Plateau Buster

(Gary Villines) #1

Used IF to drop my first 25# then stalled! I do 16/8 fasting. And my fat,protein,carb ratios are in the neighborhood of 80,15,5 respectively. But I’ve stopped dropping weight. I suppose I should get body fat calipers before I complain too much. I work out 30-45min a day 4-5 a week.
MY QUESTION IS: to start losing weight again should i stop my IF routine? Or change it in anyway?

Thanks guys!

(Griffin Mekelburg) #2

You may consider doing some EF, even just 3 days once and a while. Jimmy Moore and Megan Ramos in the last few episodes of Fasting Talk have gone over how switching up your fasting patterns will keep your body guessing and should help promote further weight loss. Go over to the Fasting section for much more knowledged advice on the subject lol but doing EF got me passed my plateau in the past. Currently 34 hours on a fast right now to get over another and will let you know my own results :slight_smile:

(Barbara Greenwood) #3

If what you’re doing stops working, change something.

Megan Ramos and Jason Fung have commented multiple times on the Fasting Talk podcast about the need to change things up… the body can get used to a particular pattern of eating, and adjust output to input. Anything you do for an extended period of time can potentially become maintenance for you. And if that happen at a higher weight than you want, then you either have to switch things up, or accept your current level. I’m in the same place myself.

From 16:8, you’ve basically got two ways to go. You could:

  1. do some longer fasts - 36 hours, say - as often as you want. Even once a week could make a difference, three times a week would be better. OR

  2. paradoxically - feast first! Go back to eating 3 meals a day for a while - keeping it keto, and being careful not to eat past nicely satisfied at mealtimes. Then, after a week or so, go back to the 16:8. That could shift things round enough to start you moving again.

Switch it up…
Find what works for you.

(Griffin Mekelburg) #4

Lol much better way of paying what I was getting at! Love Fasting Talk, it’s a real plethora of knowledge!

(Gary Villines) #5

@Barbara_Greenwood @ReaperScoob

Awesome advice! Just what I was looking for. Feast/fast sounds much more appealing LOL

APPARENTLY I will also subscribe to that fasting podcast!

Have a great day!

(Caitlin) #6

How long did it take you to see weight lose when using intermit fasting?

(Gary Villines) #7

About 3 weeks

(Arlene) #8

So are you saying it’s more knowledge than you need?

(Griffin Mekelburg) #9

More like it’s more than I can retain lmao!


Your weight loss wasn’t a result of IF only. If you lost 25 pound in 3 weeks then something else has changed.

(Gary Villines) #11

Right. Keto! I was eating “healthy” oatmeal for breakfast, peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat and an apple and banana for lunch and whatever my wife made for dinner ( favorite being meatloaf and Mac and cheese). Add in Diet Coke when I’m tired. And there you go.

Down to a 5% daily carb diet

(John) #12

I’m not sure you know what a plethora is.

(Griffin Mekelburg) #13

nope sometimes people use words out of context, as long as in the end you got the point lol
And thank you for reminding me to clearly catch up on my Three Amigos, when comedy actually somehow taught us things lmao

Thanks for the heads up on the word usage, will go on using it in correct terms :smiley:

(John) #14

You used it correctly, I just can’t hear that word without thinking of the movie.

(Griffin Mekelburg) #15

ahhh after a couple comments i was starting to assume it more meant like overabundance

any way of plugging in a Mel Brooks or Steve Martin movie is A OK in my book lmao take all chances!

(Arlene) #16

Ha, ha. Actually “plethora” is one of my favorite words, and all because of The Three Amigos. Funny that you think of that movie too. It always makes me smile. A plethora is an over-abundance, a surplus.
Just for the record I love the word conundrum too. It’s just fun to say.