Slow Loser

(Twyla Gray) #1

I’m losing slow. I am a 47 year old woman. I have been on Keto 3 weeks and I am losing inches but I have lost 7lbs. I have been doing intermittent fasting for 1.5 weeks. Should I use MTC oil, because I am daily. I am trying to find the culprit of my slow weight loss. I have started doing cardio for about 1.5 weeks. What gives!!

(Cindy) #2

You’re losing more than 2lbs/week. Why is that slow?
MCT oil isn’t magic. If there’s not a specific reason why you’re taking it, then don’t. Keto is pretty simple. <20 g carbs/day, don’t be afraid of fat, eat to satiety, don’t eat when you’re not hungry. You also don’t have to exercise…do it if you want, or if you want the other benefits of exercise, but exercising to lose weight doesn’t really help.

(The amazing autoimmune 🦄) #3

You are not yet fat adapted, once you are things will probably speed up.

Type fat adapted into the search bar and you can read about it.

Also slow and steady wins the race.

(Frank) #4

3 weeks in. Relax, follow the protocol, and give it time. This is by no means a linear process. Commit to the long haul and you’ll be better off and have a much higher chance of long term success.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #5

I lost water weight at first, but it took me four months to start losing fat - hang in there.

(Janelle) #6

I hold to 20 whole carbs a day. 4.5 months in, one pound a week or less with lots of bouncing around on the scale. Yes, I weigh. People will tell you not to. That’s up to you.

Calling more th 2 lbs a week slow may mean you need a to adjust your thinking - I certainly had to. It doesn’t help to read the forums where people proudly tell of their 60lb loss in 4 months. It’s the exception for sure.


I don’t think that’s slow at all. I think that’s great. And you’ve lost inches already. But be careful not to do too much cardio.


Isn’t losing inches the whole reason that you want to lose the pounds?


I think 7 lbs in 3 weeks is great!!!

(Twyla Gray) #10

I have started cardio 5 days per week. The scale finally moved 3 lbs this week. Now, I’m at a total of 10 lbs lost. Can you please explain to me why I shouldn’t do much cardio. Thanks in advance!!

(Janelle) #11

I was at a conference yesterday where three high end doctors said exercise is not necessary for weight loss. It also can induce stress to your body, which can affect “metabolic healing” in the beginning. None of them are saying that exercise in general isn’t good though. It helps ultimately with insulin resistance and body recomposition.


@Twyla_Gray cardio isn’t bad. And some people enjoy it. It helps reduce stress with some people too. It just needs to be in moderation. Some people go crazy doing excessive cardio thinking it’s such a huge priority for weight loss and all it’s doing is burning a few extra calories and putting strain on your body, hormones, hunger, etc. If doing cardio in moderation works for you then that’s great! I just encourage people to research it and be careful.