POLL: What is your opinion about lazy keto?



Although, tracking calories ≠ CICO. I don’t think that most of us that track calories or believe that calories matter, believe in CICO.

Anyway, sorry @CarlKeller to derail your poll question. I checked your third option (will never try it and prefer to stick with standard), which is the closest to how I roll. But “never” seems pretty dramatic to me. I just get better results when I track everything I eat, so it’s more that I agree with the latter part of that statement.

(hottie turned hag) #23

Me too. Lost 60+ lbs this way and feel fab :smiley:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #24

What do you call it when you don’t even track your carb intake?

However much carbohydrate I’m eating, I know it’s low enough to keep me in ketosis, because of the way my mouth tastes, among other things.

I know it really drives people crazy not to track, take supplements, and measure ketones, because eating properly just isn’t enough to give the feeling that we’re actually doing something. Obviously, two million years ago, our ancestors spent all their time at GNC, checking out all the supplements and buying glucose meters. Not to mention scales for weighing their carb intake.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #25

I answered with my definition of lazy keto. I spent ~ 4 years in and out of ketosis and I got most of my metabolic markers in the good ranges. Went strict <20g and lost 52+ lbs (so far) and the best I can tell got rid of my NAFLD.

I don’t track but I measure BG and BHB blood levels several times a week and when EF at about 24, 48 and then final hr (60 to 72hrs).

So I found my version of LK to be useful but not enough.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #26

I have an obsession with not obsessing about numbers. :grin:

('Jackie P') #27

Lazy seems a negative term for the relaxed WOL that I find very positive
I love learning and feeling well, but Im doing this to enjoy my life more!
I find some approaches so intense, with a frightening degree of self obsession.
Hey man! I guess I’m just too damn lazy😎


That would be Super Dooper Lazy Keto.

Can we call it Natural Keto instead of lazy?

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #29

Then all I do is super dooper lazy - but I have tracked so much before that I know what I’m eating.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #30


(Allie) #31

Or just lose the unnecessary label and accept it as eating real food without feeling the need to track or count… :grinning:

(less is more, more or less) #32

Did Socrates call that a life well lived? :wink:

(less is more, more or less) #33

Super duper lazy = sustainable.

(Little Miss Scare-All) #34

It’s quite clear @dlc96_darren has not yet seen this thread–King of the Lazies.


I was going to comment, but I’m so lazy, why bother…

(John) #36

I don’t track or count anything but my weight and how my clothes fit. Does that qualify as “lazy”?

(Allie) #37

You’re as lazy as me @JohnH :grin:

(Hamz Edward) #38

I’d call that being fat (keto) adapted. :slight_smile:

(Hamz Edward) #39

Do you consume trans fats like deep fried fast food items, blended vegetable oils, etc?

(Hamz Edward) #40

That’s awesome. Which fasting protocol did you use (OMAD, 20:4 or 16:8)? And how often?

(Brian) #41

I’m “lazy keto” here. I don’t count anything anymore. But I also have a pretty well known list of foods that I eat from that I do have an idea of their nutritional value.

I started out being quite careful about everything. But over time, you kinda don’t have to keep going back to Google to figure out how much protein and fat in an egg. It just doesn’t keep changing, an egg is pretty much the same nutritional values as it was a year and a half ago when I started.

I generally do not have carby foods around the house. And we don’t eat out all that often. I try to stick with a substantial protein at every meal and then usually have some low-carb veg to go with our supper. Treats are more occasional than they used to be but are pretty much sugar-free / low-carb across the board when they do happen.

It’s just how we roll. We’re not carnivore but come close on some meals… like our breakfast this morning, eggs & sausage. The coffee wasn’t carnivore. Keto, oh yeah, not even a question. Calculated, no, so I guess that makes us “lazy keto”.