Rough take off


So my start has been less than ideal… How do you stop carb cravings in particular chocolate and bread?

Feeling like a bit of a failure so far. But my food has been significantly better than recently so I guess that’s a start… But it’s quite the teething period.

Any advice on how that actually get going properly?


My strategy is eating lots and lots of fat. Don’t give your body a reason to feel hungry or deprived. Even if you are in ketosis for the first time, you are not yet fat adapted. A common mistake when people embark on keto way of eating is being afraid of eating too much fat, or too much food. Don’t limit calories or fat. This will get you quicker to the “fat adapted” state, which then makes it way easier to forget about chocolate and bread.

What are your food preferences? If you are a chocolate-lover, you can still have your chocolate, but at very high chocolate percentage (like 90% and higher). Make sure you read the ingredients, and especially the carb content, in any chocolate product you eat. There are a few recipes for keto chocolates and keto fat bombs on this forum. Use the search function on top right hand corner, and search this site for chocolate-containing keto recipes.

There are also keto bread options, too. Although, the strategy many people take is just stop eating it, even stop eating the keto versions, just to get into the habit of not craving it anymore. That’s what I did. However, if you prefer to eat a keto bread, again, check out the recipes on this forum. There are some really simple microwave breads that are done very quickly. Another great option is Fathead pizza, and other variations, like Carlshead pizza. Who doesn’t like pizza?? :grinning:

Hope this helps! If you have other questions, please ask again…we all want to see you succeed!


Not a failure at all. This is a big change to what you are used to and bound to be difficult. I agree with @Fiorella - you need to feel satisfied with what you are eating so don’t limit quantity or fat. There are sooooo many recipes that you can wander through to satisfy your cravings. Make something like chocolate lave cake…

And there are many “breads” to try. My advice re bread though is to avoid it completely for a while so that you can less easily compare the two. Keto breads will never match up but they taste pretty good when you have been without for a while. The pizza though is really good and actually this bagel recipe (which is based on Fathead) is not at all bad…

There is also an English muffin recipe which is decent…

The main way to beat the cravings is just to keep plodding along and stick to the plan. Th cravings WILL get better. I am not saying they will go completely but they really do become less frequent and more manageable.

(J DAKIC) #4

This may sound funny but I found that salt kills my cravings for sweets and chocolate.

Any time I experience cravings I make myself a cup of salty vegetable stock powder and boiling water and drink it. Craving dissapears instantly :slight_smile: plus you get the added benefit of supplementing your sodium :slight_smile:


Thanks will try and increase the fat over the weekend and I’ll try the salt trick while looking at chocolate related recipes haha

Appreciate the advice!

(betsy.rome) #6

I find a small square or 2 of dark stevia-sweetened chocolate after a meal fits within my keto program and - if I remind mysef that each bite tastes the same! - will satisfy that craving.

I recommend: Lily’s Sweets bars & chips
Skinny Chocolate dark chocolate mint squares
I’d stay away from Lindt for a while & other sugar-sweetened dark choc’s.