Preferences to tracking (apps, devices, etc.)?

(Mark Rhodes) #31

Check out friend of the program Peter Ballerstedt from 2019. Around 14 minutes if you are short of time.

(Denise) #32

I agree with that on the macros, especially protein :wink: So mine is at about 1100 usually, but I did a graph one day this month at mfp and I’ll plug it in here. My weight is 110 so divided by 2.2 I get 50 but this doesn’t look right? All my protein is animal-sourced from eggs, yogurt, meats, fish?? Looks like I’m getting well over what I need unless I calculated wrong??


(Denise) #33

I’ll watch him now :wink:

(Mark Rhodes) #34

I would say well done. You are not undereating. Of course you might want to understand some reasons as to why:

(Denise) #35

Wow, I like this guy Peter Ballerstedt!! “We’ve been enjoying the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought for far too long”!! Best quote I’ve heard for some time, thank you Mark, going back to listen to more of him :slight_smile:

I’ll check your other link when I’m done :wink: Denise

(Mark Rhodes) #36

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #37

Remember that protein is only a part of any food. Take steak, for instance, it is 25% protein, so to get 50 g of protein, you need to eat 400 g/14 oz. of steak. Fish contains about 22% protein, so you’d need to eat proportionately more. Eggs are pretty close to beef in their amino acid profile, so they are a good food, but you’d need to eat eight or nine of them to get 50 g of protein.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #38

He’s got a number of them. He’s a very thoughtful man, yet passionate about his beliefs.

You might like to check out his channel on YouTube. It contains both lectures and what he calls “sodcasts” (you’ll get used to his sense of humour after a while), especially a series called “Meet your Herdmates,” who are fellow members of the Ruminati (you will, I promise!).

(Denise) #39

Where the heck is the multi-quote option?? I’m certain I’ve used that here before, well semi-certain?

(Denise) #40

Oh oh, more brain-exercise, ok, I get that’s good for me :wink: I just always use the mfp site to calculate my macros. There’s an option in it’s settings to set my protein to a %, then fats, then carbs. So that’s not very accurate according to your in-depth figures :grimacing: I’ve always just figured the whole steak, or piece of fish for example, are 7 oz of protein or 4 oz like I sometimes have left-over and will eat that as my dinner. It’s enough, but I can eat more so I go for the bigger chunks. I’m not doing OMAD either, still 2 main and on more of a snack with yogurt, berries and walnuts.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #41
  1. Start a post by highlighting text and click the Quote button. Type away.
  1. Put the cursor where you want it in the post you’re writing, and then highlight more text and click the Quote button again. Type more!

(Denise) #42

Thanks Paul!! Will do :slight_smile:

(Denise) #43

Got it, I don’t think I’ve ever done this on the forum, so glad to know how :wink:

Got it, won’t need to do this often but sometimes on longer posts it will come in handy so I can answer to info someone takes the time to reply to me about ;):blush:

(Kinnessa ) #44

I use BetterMe app and MyFitnessPal for seamless tracking. Each has unique features; BetterMe enhances my Pilates journey ( MyFitnessPal excels in overall fitness. Combining both offers a comprehensive approach to health monitoring, providing valuable insights and motivation

(Bob M) #45

Although it’s easier to meet a protein goal if you use different beef. 7 ounces of bottom round gets you over 50g:


8 ounces of london broil will be about the same.

Edit: that’s about 48% protein by calories (not by weight).

(Denise) #46

I need to get into more types of red meat since I am so hooked on Tri Tip, they just taste better to me and I can’t almost always get them on sale at our Safeway :wink:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #47

Dr. Phinney says a good rule of thumb is that an ounce of beef contains 7 g of protein. That works out to roughly 25 g of protein in 100 g of meat. (I once did the arithmetic, lol!)

You know, I never thought to calculate that! :grin::grin:

(Denise) #48

You dudes and your numbers are helping me figure this out which I couldn’t wrap my lame brain around it all at first :slight_smile: Thanks much!!

(Bob M) #49

Tri tip is really good.

And something like bottom round is usually cut as a hunk of meat. If you’re by yourself, it might be too much. For a family of 4 (which I have), it’s good. I cook it partially (stop at 120F internal temp - though it does carry over), cool, and then slice and cook for dinner.

(Denise) #50

I think Round Steak is one of those cuts that is kind of tough, but if so, doesn’t the way you prepare it make it more tender Bob? I can buy it and freeze it into separate meals, and less expensive which would help me out too. I need more variety :slight_smile: