Soft cooked eggs - oven method



The reason I like the oven method for soft cooked eggs is because is simple, fast, consistent and very little mess to clean up.

A note before I share this recipe. Every oven can be different. You will need to test if the cooking time I use works for your oven (you may need to increase or decrease the time). Also, I start with refrigerated eggs, because I can count that the temperature is always the same, and I don’t have to waste time warming them to room temp.

I place eggs (straight out of the refrigerator) into a glass oven-proof dish. I transfer to a preheated 300 deg F oven, and let them bake for 24 minutes

When they are done cooking, I immediately take them out the oven and drop them in ice cold water. Then I immediately tap them gently with the curved part of a spoon to “crackle” the shell

Gently peel the crackled skin off. The eggs are very soft, so be gentle to keep their round shape

The yolks are runny, while the whites are firmly intact

For shits and giggles, I decided to taste test four different dried pepper spices, as a contest to see which I like best. The contenders were Piment d’Espelette (France), dried poblano (Peru), Shichimi Togarashi (Japan) and Smoked Paprika (Spain)

Drum roll please…

It was a tie between the Espelette and the Smoked Paprika! But, they were all very tasty!

32 day ZC Variable Protein Test
(matt ) #2

So awesome. Thanks for another great recipe.

(Stephanie Hanson) #3

TY for posting. I want to do this for Carl’s deconstructed scotch eggs.


Hey, what a great idea! I want to do that, too.


Thanks for reminding me of this one will be trying soon…

(Dustin Cade) #6

Totally “lazy soft boiled eggs” turn on the oven, put in the eggs, put them in ice water, crack and eat… I love this!!! I love soft boiled eggs!!! well lazy as keto goes…


Yeah, you don’t even need to wash the dish you cooked your eggs in. Just put it back in the cupboard when done.

(Dustin Cade) #8

yeah washing dishes in our house takes a lot of effort… getting a teenager to do it is harder than just washing them myself…

(matt ) #9

I just looked at these pictures again and I actually made sounds while looking at them. I need those eggs!

(Dustin Cade) #10

I tried this a few nights ago… i did preheat the oven, put eggs on the rack, let them cook about 15 minutes, put them in ice bath… they did not peel as i had hoped…

Failed… :sob::sob::sob:

(Jeremy Storie) #11

I’ll have to give these a try. They look awesome!