Simple seaweed snack

(Maha) #1

This recipe was inspired by a 2 Keto Dudes podcast recipe. I’m about a year back and catching up. Anyway, Richard had talked about putting together cheese, seaweed (nori) and vegemite. There might have been more, but I pretty much tuned out at vegemite. However, the seaweed and cheese was intriguing. So yesterday, I came across the seaweed snacks at Costco. I tried a slice of Havarti cheese between two seaweed sheets, and it was pretty darn good! But my husband, who also tried it, suggested four total sheets of seaweed, two on the bottom, two on top. Lo and behold, it was fantastic! I totally forgot to take a picture, but it’s not too hard to imagine.

1 slice Havarti cheese, cut in half
8 small sheets of roasted and salted seaweed

Place half a cheese slice between two sets of two sheets of seaweed.
Repeat with the other half of cheese and remaining sheets of seaweed.