Pork Rind Pizza Crust and Carlshead First Attempt

(Cheryl Hall) #1

Made my first Carlshead Pizza today - had some trouble as I didn’t have parchment paper - let’s just say it didn’t work with wax paper! I salvaged most of the crust and rebaked it without the parchment paper. It really didn’t stick to the pan and came out nice and crispy. It was actually delicious!

I also found this recipe for Pork Rind Pizza Crust – thinking about @Brenda’s pancakes makes me want to try this. Anyone made pizza Crust with pork rinds?


(Jeremy Storie) #2

My most recent pizza was made with porkrind dust. I used the traditional fathead recipe and just substituted porkrinds for the almond flour. It was a bit oily but I didn’t mind.

(Jeremy Storie) #3

This was a double recipe by the way :grin:

(Cheryl Hall) #4


Wow that looks freaking delicious! I’m making this on my next Pizza attempt!

(Michelle) #5

that looks soooo good!! What brand of pork rinds did you use?


This is really intriguing. The almond flour, while it’s not high carb or anything, is the largest source of carbs in the crust itself (toppings may have more depending on choices), so sounds like you managed to make an even lower carb fathead pizza (with more protein and fat). That’s pretty awesome on it’s own. Did you do just a 1 to 1 replacement for this (same amount of pork rind dust to replace almond flour)?

You mention it’s a bit oily (which I wouldn’t mind either, I liked my pizza greasy even before keto) but otherwise how does it compare to a fathead pizza made with almond flour? Does it hold it’s shape as well, better, worse? Does it taste as good, etc?


I haven’t seen pepperoni application that precise in years, well done! And I thought I was a perfectionist lol

(Jeremy Storie) #8

Utz. I buy the mega pack at Sam’s club.

(Jeremy Storie) #9

Yes, I used a 1 to 1 ratio with the porkrind dust vs the almond flour. It’s not as firm as the fathead crust. Reminds me more of a NY style crust that you fold.

(Jeremy Storie) #10

Yep, I’m a bit OCD :joy:

(deana leone) #11

here’s my 1st carlshead. I have not had pizza in YEARS. none. for years. #ReunitedAndItFeelsSoGood

(carl) #12

Did you use Xanthan gum? That helps shore it up.

Sounds like I need to do another experiment

(Jeremy Storie) #13

Nope. I was just experimenting myself. Possibly leaving the egg out may firm it up as well.

(carl) #14

Let me know how that goes. I’m always looking for better pizza crust! Meanwhile, Imma experiment. Sounds great. Pork rinds definitely more delicious than almond flour.

So, Jeremy, what’s your story (NPI)?

(Andrew Anderson) #15

I’ve been using pork rinds with the dry mozzarella. I gave up on using eggs, I kept making a hot mushy mess. The only other ingredients is seasoning to the crust. I follow all the usual steps of cooking, flipping, adding toppings, and baking longer. When I think it is finished I cut slices and fry them in a skillet. That extra step gives me cracker crunchy crust! I don’t make it often because I want to eat the entire thing without coming up for air.

(Jeremy Storie) #16

My twin brother @jamestorie stumbled upon this WOE a couple of years ago and jumped in feet first. I on the other hand would eat keto on again off again and lose and gain the same water weight. I finally committed this past February and plan on eating this way forever. James and I have both struggled with weigh out whole life. It’s nice to finally find the answer.

(Jeremy Storie) #17

I plan on leaving the egg out next time.

(carl) #18

Well done, sir!

Blood sugar and weight have normalized, I assume?

(Jeremy Storie) #19

Never had an issue with blood sugar and I’m still working on the weight. I’m down 31 pounds and counting. James is close to his maintenance weight.