“Slaptember!” Challenge

(traci simpson) #263

I went carnivore back in February/March and so this platform is mostly keto so I decided to find a few carnivore groups. How are you?


smart tho cause all in zero carb groups really keep it all about carnivore and that does help us. I am on a few zc groups for many years now and boy do I need them! The wealth of zc advice and info is priceless too :slight_smile:


Don’t have much to say…WHAAAAT! that is rare but zc is just chugging along and feeling so darn great.

just eating all I want, when I want, just chilling thru the days. I don’t 'feel like I am in a ‘change zone’ in my body right now. Hard always to describe what I am trying to say but I ‘feel my body’ so much now that I feel like it is happy right here for the moment and just doing its things as it needs to do. Just letting the body do as it must, just going along for the ride :wink:

I am cool with that.

I will keep zc’ing on and see what cool new things come my way…til then just doing good and holding strong.

(traci simpson) #266

Yes!!! I’m still doing N=1 to find that sweet spot.




Now it seems as long as I have enough meat and don’t overdo sugar, I can eat whatever I want, my body is pleased :smiley: I feel very good physically this week. I still could use more energy but when not? Autumn is sooooooooo chill to me, not activity. But I am a lazy one, I was born one and it never will change. I just want more energy and activity, it has nothing to do with laziness.
Did I mention my weighlifting suddenly goes better? I guess my body and mind remembers how is it should be done. But I will watch if there is connection between my eating and weighlifting, surely does… I have higher and lower calories days, probably will fast too, my carbs vary a bit too, my meat intake varies a lot, I am curious. I only know that meat causes some deeper, more perfect, longer satiation and a bigger contentedness even if I don’t do carnivore but don’t go too far. But I never noted a connection between my eating and performance (even if my weights are tiny, I have that and it’s not always the same, far from it) as I never monitored it… I just knew carbs enervated me and I need to be well-fasted too. I had a higher-calorie than usual day or two and things went well afterwards. I am curious if it’s just my parts remembering things or my body truly has more problems with extra exercise when it needs to get some energy from my reserves…

I almost completely stopped eating eggs as only a few are left and I have fish now. I am never really hungry lately, it will do.

(Kellyn ) #269

Monday I had a coworker ask me what I was doing and said she had noticed how good I looked. I told her that I was doing zero carb, which right now for me is basically meat and water. She asked about keto which I was before and said she wanted to start eating a low carb diet. She asked for resources that would show a list of low carb foods. As this conversation was taking place my vegan friend jumped into the conversation and starting saying that she should just eat brown rice and other vegan foods and how if she could just stick strictly to her vegan diet she would lose weight too :roll_eyes:. My low carb interested coworker said she appreciated that but she just wanted to try low carb. Then my vegan friend said that she should just control her portions by eating a large salad before her meals. Then she started in on how meat is a carcigen and just as bad as cigarettes. I told her that was not true and then the debate came in on who you should trust as creditable sources. She said that cardiologists will tell you to limit your meat consumption because it will cause heart attacks and that oncologists will tell you that it will cause cancer. I told them there are also cardiologists and physicians that recommend an all meat diet as being the healthiest diet. I just told them to do your own research, because that is what I did before changing my eating. That different physicians will tell you different things because of what they have been taught in medical school and if they have done any research on their own. After all this debate I told her that I did not want to tell her what to eat or argue about what is the healthiest way to eat. That I was just giving information to a friend that asked. They are both good friends and I did not want all this to come between us :pensive:. She apologized for butting in on the conversation and we left it at that. One thing I learned from this is that there is a lot of truth that vegans are cult like and are relentless to convert others to veganism. I wanted to stay out of it, but when she started spouting lies based on the movie What the Health, I had to interject. I did print out some low carb resources for my friend and told her to ask me if she had any questions or needed more informational sites to go to.
On a side note, It made me feel good that they both said I looked great and that my way of eating had done really well for me. :blush:


Well, no, most people simply don’t work like that…

Meat is as bad as cigarettes… Even if meat was bad, it’s full with nutrients, it’s natural food for an omnivore too, oh my, how anyone can say something like this?
And probably people who had problems from meat eating didn’t have a proper diet, the other items matter a lot… And lean meat only is super unhealthy, it causes sickness but it doesn’t mean lean meat itself is unhealthy…

There is low carb vegan diet, by the way, that’s not even extreme yet. If I had to do a plant-based diet, I obviously would do that (and probably never would lose any fat or with great difficulties). Thanks heaven it’s not the case :smiley: No diet is for everyone, plant-based diets definitely not…

Sometimes I talk about diets with my aunt who was a doctor… We totally disagree :slight_smile: I know what is good for me and it’s too extreme for her. But she is a good person and don’t fight with me about my own eating on the single day of the year I am there (and provides nice meaty dishes. she absolutely couldn’t do anything with my ovo-lacto vegetarianism back then despite it’s a quite normal diet, I never saw any problem with it until I realized my keto with the inevitable off days is a tad too carby for me. and meat has its benefits anyway…).

(Edith) #271

I’ve had my ups and downs during this time of social distancing, but overall pretty good. Thanks for asking.

What are some of the other carnivore groups you visit?

(Laurie) #272

Kellyn, reminds me of a conversation I had with two friends. One asked, “Has either of you tried keto?” I said, “I’m on it now.” Before she had a chance to ask me anything, the vegan friend said, “Keto is bad, too much cholesterol.” I’m no good when things like that happen.

The same vegan friend once had vegan propaganda playing while I was visiting. A vegan diet reverses various health problems, etc., etc., the same things we hear about keto! I’m not interested in the debate; I just know what works for me.

So I might be joining you carnivores soon. I seem to be having reactions (mostly gut ache and loose stools) to most plant products. I no longer eat salads, broccoli, nuts, etc. I was eating a couple of tablespoons of sauerkraut with breakfast. At first it was okay, but it soon started having an unpleasant effect. Also, there is filler in some of the meats I’ve been eating (even though the label might say 0 carb per serving), and it affects me as well. So I’m having to leave more things behind.

Which brings me to another topic. Some of you eschew all processed meats. I eat “processed” meats for two reasons:

  1. I can’t eat most cuts of beef or or pork because I have “steakhouse syndrome.” So I eat ground beef, pork sausage, etc. I do try to get the best quality, e.g., organic, minimal or no fillers. And I read the label and aim for 0 carb.

  2. My lifestyle is not conducive to certain cooking methods. In particular, I share a kitchen, and some people are careless. I’m worried about Covid and want to get in and out of the kitchen as fast as possible. So I eat things like precooked chicken, preformed patties, presliced cheese (real, not processed cheese)…

A typical day is 3 cups black instant coffee in the morning; 3 eggs fried in butter, with either cheese or good sausage in the afternon; and then maybe half a pound of meat in the evening. That’s it, 2 meals a day, perhaps 80 grams of protein, and I have no idea how much fat. I don’t think I could eat more if I tried.

Anybody looking at what I eat would call me a carnivore. Except maybe you guys.

(traci simpson) #273

On Facebook. Carnivore nation, black carnivore, Dr Ken Berry keto low carb


Hi Edith. I’m doing a Facebook de-tox, so haven’t pursued that low ox community. Thank you for pointing it out.

I ate some chocolate and it is hard to tell if it was a help or a hindrance and I have focused on coffee intake. So, some oxalates have gone in.

The past week has felt like a constant hangover with those signs easing up a bit today (and I note that I am back in ketosis). I have been working a bit too hard.

But despite the chocolate aberrations, I have kept a foundation carnivore plan going.

I didn’t get through my fast days this week and had some chicken wings on both those planned OMAD days as a second, small meal mid afternoon before enjoying my weekly baked beef ribs for one meal (with my mum), and roast beef, some left over cold lamb and some boiled eggs last night. Today I had bacon and eggs for breakfats (no longer called breakfast) and some more roast beef tonight.

I have booked a follow up doctor appointment next week to get a lecture about diabetes and being over weight. But in there I’ll ask about getting an HbA1C done as well because they are calling “diabetes” on a morning fasting glucose test and an elevated fasting insulin. The blood glucose test is not so weird (114mg/dl) as I have increased blood glucose in the morning when on carnivore. I’ve been tracking that for months. By this afternoon, for example my blood glucose was 4.2mmol/L (76mg/dl) and ketones 0.1mmol/L (that doesn’t happen if insulin is persistently high), which indicates that the higher reading is probably transient and how my physiology responds. The medicos don’t hear me when I say I am eating low carb carnivore diet. They respond from a main stream diet world to lab results.

The other thing that is happening locally in response to climate change is that there is a mosquito borne virus in this area where I live called Ross River Virus. There are increased cases already this spring. That COVID critter has blinded a few doctors from seeing other infections. My symptoms could be a viral infection (just not the trendy one).

(traci simpson) #275

So that’s 3 meals. Why not add the afternoon meal with the morning meal to make 2 meals. Yes, that’s carnivore!


Often they are rice or potato starch, I think, Laurie. My butcher uses potato starch but I also noticed that it had monosodiumglutamate (MSG) in the filler. So it could be the starches, or it could be a chemical. But the butcher is good and will make up all meat sausages where the filler is organ meats, and those things are awesome to eat.

Your 2MAD meals look like a good system. You are very carnivore.


I love these keto and vegan stories. The interaction of two tribes.

We are so similar in what we may not eat, if’n the vegan is a wholefoods vegan and not a junk food vegan. We eat no processed foods, healthier wholefoods. That’s why we can chat together.

People lose weight on vegan diets. True. But carnivores end up being trim and strong. Whereas vegans tend to lose strength as they lose weight. Vegans talk about controlling portions. Yep, we do that with satiety. The portions are regulated by our satiety. Vegans may not admit it but many of them are constantly hungry, maybe even hangry. Red meat is not carcinogenic, it’s not the sources, but the data shows that. Quite a few vegans are environmentalists, that’s cool. Vegans care about animals and worry about killing them and whether it is cruel. I enjoy my vegan friends, I’ve learned so much from them. As you point out, they are great motivation to do one’s own research into all their claims. Even if we don’t like each other’s food we can keep the debate healthy.

I was listening to an interesting podcast where the researcher is a nutritional palaeontologist. Her strongest statements were to do with veganism and feeding children or in pregnancy. She explained that veganism is an adult decision because it is dangerous, like smoking, taking drugs, risky behaviour that requires full decision making abilities.

(Kellyn ) #278

We did agree that all processed foods are bad. I think she is trying to do a whole foods vegan but keeps messing up and eating processed foods. This is why she was saying that she would lose weight if she could stop eating processed foods.

I have seen this with my vegan friend. She is constantly trying to find ways to feel more full and talks often about how her breakfast is not as filling. I listen and have tried making suggestions with foods that she could try that are vegan. I even took some pictures of vegan foods that I saw at Lidl for her because she was wondering if they had anything there she could eat. I definitely do not push my zero carb/carnivore lifestyle on others, but if someone asks I will tell them what I am doing. I explain to others that I have done a lot of research into keto and zero carb and that is why I eat this way. I also explain that my cholesterol went down eating this way. It’s crazy though how pushy my vegan friend is on getting others to eat the way she does. I love my friend regardless.

(Kellyn ) #279

Yeah, I’m the same. I really don’t like debating. I just didn’t want my vegan friend to keep saying all these untrue things to the friend who asked me about low carb. All that I was doing was giving requested information to a friend when she jumped in with vegan propaganda. We did settle things on “everybody is different and what works for one may not work for another” and “at least we can agree that processed foods are bad.”


first off one of the biggest concerns is having 3 cups of coffee as breakfast. It is taking your appetite away…which is not a good thing on carnivore at all. Carnivore we eat food first, then if you want coffee go for it. On other plans, alot of people ‘use coffee’ as a ‘tool to take your appetite away’ which for us carnivores truly is a hinderance and not a good way to roll. ZC is all about food, water is kinda our drink only, but obviously many drink coffee but it is used as a drink we enjoy, but we never let it take our food intake away from us.

the difference is you are enjoying your other food BUT you know truly know your real appetite because of that coffee in the morning being your first intake…so you eat real food first, have some coffee as you enjoy, but then focus on the food part of your day and your food intake could easily change very quicky, as in you can eat alot more than ya think in real nutrient food :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Just some suggestions how the carnivore plan works best and reasons why we try to follow some concepts that suits this plan best.

Alot of us are trying not to do processed food cause they will never hold the nutrient dense/good fat/‘whole meat/seafood/fish’ values as anything processed. A steak will never equal a beef stick. Real fresh tuna steak will never equal tuna in a can. So we think of processed as more about those thoughts. Of course finding good processed is key as you are doing!

Yea your kitchen troubles sound tough on you. I get that!! But if you have a frying pan, it still would take nothing to fry up a steak, slam on plate and leave the kitchen. But of course that is up to you but fresh cooked whole meats/seafood/fish is truly a massive key element for carnivore but if you are doing well on what you are doing? cool, but if this plan gets tough on you and you feel ‘less than’ in any way…then you need to dump anything processed and cook for yourself.

If you EAT no plants you are carnivore… :slight_smile: :slight_smile: you aren’t doing ‘strict’ but that is cool, alot of us do not. a ‘relaxed’ carnivore will allow some coffee, some dairy, some processed stuff. Things that don’t work against us but for us, which is why alot of times some have to drop coffee, some have to drop some spices on food. Personal walk thru that part on how well we do on what condiments we include.

But in the end any way you make it work for you is a good thing if you feel good. So keep on and do what you can and enjoy the plan!!


Guys if I had to have these vegan chats I would slap those people. I couldn’t go thru those conversations at all without hurting someone on my mind HAHA I did those convos back in the day and I am SO over them it is insane. I can’t take the insanity out there on all those issues…ugh…more power to you guys for dealing with that stuff!!!

I didn’t eat good yesterday. Family got Japanese from our fav place and I got jealous. I mean I coulda ate just steak and shrimp from there with no sauce on it but what fun is that? I do that all the time at home HAHA but I sure gave up that soy sauce hibachi stuff I love on that steak but in the end I powered thru it. When they ate they ooh’d and aahh’d over it and I got jelly and removed myself from the area and in the end, my thoughts on the day was I WANT different tastes. All a mind game. All about life being unfair, which is not the case at all LOL but in the end I ended up saying, hey they eat what they want, I eat what I want. I allow the jealous times to just flow over me and let it pass and move on.

but I ate lower yesterday. I was pissed I couldn’t eat the rice and sweet carrots and icky sauce on the scallops, shrimp and steak and more they were loving…so I just kinda ate less ya know. Not happy with my food in the house but again, in the end, I powered thru and said screw this crap LOL I will eat very big and great today for me!!! So I am over it of course but it is a pain going thru some mental BS sometimes but it is what it is and in the end I won as usual and got thru all the stupid stuff.

yesterday was

3/4 lb. pork tenderloin
8 sausage
this first meal did not fill me up totally or hold me very well but it mostly killed my bigger appetite so I just held here on this food til later.

1/3 lb cheeseburger patty
6 slices bacon

today is 2 beautiful 1 lb. NY strip steaks I got defrosted. 1 around 11-2 for first meal, then eating another around 2-3-4 for the other…and I truly require at least 2 good lbs of heavy meat to make my life very good and I eat what makes my life very good :slight_smile:

So all in in zc land for me.

So close to being the end of the month, lets all finish strong and think about hitting October full speed ahead on carnivore and never looking back!!


I never can resist these…

clutches her only remaining carton of eggs harder
(An online acquaintance would write walls of text and immediately boil a whole pig head and eat the whole brain at once. Once I looked up cholesterol in brain. Impressive. My eggs have no chance. Someone on that forum totally lost it when read about the pig brain meal, saying it’s cholesterol for a year. Well, no, cholesterol doesn’t work like that but you here probably all know that.)

The cholesterol myth is debunked like AGES ago, big organizations announced their new views and whatnot.
Not like anyone forces anyone else to eat much cholesterol on keto, of course…

And many things said against keto, I do those on my all woe, sometimes it’s even “worse” off-keto… It’s not black and white that if you do keto, you eat this or that in big quantities (we only can say it’s very low-carb - well, if someone says they do keto, we can’t even say this as people eating meat saying they are vegans, amazing - and probably fat is more than minimal) BUT if you don’t eat keto, you won’t…
I am an individual, I don’t even CARE what a woe is like for some people in an experiments. I want MY woe to be great for ME. And our body usually responds quickly (in bad cases not necessarily that quickly but 1-3 days are usually enough for me) so we see how WE feel. Even if science itself says something is usually good, if I feel crap with it, I choose another way.
WHY many people feel the strong compulsion to convert people to the One Right Way that doesn’t exist, of course, I can’t imagine. I am all for experimenting (with sane ideas only if possible) and seeing what floats our own little individual boat :slight_smile:

I had this problem sometimes (well, low calories, I still eat more than enough protein) so I can relate, sometimes we can’t do much about it. And for a little while it’s fine if you feel okay. But eventually you probably must eat significantly more (I have no idea about your individual needs, of course or your fat therefore calorie intake). My confused (due to the drastic changes) body comes out from confusion and eat well again. If yours don’t… Well the others hopefully will have ideas. I would experiment with different timing and food items, some are easier to eat even when satiated, some extra fat may help…

If you eat animal products and don’t overdo sugars (lactose), it’s carnivore to me :slight_smile: But I am no carnivore, I just like to be close to it and I have my personal definitions.

Poor woman :frowning: I was nicely satiated almost all the time in my life, I can’t imagine being hungry for long… Can’t she just eat more? Or she gains then? Experimenting with different macros? I would be insanely hungry on a low-carb diet I am sure, not like I ever tried… And nuts aren’t so good either. I personally find gluten extremely satiating (in big amounts but I need much food, no matter what I choose) so if someone can handle gluten well, that’s an option. Legumes never failed me at quick, easy satiation either, they are the only carby things I can get satiated with. I prefer green peas as they aren’t THAT carby. Some low-cal super carby veggie dish isn’t effective at all.

This is a wonderful topic. I talk about everything from fruits to what may a hungry vegan try :smiley:

When I had 5 plant-based days in row (I am always curios and I didn’t eat meat, didn’t want dairy and had no eggs…), I never was hungry despite my lowish (just adequate) protein and using nuts and no gluten. I overdid carbs a bit and had to stop, though. I could do it better as I could eat gluten now… I would try but well, I need to end up with no meat, no eggs first and I don’t let that happen… My current woe is clearly superior so 1 day is the most I would be willing to do. And knowing the new me, I would stop eating my adored green peas after a few pieces. Oh well.

I don’t say it’s not true in general, just that it’s not necessary. I easily have 3 cups of coffee and it does nothing like that, coffee never affect my appetite or hunger (or it raises them). I always have a negative appetite in the morning anyway. 10 coffee or none, I still won’t eat until mid or late afternoon. Maybe @islandlight is like that too. But your input is useful as we know people miraculously fast easier when having coffees even if it sounds very weird to me. They surely responds differently to caffein. So there is a bigger chance I am the odd one and coffee interferes. I think. I still don’t know enough about this, I just know intermittent fasters usually cling to their coffee because it helps keeping hunger at bay (while I eat when I am hungry, well of course).

Timing is very personal and tricky. Sometimes it’s worth to wait, sometimes totally not when the goal is eating more (or less). I like to wait until some significant urge to eat and play with my food choices instead.