So much harder than I thought it would be!

(Susan) #1

I started on keto on the 23rd March, so it’s been less than a week. I’ve lost 8 .5 lbs. so far, which I suppose is good.

Most days have been good, psychologically speaking. Today isn’t though. I miss my carb-y way of life! I miss the chips, McDonald’s, peanut M&Ms, pizza, etc. I love those foods and I so badly want to just chuck this whole keto diet and binge like I’ve never binged before.

No one tells you how hard it is psychologically to totally give up all the foods you love and have lived on for so long. I honestly want to cry…seriously!

Then there’s the question of how to organize a diet that is 75% fat, 5% carbs and 20% protein. I tried counting the macros in everything I ate for the first couple of days, but that got old real fast. Not to mention that I couldn’t get them to come out right!

I wish I could find a site that gives you keto diet menus that balance the macros and is based on real, normal people food! I don’t want any fancy recipes. I just want simple, plain, one ingredient food menus that will work for me.

That’s my rant. Sorry for sounding like a crazy person. If anyone has any suggestions, beside the usual platitudes (you’ll feel so much better, you’ll lose the cravings soon, etc.) please feel free to share with me. I’m about at the point of saying the heck with the whole thing and just accepting the fact that I’m fat, I’ll stay fat and the fat will kill me.

(Jane) #2

At one week you are going through carb withdrawal and nowhere near getting the benefits of keto (~ 6 weeks). I never cared for sweets so it wasn’t as hard for me - all I missed were the french fries and pizza and there are some good subs for pizza.

For others - it can be very hard and traumatic. My skinny husband joined with me to support me and whined and cried and moaned and complained FOR WEEKS about how he missed bread and cereal. I was about to yell at him to SHUT THE FUCK UP and go back to eating carbs so I could enjoy my meals.

It took him 3-4 months to get over it completely and he would never go back now because of all the health benefits he has seen. He didn’t need to lose any weight but he stuck it out past the carb cravings and he is glad he did now.

The inflammation and internal damage from a high processed carb diets just gets worse with age - not just a matter of “being fat”.

I think Diet Doctor has simple meal plans? I dunno - I just kept my carbs under 20 and didn’t worry about macros until months later.

Good luck - it gets better - I promise!

(Susan) #3

Thank you Janie! I appreciate the comment. :smile:

(Ellie) #4

Try for lots of recipes and more information about macros. It doesn’t need to be complicated and the only thing to really count is not to go over 20g carbs.

(Jennibc) #5

Took me about 8 or 9 days of being absolutely miserable and feeling like I was white knuckling it after I gave up sugar (was already grain free). Then one morning I woke up and felt great. Only a couple of times over the past year did I feel like I was really exerting any will to pass up sweets. If you make your home fail safe zone (no off limits food in the house at any time it will be so much easier).

Here’s my bitter pill for you. This is not an easy change but it is possible. Anything in life that is worth it, is going to be a challenge. This is no different. It is up to you to make necessary changes. That means to quit feeling sorry for yourself and find the resolution deep within you, to remind yourself that you are WORTH the effort of living a life free of health complications brought on by sugar and excess carbohydrates - of which there are many. I am down 108 pounds now. There were times several years back when I would cry because I was wondering if I’d ever get back to a normal weight. Well, it wasn’t until I had a radical mindset shift that that became possible. What we tell ourselves matters. As corny as it sounds, verbalizing to yourself every morning that “I am worth this challenge, I am worth the hard work I am going to put in today” actually helps. The mind is very, very powerful.

(Charlotte) #6

Before keto I was about 90% carb and my withdraw was rough. I was miserable, cranky, and every lottle thing would set me off. I was pissed af at the world, but I stuck with it through the withdraw. One thing that I did that helped through the missing of my favorite foods was finding substitutes. I learned how to make some of my favorite foods keto friendly. There are people who poop on substituting because they think it just feeds the carb/sugar addiction… but psychologically it helped me survive and maintain my sustainability. Over time my keto friendly substitutes started tasting better than the regular stuff. Making your own substitutes takes some effort, but if it helps it could be worth it.

(Christy) #7

Hi, & welcome! I am also quite new but, I have learned a few tricks of the trade in my short journey. There is an abundance of information on this forum. I’ve found myself using the KF search function more than google recently :nerd_face:

One thing that really helped me jumpstart this WOE was using Cronometer. (There are several other Apps that work just as well.) By logging everything I put in my mouth for the first 3/4 weeks it gave me a better idea of food composition. From there, it became much easier to determine what I should & shouldn’t be eating.

Carbs & sugars are like any other addiction. It was sort of mind over matter for me. I stuck to the program & saw insanely satisfying results so, that was enough to keep me on track. You seem to be doing quite well yourself! Weigh your options. FUCK THOSE CARBS!! Ask yourself what benefit do you get from eating them.

You don’t need Keto recipes … whole foods are easier & way better anyway. Pick your favorite protein & veg, & pig out! Grill it, broil it, sauté it, bake it … keep it simple for now.

Hang in there!!!

(Jennibc) #8

BTW, here’s a post a put up with tough love for newbies last month that I think is useful (in my not so humble opinion :laughing: )

(Scott) #9

It does get better. I may miss bread and pizza at times but I don’t crave them anymore. At first you think how am I going to do this? Then you say okay I just need to lose the bun on my burger and skip the fries.

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #10

Let us simplify the crap out of things.
For now, focus on ONE macro; carbohydrates.
Keep NET carbs <20g/day.

For food, prioritize protein and do not fear fat. What this means is, when constructing a meal, start with a protein… beef, chicken, fish, pork, eggs, whatever. Do not worry about the fat content of that meat. Add something, like a leafy green, or a buttery sauce, or whatever fits under 7g of non-fiber carbs… green beans, asparagus, cauli whatever work for me and others if you’re not big on leafy greens. Or don’t add anything.

That simple. Limit the carbs low, get them from unprocessed foods, and don’t sweat the ratio of protein to fat, but don’t opt for lean proteins without supplementing the fat up. Chicken breast should be consumed with skin on, and maybe a butter or cream sauce, as an example.

(Jane) #11

I don’t think my husband would have made it with me on my journey if not for CarbQuick pancakes and cream cheese pancakes. If he eats breakfast at all these days it is an omelette… but early on - the substitutes were a LIFE SAVER!

I still make him mug cakes in the evenings with almond flour about once a week and he really appreciates the bit of sweetness after dinner.

(Susan) #12

Thank you very much for your reply. I’ve been watching a lot of videos on YouTube dealing with “how to do keto right”, and so much of the info involves making sure that you balance the macros or it won’t work and you won’t lose weight.

I’m a 65 year old woman who needs to lose 160 lbs. I’ve been heavy for the better part of my life, but there was a time, long, long ago, when I stayed at about 150 lbs. even bouncing back after my first 3 pregnancies.

To be quite honest with you, if it wasn’t for the fact that getting around because of joint pain and fatigue is a major annoyance, I probably wouldn’t be doing this diet. I haven’t got any heart issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. I’m just tired of dealing with the movement and pain issues involved with weighing 318 lbs. at 5’7".

I know that a low carb diet works as I did Atkins years ago and lost about 10 lbs. a month for 4 months. I had to quit though because of gallbladder issues. I’ve since had my gallbladder removed so I don’t need to suffer through gb attacks anymore. It’s just proving to be so hard to give up all the foods I really enjoy eating, especially since food is my comfort and what I depend on. It’s really difficult to explain! lol

I’ll concentrate on keeping things below 20 gr. carbs though and not worry about the other macros…at least for the time being. Thanks again!


SO MUCH THIS. My poor sister is caught up in a FB group with constant postings of crazy recipes and products and she’s struggling.

Keep. It. Simple. I have coffee with fat in it for breakfast (not needed, but I like it because I was a big breakfast eater and I find it keeps me full till lunch), a selection from my arsenal of frozen, wholesome, home made soup for lunch, and a meat and a vegetable for dinner. Once a week I might have a keto dessert, and on Saturday morning I have keto french toast as a combined breakfast and lunch.

The only macro you need to worry about while you’re white knuckling it through those first couple of weeks is your carbs. Keep those below 20, eat when your belly (not your mouth) is hungry, try to limit between meal snacks, and you’re golden.

Some good news? I don’t crave carbage anymore, but when it’s close to time to fry my pork chop and asparagus, my mouth literally waters thinking about it. I really do love what I eat now and that is the food I crave.

You got this! Keep hanging in there!

(Jane) #14

Check out this thread for meal ideas:

There are some recipes on here that people are kind enough to post, but most meals are simple to prepare with only a few ingredients.


And Susan, your situation is very similar to my mom’s. She’s 68, suffers terrible joint pain from inflammation and arthritis and has about the same amount to lose that you do. She was also a terrible sugar addict, way worse than even I was and that’s saying something.

She’s rockin it :slight_smile: You can dooooo eeeet!!!

(Susan) #16

That’s awesome! I’m glad to hear that someone in similar circumstances as I am is able to do it too. Thanks! :slight_smile:

(Christy) #17

This is sort of an afterthought; Your tongue/palate is like any other muscle in your body. Retrain it. Sugar is delicious, no doubt but, other foods/spices can be just as fulfilling. I add a small bit of pink salt to any & every beverage I drink throughout the day. At this point, my palate is more susceptible to lack of salt vs. lack of sugar.

There are also many other benefits of added salt when eating Keto.


I think @LeCheffre is right on track. Here’s simple if you really want to just count carbs and avoid counting protein and fat for a while:

Breakfast: Eggs, bacon, sausages, etc. Maybe a 1/2 cup of plain, full-fat cottage cheese or plain, full-fat yoghurt (do not get any low-fat varieties or anything flavored, even vanilla).

Lunch & Dinner: Steak, pork chops, chicken thighs, fish, etc. either sautéd on the stove top, broiled, baked, or grilled. Add salt, pepper, herbs and spices to your hearts content. Add all the oil you want to the pan for sautéing. Add a side of keto-friendly veggies like greens, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, salad, etc. (there are a zillion lists online). For even simpler, make double at dinner and eat the second batch for lunch the next day.

Except the veggies, don’t worry about how much you’re eating. Are you hungry? Eat. Not hungry? Don’t eat. Got a craving for something carby? Eat a leftover pork chop or some salami, or whatever you have on hand.

Don’t worry about recipes until you get used to seeing what your meals are going to look like. Also, some people find foods like Atkins or Quest bars and shakes, keto bread, sugar-free Jello, etc. to be great while you make the transition. My guess is that you’ll eventually lose your taste for a lot of this, but you might really like to have them around. Just remember that these things have carbs that you need to count.

There’s more than one way to do this right. I suggest you ignore any internet food-shamers who say the only way to do this right is cold turkey and no “fake” foods. If you find those things helpful during the transition or to stick to this WOE to meet your goal, then they’re fine for you. You can make different choices later, if you want to.

Once you get into a routine, you might want to start counting protein and fat. But I’d really just see how it goes. Some people do fine, never really tracking these things closely. Other people, especially post-menopausal women who are closer to goal, find things get stubborn and tracking helps. I find tracking helps me, because I wander off the farm so easily. Weighing, measuring and logging every bite I eat is a constant reminder for me. But that’s just me.


Hi and welcome,

Hmm, sounds like bit of a carb addiction, your choice of words like “love” carbs, … I’ve been there done that … every pizza joint within 10 miles of my place knows me by name!

You can make fantastic tasting food with keto - fat is no longer outlawed so you can really go to town and make very tasty meals … or if you can’t be bothered then even I can prepare the following:

Steak/fish/chicken/whatever plus steam veggies with butter or a salad with olive oil. Bingo easy keto numbers!

Any meat left overs or canned fish with avocado and feta cheese for lunch.

Breakfast? Can’t be bothered, don’t feel hungry.

Coffee with full cream (I can’t be bothered with MCT or BPC and whatever …)

Throw in some nuts like almonds and pistachios whenever …

The key is to avoid - sugar, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes …

I like how keto is very easy to organise (now that I know). It’s also cheaper than KFC, McDonalds, Subway … and I like having half a clue what’s in my food! Those guys are pushing fructose like life has gone out of style.

Yes there’s an investment in keto - especially learning time etc but there are so many benefits.

Give at a month or 3 then decide.

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #20

You’ve already gotten some great advice. Just wanted to chime in and say I agree that you don’t need any fancy recipes to do Keto. Also carb withdrawal is normal and it will pass. Regarding wanting “junk” food, there are plenty of Keto friendly snacks you can eat. Pork rinds for one. Also, look into the brand “Lily’s” if you love chocolate. They have chocolate bars sweetened with Stevia. The milk chocolate almond is my favorite and 4g net carbs per serving (serving size is half the bar). Good luck and welcome to the community!