Refined olive oil


Would you say refined olive oil from Spain is fine to consume, as heated or not heated?


Yes, in reasonable amounts.

I add the second part because anything in “unreasonable amounts” is dangerous. This includes water and oxygen.

(Allie) #3

Personally no, I won’t have any refined oils. If you’re going to use refined olive oil you may as well just use nasty vegetable oil tbh.

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #4

The fat profile of olive oil is better than that of the industrial seed oils, but I much prefer animal fats, such as butter, lard, tallow, and bacon grease, because they are much lower in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA’s). While certain PUFA’s are essential to the human diet, we do not need them in any great quantity, and some of them cause systemic inflammation when over-consumed.


Check out the Fat Composition chart. The difference between (Refined) Olive Oil and (Extra) Virgin Olive Oil is… well nothing significant (identical in fat composition at any rate).

Taste is different, smoke point is different, so sure, there different stuff in it, and I know there are circles that like to tout extra virgin olive oil as the bees knees, but it certainly isn’t a problem with consuming regular (refined) olive oil (assuming the specific olive oil you are consuming hasn’t gone bad).