Rockin' October

(Liz ) #182

Thank you! 21+ hours into this 3 day fast and the scale was higher this morning, LOL! Oh my. I know you can’t take it seriously so I try not to but really? Like you said KCKO

(Liz ) #183

So I’ve been low carb since Jan 1st 2003. I saw that sugar was a poison for me, an addictive one that was ruining my life and I quit cold turkey. Also quit grains. Over the years I dabbled in paleo with sweet potatoes and honey/maple syrup to my detriment. But the past two Halloweens I’ve secretly binged on actual candy. In my car, never told anyone at all. Did it for just like, one hour, one day. Then not again until the next year. This will be my first Keto Halloween since that upsetting repeat binge behavior and I’m so relieved!! I know I won’t eat the candy, it’s not even an issue, and the scary weirdness is over. Keto is such a relief.


Happy Monday! I am starting week 8 of my keto life with a 36/12 schedule for the next 4 days. I’m 28lbs down and looking to break through the next threshold and leave it behind. The last extended fast was 84 hours and since then i have been intermittently fasting 18/6’s …uh…intermittently :smiley:
It’s pretty exciting to start the week off with a little fast just because you feel like it…it’s not at all intimidating as i thought it would be prior to embarking on this journey.

(Liz ) #185

I know what you mean about the fasting just being a thing we do now! Surreal at times lol. Congrats!

(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #186

Please help! I will also search the forum, so maybe this is venting. THANK YOU!

What do you tell co-workers who constantly tell you to eat? I’ve already declined graciously (cake for my birthday), and I have told them they can eat anything they wish.

What do you tell people who ask why, but do not listen?

(Donna ) #187

I don’t know the answer. Somehow, us not eating threatens their normal.

If they’re very insistent after you’ve already said ‘No, thank you,’ could you say “You are making me uncomfortable, now. Please, stop.”

(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #188

Will definitely do that! Thank you!

(Liz ) #189

It’s so weird how what we don’t eat upsets other people. I’ve been low carb for over a decade & I’ve had all kinds of reactions. Mostly I smile & say “Thank you, I don’t feel deprived, I’ve had enough cake for two lifetimes! I’m taking a break from that.” Or “The treat I’m giving myself is that I feel so much better when I skip the sweets.” They are mostly dealing with their own issues with food so I just keep smiling & saying “No thank you!” Over & over & over. But I’ve worked in retail my whole life & I can repeat myself with a smile forever lol.

(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #190

@LizinLowell, thank you for the wisdom. I shall try. Even the nicest people in the office would not listen to my polite/gracious “No, thank you/s.”

I hope you had a wonderful day.


Just say, “I’m not hungry right now, I’ll eat later”. Which is true, even if later is days (or weeks) away.

But no cake on your birthday seems a bit extreme (assuming you like cake)…

(Donna ) #192

Eh, I haven’t had ‘real’ cake on my birthday in 5 years. If someone at work bought me a birthday cake, I’d say thank you but I can’t eat it. I hope you all enjoy it! :smiley:

I don’t think it’s extreme. I get really frustrated that society makes celebrating about food. Would someone buy an alcoholic a drink on their birthday?

Because my parents don’t understand low carb, I have to cook EVERYTHING for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It just frustrates me that we can only get together to eat a bunch of food together. I wish we got together and went bowling or hiking, but that would never happen in my family.

Anyway, all that to say, I don’t think we ‘have’ to eat stuff that’s bad for us on our birthday.

(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #193

Thanks for you input, @4dml. I did tell my co-workers that they can have any cake they want.

However, a pre-diabetic not having cake is not extreme at all.

(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #194

@PugsDigMusic What you said, I cannot agree more!

And someone having “juice” for lunch is going to lecture me about not eating lunch :roll_eyes:.

Thank you all for letting me vent. Looking forward to November, and we will rock it even better.


It would be morally reprehensible to knowingly encourage a recovering alcoholic to relapse. Addiction is a disease, and whether the object is alcohol, drugs, sex, food (or anything else) I am wholely unqualified to discuss the matter. If that is the case with you, my comments are not applicable.

In many cultures, even the remaining hunter gatherer societies, eating is the centerpiece of many celebrations. That was likely the case during the Paleolithic era also. Times of feasting were celebrations.

There are times when I am offered food that (for whatever reason) I don’t want to eat. When it would be troublesome to turn it down (ie. cause offense, create questions, make a scene, create discomfort) I just accept it, eat a bite or two, and leave the rest on my plate. Nobody ever notices that I barely touched it. This approach obviously isn’t appropriate for someone with food addiction issues.

There are no “good” or “bad” foods. Some foods are healthier than others. Some foods I like more than others. There are times in my life when eating healthy takes​ a backseat to eating foods I enjoy. Celebrating my birthday is one of those occasions. Thanksgiving is another. YMMV.

Ultimately, it’s about whatever works for you. In my opinion, eating should create bliss not burden.


Seriously! When i got sober i heard horror stories of people having to stop seeing certain friends/family because they would push alcohol on them and refuse to accept their sobriety. Thankfully, everyone in my life was on board and encouraging.

It seems like these “nice” co-workers are enabling an allergy in a similar manner which just stinks! Hopefully, they will back off as they see you getting more and more healthy. You never know, some might even decide to hop on board. That has been the case here in my office where I was originally someone who told my best friend she shouldn’t fast because it’s unhealthy! (HAH!) Fast forward 6 months and i am THRIVING on keto and loving every moment. Just keep on ketoing on and JUST SAY NO to sugar. :wink:

(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #197

Thanks, @Friday!

(KCKO, KCFO) #198

Isn’t it fun to eat your own words :smiling_imp:


Delicious and carb-free!

(Liz ) #200

Does someone want to start a November thread? I’m on my phone so it’s awkward to navigate the site. Also I can’t think of a clever title :smile:

(Liz ) #201

OK I started a November thread! Come keep me company?