sharpness would be nice… And when the upper first teeth get a crown, they get way thicker, blunter… Sigh.

Back to food. I always have so many thoughts about it… I saw it and makes sense… That we can mix organs and muscle meat. I surely will try that out! Not like I couldn’t simply eat liver as a side dish but grounding and mixing them must be different! Sounds good to me.

So I have some ideas for variety before I totally give up my unusually restrictive style. And Alv will make goulash :frowning: I am so good at this now though. Maybe I should tell him it should be stew instead. We will go city shopping very soon, let’s postpone the carbier dishes… It’s not like he is adamant to do it… We never had it every year anyway so living without it isn’t a big deal. It’s just a nice idea, an experiment (beef mixed with pork) and one of the tastiest dishes in existence… :smiley: But stew is very nearly as good. Goulash is basically a bit watery stew - as it’s a rich soup - with carrots and potatoes. But we didn’t make it while I had my off times and now I am stubbornly strict for a tiiiny while. So not now.
I am so rarely this determined, I want to keep my momentum!

I still drink coffees…


Right? drives one insane! Our time over stupid crap, but darn our lives require doing just that :clown_face:

Great food pic Karen!!

Sorry on that but breathe thru it any way you can and we got SOP September—Carnivore style…ALL OF US HOLD PLAN and that is our challenge and goal for the month so this is a great time for SOP to come at ya :slight_smile: Lovely food pics! AND RAW!!! Darn Carnivore Gal, you go girl!

Yup and you will make all those good combo carni meals that suit you!!
You are finding what works for you and doing the best way forward!

Your ‘needing variety’ type still is really normal feelings as we change to carnivore…it took me a long time to drop that ‘variety need’ but it is important to have switches from pork to some beef, even to some seafood which I know is hard for you to purchase but I get it…variety out a bit as you can and then later down the line that ‘need for variety’ truly starts to drop.

Darn right and I salute you…dropping apps and trackers and BS dieting crazy is the best thing about this plan but yea, it does take some time for us to drop those dieting habits for sure and glad you are walking just that way!!

Also absolutely normal on your flip from happy to ravenous and sometimes we can ‘go down very fast’ into icky and not feeling well when that flip happens. I definitely went thru this!

I remember one time in the car the family wanted breakfast on the road on a trip. I said nope, don’t need it…then like another 2 hrs down the road I hit into feeling lightheaded and ‘oh so darn weirdo’ and I know me, I don’t get this way and it freaked me out and I said to hubby find the next ANY restaurant to get me burgers! I need food RIGHT NOW and they are like…we aren’t hungry…and I am like I DON’T care about you, I am dying here LOL So I hit a fast food joint, 2 double bacon cheeseburgers I inhaled in a flash and INSTANTLY I felt better, like a real human again and from that point, I said to me…watch this change? it can be fast and crazy so I traveled with a cooler in the car with tuna and salami and beef sticks and sliced deli meats for ‘just in case’ and let me tell you, I hit that cooler more times than I ever thought I would hit that cooler LOL SO YEA----know it is real and a thing to be handled as we adapt and change and newer on carnivore!!

Dentist, yikes. I am like you, oh boy but necessary evil and I go sooner than later also cause when I feel something is off…a filling takes a second, but wait and a root canal and more is friggin’ torture so I get ya on that…but hope it is a good tooth still for you and it is ‘carnivore adaption teeth sensitivity’ which alot of us get.

Great Carnivore Menu post. Simple. Not complex. Easy peasy and that is what carnivore food posts are all about…easy simple satisfied delish food loving day for us without worry or crazy in the diet world…man you are there I think!! Your quality bacon, your roast beef strips, yum, your pasture eggs…I know you loved that meal!!

@Azi, super congrats on your great goal changes and you are still eyeing the next chat with Dr C to learn more and just keep moving forward! Plaster truck guys…OHHH the pool! I know you can’t wait for that to be all over and up and running, I bet your first swim will be so enjoyable!! I am a pool gal for sure, I love mine, had one since the day I bought this home darn near something 30yrs ago…water baby all the way!

----------WOW loving reading this SOP Sept. thread already!

Strong carnivores.
People who truly want change and will do what it takes to make changes and make them happen with real commitment and real truths about being on this plan! Super cool :sunny:

Which makes me think…is it US with our strength to MAKE change happen and we kinda didn’t know we had it to this level? or is it the PLAN that gives us the support to make the changes real truths and our well being and health get so much better that the Carnivore Plan is what gave us it all to make it? Maybe bit of both :slight_smile: Cause I never saw any of us here with a more tendency toward weakness in our lives with our personalities etc…in any of our group here :100: and I see us as adventure people, active people, want answers people, that drive forward type people and willing to do what it takes to achieve goals and make them part of our lives in full…yea --you guys are fab! :sunglasses:


today is steaks and country pork ribs and a package of chicken breast

time to cook up carnivore style for me!!!

Got burger patties I cooked before for first meal today in fridge waiting on me.

Zc’ing along and doing well, feel good …love that overall well being of this plan! :sunny:

(Linda ) #23

Well I just got off the phone with Dr C and I’m changing my eating again lol…
Seems he is trying out this protein sparing idea on us but he doesn’t like it as a full time plan he wants it cycled in and out he doesn’t care about calories…
Ohh and I got to get back to exercising more esp on low fat days…
I now got to eat three times a day for three days a week his suggestions for for food was eggs for breakfast chicken for lunch and strip steak for dinner…
The other three or 4 days I’m to eat fatty meats bacon with eggs and ribeye… but drop my meals back to one or two

And then test my blood in 4 weeks and back to see him in 6 weeks

His reason is he wants my triglycerides down to under 75 and he would like my cholesterol to drop back as well he said although I naturally dropped my fat and started losing by going to strip he wants to push it …so instead of my body being forced to make sugar out of the protein its not using and turn it to fat (weight gain) while its using the fat it loves as fuel…(fatty meats)
he wants my muscles to take up the excess protein and cutting back on fatty meats that my body loves to burn will force it to use mine but he said after three days I need to give it back the fat for a few days. And repeat…

So I guess I’m going shopping lol…


very cool and yea I would also go shopping after that chat.

love it, you are doing more of @Ketodaisy solution to effect change and healing

you are newer on plan while me and KD are longer on plan and ‘kinda hit these’ issue changes thru time on plan, but I find it so interesting he is making it a thing for a newer carnivore, which to me I will find very interesting to see ‘how you do’ and at all times WE GOT your back on your carnivore changes Azi!!! We want more learning and more info on what ifs, if that works or works against you or results are found but is it a more long term OK type change that suits you…ok yes I am curious on ya :clown_face: but I know one thing, you got the gumption!!! You got that huttspah? to make it work and I can’t wait to hear how it all goes down for you…going right there along with you truly :100:

Love you could do the phone call appt…makes life easier on that hr drive too!

(Vic) #25

Kidney, liver and bacon (uncured).

That was lunch, got a farm beef steak for later.

Also used the scale today, at 81kg its the same like the last 3 years


Sounds all day starvation (=strong hunger here. when one feels they are starving. not when they really do) to me… I very nearly never can make a meal of eggs or chicken alone… Hopefully it suits you better! Or you change it, it’s suggestion, after all :slight_smile:
I prefer my “I eat whatever I want and have whenever I need” style. Though I often doesn’t want anything so I eat eggs and meat… They are okay but not particularly desired nowadays.

But my patties are quite nice, I go and eat them, my lunch was tiny but I chewed a lot for sure… I never will try to quickly fry beef leg cubes :smiley: Super chewy. But I could eat much of the little amount I did and the patties got quite good quickly, mincemeat is super tender…

Fishy spreads need sour cream though, apparently. I eat it without it today somehow but won’t open another little box until I do this dairyless style.

Still no problem here, I even have some pork if needed and tomorrow I buy organs.
The only temporal problem is the almost unheard-of changes regarding my usually just perfect poo. I blame the Epsom salt. Despite I didn’t overdo it… I thought I only have this with magnesium-oxid that I never wanted to have, I just forgot to check ALL the ingredients in my magnesium pills once…
But without taking magnesium I get cramps… Maybe I should be very careful with Epsom salt? But I truly didn’t eat much and I don’t eat it every day… I am a bit confused now. I take ONE supplement and it doesn’t go perfectly either. It would be better to get magnesium from my food, probably but what has enough of it?

(Linda ) #27

@Fangs Yeah he bought up that he doesn’t consider me new because my blood work shows I’m fat adapted… possibly because I was mainly meat heay for the prior year except the occassional meal with vegoes??

He has a concern. My a1c climbed up from 5.1 to 5.3 I asked if that could be stress and he said no its from sugar showing that body is not using all the protein but making sugar and why I started gaining so fast, instead of muscles using it up for growth I guess they started refusing it and it was sending to the liver to convert to sugar then stored as fat…
He thinks all the fatty meat I was eating which was needed to begin with did its job to help things start to heal but then my body didn’t want to use anything else for fuel so now he wants to do both give it the fuel it’s craving on fat days but also try and force it to start using protein in muscles as well …otherwise he thinks I’ll end up back with insulin resistance again and back up where I started with regaining weight…

I’m in this for the longhaul and if it means trying different things I gotta roll with it …IT has to be about health first… weights priority has to take a back seat again for now… I like he is monitoring this closely blood work in 4 weeks…appointment in 6 …

@Shinita yeah I bought that up that I tried a chicken day and I was starving he said expect to be more hungry if you go lean but to eat more meals he wasn’t worried about calories…and when he said I could eat my strip stealk lwas sold…
I’m looking forward to dinner haha…

So breakfast really late lol 3 eggs

Lunch will be grilled chicken thigh meat in a wrap I even pulled the skin off to save for my fat days…

Dinner my strip steak lol…

(Bob M) #28

I still like that recipe. In fact, I was thinking of making it again soon. I’m looking for things we can make on the weekends but then cool down and eat during the week. That’s one of them. Though I may drop the bell peppers, as onions probably provide all the flavors I need. Though maybe if I burnt off the skin of the pepper, that would remove a lot of the bad part?

No reason to use any of this if your body can’t handle it or you don’t like it, though.


I still wonder if your paprika is different from mine… Or it’s just taste. Or paprika overload is fine in that case too, it works when one cooks some pork belly or tongue and covers it with paprika… Those are fine dishes, I surely will buy tongue if the butcher will have it tomorrow!

By the way, I have sent some Hungarian paprika to @KetoKoala and she will make dishes with it, I will give her the recipes too! :smiley: Poor girl keeps frying things the same way all the time, some stew should provide variety - and our stews are really good IMO. Our tastes are very close in many things, hopefully it’s true for meat dishes with paprika too.
My beef patties had paprika today, they were good.
But poor(?) cat takes her time with the super chewy beef pieces… But maybe it’s fine, Caroline is the choosiest cat of ours and now only she is around.

1300 kcal in the end for today. Vaguely. I felt not satiated and ate 2 slices of not so dry sausage. Sausage works so well when only a bite more food is needed, it’s flavorful, fatty, satiating.

(Karen) #30

Spent the day pottering and gathering my stuff together for the dance weekend break. Feeling anxiety but hopefully that will soon go once on the way. I hate packing even though I have my lists made up. Got food organised to take for journey just to make sure I can eat something to keep me satisfied if hotel food doesn’t.

Went to the company shop and bought some more goodies for my son for our midweek break on monday. I guess I have too much to think about at the mo with the two trips following on from one another. Anxiety about food, anxiety about sleep, anxiety about being able to get the stair runs done!!! My son definitely gets his Autism from me!

Brunch was later than usual and I had a ribeye steak. Not as tasty as usual but it went down the hatch. Bit of cheese to follow.

Dinner was a small plate of chicken sauted in butter n melted cheese.

This evening I had some salami and some smoked ham.

(Linda ) #31

Well today was interesting I ate my eggs then 2 hours later 2 chicken thighs in a egg life wrap cos I was hungry its now 5pm and I’m in not hungry I was going to have sirloin for dinner but I’d waste it cos I’m really not hungry so I cooked two more chicken thighs I wasn’t hungry but I’m following orders lol…and I managed to eat them anyway

Where did this sudden fullness appear from …interesting comment cywes made today …he too is now eating this way he doesn’t get us to do anything he doesn’t do himself which I think is awesome cos he is living what we are… …he said by the end of about day three he really needs fat again and he said ppl like saladino have added the honey to do the same thing as the adding fat days but he would rather use fat…

And he has added my file to a study group that he is monitoring to see what happens to us all and our bodies reactions…

I took my dogs out for a walk one at a time cos they get so hyper and literally drag me around …they behave better one on one although chacha took some settling down she wanted to haul my ass at a running pace to begin with lol…

(Edith) #32

My son and I went to Polyface Farm and I bought a bulk beef bundle of about 88 pounds of grass fed beef to stock my freezer.


since carnivores don’t consume sugars, do we still get the ‘dawn phenomenon’? another carnivore just said that breakfast is not necessary since we get enough energy from our liver when we wake up via sugar, but if we don’t eat it, does our body still produce it somehow? or at least enough of it that we shouldn’t get hungry in the mornings after we wake up?

(Daisy) #34

That’s so cool that you’re working with Dr Cywes!

(Daisy) #35

My stress week came to a head today as I knew it would. As a manager with my company, I have known all week that layoffs were happening today. So it was a very high stress day. Then my daughter had her first xc meet today, an hour away. I literally just got home and had/have a million things to do (it’s past my bedtime too). I pray tomorrow will start to calm down a little. Breakfast was eggs, Canadian bacon and bone broth. Lunch was steak bites, bread cheese and a carnivore cinnamon roll. Then I was still hungry before the meet and made some eggs. My daughters meet was in the town I can buy beef bacon, so I drove an extra 20 minutes each direction out of my way to go to that store. But I am well stocked with beef bacon!
image image image image

(Linda ) #36

Yum beef bacon…

Yeah I think its its awesome I was able to get him as a dr…he really cares about his patients and takes the time to explain things throughout the session

@daigo1 yes our liver makes glucose while we sleep so often first thing your blood glucose can n be higher for some ppl then afterc an hour or so it drops


so it’s normally to get hungry an hour after you wake up if your glucose runs out?

(Edith) #38

I believe that’s the case. From what I understand, the body releases cortisol an hour or two before we wake up. This causes our blood sugar to rise so that we can wake up and “go hunting.” Once we are moving around and go about our day, we use that glucose.

(Vic) #39

Habit also has a lot to do woth it.
If you go from 3 to 2 meals a day, you will go hungry for a while on the time you use to have that 3th meal.

So if you quit breakfast, after a few day the hunger dissapears.

I quit breakfast again 2 weeks ago, now I only go hungry at lunch and dinner.

If you don’t eat enough you will go hungry at random times, thats no good.

(Vic) #40

Pork tongue and some other fatty pork cut.
A bit of cheese for dessert.
Yummy lunch.