Possibly worth its own subcategory: Alcohol and keto?

(Steak and iron) #1

I moderate reddit /r/ketodrunk and it’s a popular topic on some keto boards. What is keto, what isn’t keto, what you need to be aware of when drinking while in ketosis, and so forth. What do you think?

(Tom Seest) #2

I’ll drink to that…

(chris.coote) #3

In the FB group, the topic came up often, especially passing on a warning that a drink on Keto seems to pack double the whallop for some… Good idea in my humble opinion :blush:

(ianrobo) #4

it does, I had a few beers on Saturday, on Sunday I felt awful, more than I should have with amount to drink. It is a kind of moderate Keto Flu and think it was Steve Phinney that said for 72 hours you do not get back properly, jeez I was hungry Sunday.

But I am aware of the price I pay and as an adult take that price.

(Meeping up the Science!) #5

Many from the peeps from FB aren’t used to subreddits or forums. I think we were going to limit categories at first to avoid “analysis paralysis” as it were. I do think branching out here would be especially useful if it becomes populous.

(Richard Morris) #6

Yeah our Alcohol show was the most fun to record … mainly cos we were mixing and drinking while recording :slight_smile:

As Donna said we’re gonna limit categories to try to prevent the site being too intimidating for new users but I think we’ll add some tags to the food category that might enable us to further specialize posts.

(joelchandler) #7

I know you have put in a number of general topics… is it worth being preemptive in putting other sub-topics in place to future proof the forum. It would also allow specific admins to be responsible and curate specific sub branches as required.

(Richard Morris) #8

That is the goal - to have experts in each forum who specialize.

The nice thing about this platform is that users who have been engaged with the platform for 100 days get moderator tools and can move topics around. So we can start out being a bit generic and the forum will self collate over time.

(ryancrawcour) #9

I’m an expert in alcohol, or, ummmm, in the consumption of alcohol :open_mouth:
Not sure that’s @Richard what you meant though

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #10

Yes. Definately. Even if it’s sole purpose is to warn of the deadly keto hangovers and the possibility you may be a MAJOR lightweight in ketosis (this would be me).
I love anejo tequila.
One shot, buzzed. Two? Hammed. Three? Don’t ask.


(AnnaLeeThal) #11

Seriously. I am the cheapest date ever now. The combined fact that I hardly ever drink anymore plus Keto and I have to be really careful! More than a glass of wine or a shot of liquor (mind you the favorite here is 94 proof Kraken rum) and I am asking for a bad morning.

It’s all good…more money to spend on artisinal fats!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #12

LMFAO you goofball

(Alix Hayden) #13

This is me too. Pre-keto, I’d be sleepy after one small glass of wine, ill after two. I gave it up altogether once on keto, I just can’t.

(Steak and iron) #14

One of the strange effects I’ve noticed with keto, especially after being keto for a long time, is that I plateau in my drunkenness pretty rapidly and I haven’t found anyone else who has the same effect.

That is to say: 1 drink I’m light, 2 drinks I’m buzzed, 8 drinks I’m no more drunk than I was at 2. I wonder if changes in liver or blood cause this? Maybe the ketone pathways in the brain? Anyone else experience this?

Maybe this deserves its own topic

(Alix Hayden) #15

I’ve also heard in other forums about the risk of blowing positive on a roadside breathalyzer just because you are in ketosis. I have never had to do this myself, and haven’t heard of anyone it’s actually happened to. Anyone? I have often though of travelling around with my blood level tracking notebook as Exhibit A.

(joelchandler) #16

Old testers were essentially small fuel burners and any volatile fuel would be assumed to be ethanol… most new models are more selective.

(Jannik Mortensen) #17

I have actually experienced this at our company christmas party 20 days ago. Normally on Keto, i have the same feeling, after 2 drinks i need to stop, otherwise its straight to bed!, but at this party i drank 3 glas of wine, 2 shot of the hard stuff and 8 beers! ohh and a little dark rum.The party was about 8-9 Hours. At the end of the night just before leaving, someone offered me a gin and tonic, and this is really odd, i took a zip like 2 mouthfull and within 5 min, i had that old feeling, you know when you just had that 1 drink to much, and you start falling of the cliff. It stopped again after 30 min. I wonder if this could be the combination of fructose and alcohol?

Next morning i felt little sluggish and tired, but no hangovers! :+1:

(ianrobo) #18

Strange when I drink under ketosis the hangover is far worse !

(AnnaLeeThal) #19

I see this too, especially the wine hangover! I had such a headache after two glasses of wine. Now I drink rarely, limit my wine to one glass, and usually stick to liquor.

(Chris McRoberts) #20

I stopped drinking beer, switched to scotch-low carbs