SOP September, CarnivoreStyle

(Michael) #128

Crocodiles look a lot like Alligators and are not the same, but obviously related. Here is a croc:

The meat is from the tail portion, and yes, it does look just like a white fish meat

(Karen) #129

!my evening meal. Pork and lamb chop too well done for me… my fault i dhould have mentioned how I wanted them cooked when I ask for steak rare.


Ham n eggs for brunch after long walk.


@Naghite: I only ate pork tongue this was but that is very very good!!! Liver is totally different, I like that too (though it depends which animal, they are vastly different!) but properly fried! My SO isn’t choosy and likes liver (it depends which animal, though, he dislikes beef liver while I love it) but raw liver was among the maybe 2 things in China he wasn’t willing to try…
Tongue is a proper muscle, firm and everything, very different from liver, no matter the animal, I would think… And the fatty back part of a pig’s tongue… It’s among my favorites. Wonderful meat.

@Azi: Not really busy, I got temporarily braindead and tired after a little time of packing things… It was a very bad day, I even napped, I was so exhausted… But we created a new character and I partially designed and colored it :smiley: Still, awfully little time was spent on actual work :frowning:
I did a little workout but barely even walked! :frowning:
Even the evening didn’t bring energy and great mood but it’s better.

I ate leftovers and in the end, sour cream (it makes stew so different but similarly good), a bite of cheese and even a little keto bread with butter and tea… The microwave made it crunchy, I so need to hurry up with my crunchy carnivore biscuits…
But my last sponge cakes were a bit crunchy too, they dried out a bit even in my kitchen with usually high humidity! I should make another batch soon…

It was a 2MAD day with pretty normal macros.

(Edith) #131

I read, “Steak: One Man’s Search for the World’s Tastiest Piece of Beef” by Mark Schatzker. It’s quite the enjoyable read. I like the author’s style. He mentions a few times in the book how tasty tongue is and how it ranked it up there with the best tasting steak.


Polished off a lovely ribeye for dinner tonight. I feel so satisfied!

Regarding the tongue, it looks rather off-putting at first. And, I really wasn’t too sure about it. But, one of butcher friends told me how to prep it, and I did a little search on Youtube as well. The mixture that I used is my old standbye for cooking meats I’m not sure about. Strong flavors, but very complimentary to beef.

After you take it out of the pressure cooker or insta-pot, you may want to hold it over the pot with a large fork, and make a little slit in the casing to drain out all the liquid. Otherwise, it will absolutely flood your cutting board.


Protein Sparing Modified Fasts (PSMF).

I think @richard from the 2 Keto Dudes podcast is going to shine an inquisitive light on to this bio-hack in a future episode. I can feel it in my marrow bones. It will be an interesting listen as some of the ZC crew are adding in ‘lean days’ in the mix.

@Fangs will quickly point out that a PSMF is a low food intake plan, whereas intuitive zero carb is an eating plan to satiety that may have occasional days of less eating and more eating in response to the person’s environment and physiology. Lean days and PSMFs may be two different animals?

Is it wrong to mix lamb and beef in the same pan. I’m cooking up a scotch fillet steak. But I thought I’d brown up to lamb shanks for baking in the cast iron camp oven on top of the wood stove.

The weather has gone cold again today after a few sunny Spring days. It’s raining and the wolves are nipping on the wind from Antarctica. A great evening for woodfire stove cooking.


Oh, pork tongue doesn’t do that!

I looked it up and yep, the hypermarket I buy my big pork slabs from has beef tongue! Yay. I must try it out! People say beef tongue is very ugly but very delicious. I don’t even see it very ugly :slight_smile: It’s a tongue. Tongue is good. I don’t want exquisite beauty from my food, I want good flavors! And it takes a lot to put me off :wink:

I am a big fan of mixing things… As long as they didn’t go against each other… I wonder what combo that could be… My combos are always good. I will mix pork chuck with pork heart today :slight_smile: But mixing organ meat with normal meat is a thing, now I now. And what a good idea!


oh my gosh you know me so well! :innocent:
Carnivore Plan is never force anything. Simple as that. But of course one can force a planned change on it if one wants to do just that :slight_smile:

I truly went forward by letting the plan change me. I never force anything. I remember in the other years in this thread when I hit very lean eating days, very low kcal days and writing about them, curious about the natural changes…now I just call them my lighter eating mood and my big eating food days ----- but that all came on its own. I also noticed one thing, you can get very ravenous when you cut your fat intake for X many days…like my personal tops is 3 days leaner and lighter kcals cause by day 4 I could take down an entire beef cow with my bare hands and woof it down LOL So making sure one does not go too long on the days of eating leaner/lower side is important. One thing you never want eating leaner to do is pull you off plan, get hangry, make one think screw it, I am starving I want junky carby crap, cause it can for many people. It can hold alot of slippery slope edge to it.

this is where the SOP comes into play for sure :sunny: Don’t unintentionally kill SOP out of your plan by tweaking and manipulating too much…past carnivores and reading years of forums and one thing goes down, you walk too far off a natural way of eating on this plan and you can’t hold the plan, people bail out, cause they walk themselves right out the door on their own with too much manipulation… :wink: So fine lines on playing the Carnivore Plan in a way…but good thing is the longer you are on plan, the more you truly know yourself on this plan and see/feel changes etc. and can fix up any issues one might be having ya know…so that is a good thing!!

---------------------So yesterday for me was a lower eating day.
Just really didn’t want much. Busy getting my mom here for a visit and running errands and food wasn’t a focus.

had some slices of taylor ham
ate about 5 of those country pork ribs
few slices salami
tin of sardines
few pieces beef jerky

My hubby got some store brand jerky, original plain flavor which was nice vs. that other junk like teriyaki etc…and I took a piece and it was ‘ok’. I didn’t mind it. It was not sweet, it wasn’t over spiced/herbed weirdo tasting in any way…cause I have been off jerky for a long time now, I have my zc beef sticks I hit every now and then but gave up that jerky line mostly. I doubt tho I will add jerky back into my life, cause in full truth, I don’t need it :slight_smile: but it might serve as a good travel food in the future maybe? I don’t know, but it was interesting to find a cheapy store brand jerky I didn’t mind.

Today is rest of those pork ribs to finish off
few cheeseburger patties for second meal

Nothing fancy but darn yummy to me. Off to get a few packs of burger out of the freezer and defrost, me got some burger frying to do later! :slight_smile:


Beef jerky is a good glovebox food for travel. I say good in comparison to the junkfood snacks offered up at gas stations. But I’ve gone off jerky as well as the SOP starts to make sense in the past few months.

The best thing I find is to separate travel and eating. the bottom line is that it induces snacking, which many of us do not do outside of a vehicle environment. Travel/driving is stressful and drives a stress eating response. This is where people will chime in and say they don’t find driving stressful. But that is human psychology ignoring human physiology. Driving will instigate a stress response.

Jerky makes good dog treats. I prefer to eat biltong, which is air-dried beef, rather than cooked. The softer version are the droewors sticks. Again air-dried. Less ingredients. Some of the more commercial beef jerky seems over processed and has too many unwanted ingredients (like sugar) added.


This was like honey to my ears, or even ribeye to my ears. I am eating carnivore, then i want to eat what I want, when I want, and I want it to solve all my health issues like overweight, psyke, psoriasis, migranes. I dont want to worry about any details of too much or too little. I just want to eat away hunger, and feel good. (Feeling more than full, is not a good feeling to me). And slipping back into binges is what I fear the most, so I keep eating to feel good at all times :+1:t2::slight_smile:

(Karen) #138

Opo may need to try that … never fancied it but my step dad used to love it.


I absolutely understand this and tons of us carnivores have to walk this path…one nice thing is I GOT OVER wanting to snack out or just eat in the car. Something I always did back in the day, now I just don’t require it and IT TAKES time to disassociate travel and car without having food at your disposal or buying something at your stops for petrol or more :slight_smile:

Old days I have beef sticks in my purse, a bag of some jerky and beef bites and more I could buy to have in the car and I made sure I had a cooler with me of tuna or leftover chicken etc. and I had to buy a cooler and ice packs to fit it along with insulated bags and more to ‘shop and travel’ easily for the carnivore in the car HAHA

Now I don’t require any of that, so time changes us on it too :slight_smile:
Like listening to your podcasts while traveling and more, make other things a focus and the ‘car eating’ truly can come to a halt. I still travel with some slim jims in my purse cause you never know but as of late now I don’t even eat them, don’t need them at all so…yea we all change on time on our plan for sure!

So agree alot of jerky and ‘beef snacks’ offered out there are sugar heavy and not what we want at all. Made for sugar addiction and sugar gratification foods for fast purchase…we carnivores know better LOL

yes you eat all you need, all you require, all you want at ALL times, any time of the day…this is the beauty of coming into the carnivore plan and a massive key factor to holding this plan and staying on this plan. Never allow bigger hunger to drag you backward cause when we start this plan it is eat eat eat and eat more…ALL YOU need to get off the darn sugar and crap plants and let the body eat all it needs to give you that edge to hold this plan.

I did it. I ate SO much and so varied when I started I thought how in the world can this be right HAHA but it is :slight_smile: When I wanted to backslide into all the junk and sugar all I did was fry up a 1 lb. pack of bacon, added some cheddar to melt over it and BOOM, I was happy, full, very content and said, there!! I ate on plan…stayed on plan…did not go backward and I am happy and it took me a good bit before the body heals and changes and you naturally start to eat less. Your appetite flips. You feel different ALL because your body has hit into a more nutritional balanced level and ALL real life starts to come back to you…real hunger, real NO hunger, just an overall well being of not being controlled by food ever again-------you hold this plan you got the best darn well being and health coming at ya Shatz! Not a doubt about that!! I didn’t force anything, I did like all the old timers said, just eat all you need at all times til you see some changes in yourself and just eat then what your body wants and yes you walk a changing path on this plan and it is wild and fun but thru it all, darn we never ever go hungry :slight_smile: While the body changes it also gives our minds a rest from ‘dieting’ and ‘controlling crap and macros’ and all that stuff that gets so overwhelming to many of us…we just live. Live carnivore and thrive!

(Linda ) #140

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[quote=“FrankoBear, post:133, topic:110194, full:true”]
Protein Sparing Modified Fasts (PSMF).

Lean days and PSMFs may be two different animals?

It is for me protein sparing if your following Maria is calories allowed hers is pretty low 700 800 but her plan is mostly chicken breast and egg white…I dont do that and I can’t eaten chicken breast idk it’s always dry to me…
My lean days are chicken thigh skinless but I eat them til I’m full…im allowed a strip steak but I tend to do be doing chicken only days and step it up to a chicken /strip day then fat with ribeye,short ribs. Repeat…
But the reason I’m doing it is because my a1c jumped twice it was 5.0 when I first went to cywes now its 5.3…that has him concerned so yes he is trying to manipulate things to get that to turn around…but he doesn’t care about calories…
What I’m finding interesting is I added salt back on my chicken days and It’s making me hold water weight can feel it in my rings and see it on scale…

Today I got up and did the early dog walk and then the pool guy came started all the gear…
So after all this time I now got a working pool… (NOTE: I’d just finished water blasting and along comes Jason (pool project manager) I’m his muddy boots both sides of the pool lmao…not just dog prints lol)

Chicken day today yesterday I ended up eating 7 chicken thighs…so far today I’m at 3…


Congrats on beutiful pool :+1:t2::blush:

(Bob M) #142

That’s really not that bad, and within error of the test.

(Karen) #143

Had a super day today very busy doing holiday things.
Brunch on the beach was 2 hard boiled eggs and 5 slices of topside beef.

Evening meal was crab claws followed by sirloun steak, very rare and king prawns

(Linda ) #144

No cywes does like it above 5.2 he says that’s when we start getting damage …so he let the first one slide but now I’m in damage range so we changing things up lol

(Linda ) #145

Thank you


Most carnivores probably force carnivore eating sometimes… Unless they are so lucky they never want anything else.
I am the one who never force anything… Except maybe when I am very, very hungry, I may force eating then but it’s super rare.
But people probably define force a bit differently.

I try a bit though, sometimes. Like today. I didn’t make onion soup, my only medicine for sore throat. I may try a little fried onions though, they may be good with the hearts. It’s 5pm and my painful sore throat got better but it’s still not perfectly fine… Maybe I got it from Alvaro who catched a cold last week, of course I won’t be sick as I never am, even his immune system is good enough so he haven’t missed a day and run like normal as well. But he had a higher temperature and problems. I merely have a sore throat for one day and that’s it. My poor immune system, it’s not as good as it can be… But still pretty good.

I am not hungry yet but had some coffees with egg white and butter. I try to lower my egg consumption. I have heart and pork chuck, no need for eggs I don’t even desire now. They are easy to eat but not they aren’t as satiating as meat! I suspect. We will see. Maybe it’s not the satiation but I just too easily gulped them down and would have been just as fine without drinking 3 on some day… But they are my top satiating food except fatty meat.

I NEVER have lean days, definitely not without “forcing” it a little. Or using tricks at least as I am really bad at forcing eating.
I may need a leaner day for donoring blood plasma (I still didn’t do it, we rarely visit the city and we had so much to do last time and I need lean days, maybe I just should fast, that’s easier than eating lean…)

Leaner days probably wouldn’t want me to eat carbs… They would make me to eat more fat, of course :smiley: I had NO lard now but some expired butter… Still edible but not perfect, I need to use it up soon…

Raw pig heart mincemeat is pretty :smiley: I always loved the look of blood…

I can agree if it’s me (let’s ignore the carby snacks in the car after a stressful shopping trip sometimes, it’s not what I consider really right. I just don’t have regrets, obviously. but they are extremely rare and often involve CRUNCHY things. I so need to be able to make more crunchy things… I won’t just lose this desire of mine! it doesn’t cause much temptation as I want a proper food at the same time, fitting my taste)… I can’t really snack (unless they are extremely tiny), I need full meals or nothing. Alvaro is the same. I must eat in the car as waiting until 7pm or something when we visit the graveyard and my aunt once a year, that’s just not hedonistic enough. I do my best to last long as it feels better to great food at her place but I always need some eggs and something else. A small but proper meal. And then the feast. I don’t usually feast, I eat as little as I comfortably can most of the time (and it’s usually still too much but not if I choose my food just right) but I do eat big at her place without worries :slight_smile: Yum. She has great food. Being a carnivore is zillion times easier than being a vegetarian when visiting her (I could get raw vegetables only, I suppose. I had to bring or buy or make all my own food). I don’t even remember what I ate when I visited them in my vegetarian years (she didn’t live alone back then) but I remember the resistance against my woe that I obviously fully ignored. I am a stubborn one. Still never regretted it, of course, that’s not my style. I needed my vegetarian years to escape the evil Sunday chicken at my Mom! I should have started earlier. Or born to someone who makes steaks and salmon or at least pork. Not stupid chicken.
And it was great experience to be firm when it’s about our rules and other people’s problem. Though I might have been born like a stubborn, selfish one.

Honey is probably quite fine for ears and wonderful for eyes… Entering our body may be problematic sometimes. I remember mine is against it in any sensible amounts, too high sugar concentration… But it’s not like I haven’t eaten a ton of it in my life (very good ones from beekeepers, of course, we have very many here) so I really didn’t miss anything. Is it just me or it’s normal to feel I ate enough for my whole life and don’t feel temptation to do it again? I don’t have this with everything that isn’t so good for my body. And mine could handle a tiny bit anyway. But I feel I had enough in my past.

What. People have this too? Not just with tv and movies (never understood WHY people eat in the movies. I want to see the movie)?
I only eat in the car when I am hungry (except the mentioned stressful and tempting shopping trips but I am usually not fully satiated at that point). Even more so on my bike in the past… I ate on it on the 48h tours, we had to visit zillion points of the country in 48 hours, one year it was all about ponds, another year about mountains… It was fun except when we had to ride all day in rain and anyway, we were slow so we had to ride a lot. One year we wanted to come home on the first day and ended up riding 17 hours (we stopped twice as Alvaro had to pee twice, I am better at that :D), we had to drive in the dark in woody areas, that was interesting, we sped up in villages and it doesn’t mean we drove like crazy there, it meant we drove super slowly because of the animals outside :smiley: My little bike had a lousy light anyway… Oh good old times.

Soon I need to think about what to bring with me when I visit my aunt in October… Though it’s not very hard, obviously eggs in some form (oh, multiple forms!) and processed meat in some form (bresaola!!! I have my bresaola phase. and pork belly too). Unless there won’t be beef or pork, I bring some roast too then but she always have a ton of food and we end up bringing some home so I don’t want to bring much.

6pm. I am borderline hungry since some time but with a super low appetite so… I don’t know. I probably will go over the treshhold soon. It’s amazing how much I lost my interest in eating. Well the act of it, I still am obsessed with food… But not eating until the evening only happens sometimes. I was hungry around 1pm yesterday. Things are like that. Good thing I don’t force fixed eating windows, I always preferred to be very flexible. I just know it’s very nearly always a bad idea for me to eat before noon or after 7-8pm. But I rarely feel any urge to do so in the wrong times so it’s fine.

I think I eat maybe around 1600-1800 kcal in average on carnivore? It never changed but impossible to track with some good precision. I had undereating times in the beginning but they lasted a few days. My weekly average never was too low - or high anywhere close to carnivore… It’s nice and stable. My individual days can go from 1000 (not nowadays) but usually 1400 to 2500 or a bit more. Not a huge range for me but the extreme numbers are rare and my average is really quite stable. It seems my body is like this. And it wants similar food, no matter the season.

In the end, I ate at 7:30pm. I was kind of hungry, borderline weak…? Whatever, I wanted to eat, I made so nice food! I wasn’t interested in it, just ate it, oh well.

I had my leftovers and instead of the fried heart/chuck mince on the pic, I ate fried heart. And chuck roast, the bony piece. 1400 kcal or something, pretty normal macros for a lighter OMAD day. A bit more protein than fat despite the sour cream I finally ate as it complimented the omelet that had the denser bottom part of the tongue cooking water. As I ate that too now that I think about it. And coffee with egg and butter and oh well, I have a sore throat, milk powder too. 2g of it. It didn’t worth it. But no one can say I don’t indulge my rebel/free inner self. It’s important, no one wants to see it wreaking havoc, that’s not pretty.
I even ate a bit onion and vinegar (what else would make onion soup an effective medicine?) and my throat still isn’t perfect…

I want to be fully healthy (I mean, my normal level, no one is perfect but I am basically healthy, never needing a doctor unless an optometrist or a dentist… unless some accident happen but I stopped that, I hope) and make my days stricter again, with less eggs now and maybe a bit sour cream if meat is boring and it won’t be in the near future, I would think. My chuck is super fatty, it would be hard to find a leaner piece for Alvaro for Friday lunch (now he has heart, a little is enough as he has his plant proteins, nicely completed without trying… and he eats eggs too)… But it’s little anyway and I need most of it!

@Azi, congrats for the pool!

We have the two AC machines in the house now, I don’t know when the people come to install them but heating season is so far away… Hopefully we don’t need to heat until November but we rarely are that lucky. When we leave the house for days in the end of October, it’s usually borderline okay and it just becomes too cold afterwards. The house slowly loses heat in September and October. Now even August caused a significant drop but that was a good thing. A 23C room is way better than a 26C one if you ask me.

Oh, my photos!

My planned lunch… I ate the tiny leftover dishes (egg pudding and sardine) for dinner but I never got to the fried heart and pork chuck mincemeat so it’s for tomorrow lunch!

Pork chuck roast, nice fatty. The photo isn’t as great as the meat but I don’t want to get awards or appreciation with them so it’s fine. At least I took a shot before I ate them all :wink:


Isn’t it pretty? :smiley: It is to me. Heart and pork chuck mincemeat for later, I put them into the freezer.

Still a sore throat sigh. It’s possible that Alvaro catched some other person’s Covid. But as it’s a normal coworker (some super dense low-level human. we really don’t look down people without a good reason. well Alvaro as I fortunately barely met any), we can’t know as they probably never got tested just stayed home for a week. But he lost his smell. Alvaro had a few days cold without missing any work or runs and I have a sore throat today and hopefully will wake up okay. My temperature didn’t change (not like we have a thermometer anymore, Alvaro managed to get it wet and it stopped to work) but I had a higher than normal temperature maybe 35 years ago…? I don’t expect it ever again and not without a good reason like sickness but I am never really sick.
I stop it, it’s so shameful my immune system couldn’t fully handle it but even it can’t do everything, not even with the help of the vaccine. That who knows how effective was. I got zero symptoms back then except a visible spot and a little soreness.
Oh well. I want to get fully well and forget it all.

(Daisy) #147

Yes they are very different. Psmf is targeting a specific macro and calorie goal. Basically protein at 1 gram per pound of ideal body weight, then carbs and fat under 30 grams each (obviously carnivore carbs would be negligible).
Lean days just mean choosing leaner cuts of meat and not adding any extra fat. No specific calorie or macro goal.

I’ve decided to go back to just lean and fat days and cut out the psmf days. I felt fine doing them, but it’s a lot of pre planning, calculating, etc and I can’t be bothered with all that.

I missed a few days and struggling to keep up with all the posts! Here are a few food photos from the last couple days. I tried bear meat for the first time today!! It was delicious!
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