Overeating and fasting on Carnivore

(Magnus Jensen) #1

Hi, going from Keto to ZC and Carnivore I tend to want to “overeat” on meats. Anyone with same issues? Do you practice OMAD to cope with this or do you just go with it even though you see weight gain visually on belly and in face? Maybe a part of adaption, but still hard to see that weight comes on this way (I am quite lean before going ZC and have done it to cope with to much focus on food in my life and wanting to mute my appetite). I also think IF and EF in addition to OMAD in all of its restrictive nature has made me develop some sort of eating disorder which I did not use to have.


I’m not zero carb but I remember a Kelly Hogan interview where she talked of weight gain when she initially went carnivore. Googled & found this:

(Dawn O Miller) #3

I have been Carnivore going on 3 months now. Before I was doing Keto and IF, and lost a considerably amount of weight. When I switched to Carnivore, I followed Dr. Sean Baker’s advice to “Eat Meat likes it’s my Job.” I did this initially, but felt I was eating too much, so I attempted to do IF and got really sick. I learned being Lean, going Carnivore and doing an Extended Fast do not mix. So I eat 2 meals regularly per day, sometimes a small meat snack between meals and feel much better for it. I try to keep my eating times within an 8hr window and that has worked for me so far. When I was exercising I felt the need to eat more meat, but I’ve stopped exercising and feel my appetite is better in control. I have gained weight, but I can tell its muscle, I actually like the look of my body, it is definitely healthier looking now than when I was Keto & IF. This has been my experience, I hope it helps.

(Carl Keller) #4

I’m not carnivore but some days I have carnivore tendancies. I’ve always had to battle with the temptation to overeat delicious meats. I feel like my behavior towards protein is very similar to how I used approach a pile of peanut butter cookies.

What helps me limit myself is only cooking a reasonable amount of meat and no more. Or if I am cooking a large roast and want to it be two meals, I will try to put half of it away so it’s not within fork’s reach. I will say, I only have limited success with the latter strategy. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Chris) #5

Do you salt or season? Maybe do that less, making the food less palatable can help with overeating. For instance, I find it hard to overeat ground beef unseasoned. However, I can eat 8lbs of bacon before someone can yank it out of my hands.

(Magnus Jensen) #6

Good point, come to think of it, when I have overeaten it is typically ribeye and I put a lot of salt flakes on top of the steak while eating it (at the table).

(Carl Keller) #7


But it could work. My ex was a terrible cook and never seasoned anything and I definitely could not overeat the meals she made.

(Chris) #8

I had an ex like that. Dodged a cannonball.

(Carl Keller) #9

Mine was also terrified of undercooking meat and seeing the slightest hint of pink in her food. She would literally cook roasts, chops or chicken for a half hour longer past the point of well done.

(Chris) #10

Mine was terrified of fat and thought ratatouille would cause her to lose weight.

(Carl Keller) #11

I’m starting to wonder now if we have the same ex…

(Chris) #12

HA. Perhaps!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #13

@CarlKeller and @Dread1840 you two should start a humor thread :laughing:

(Chris) #14

Every thread is a humor thread. :smiley:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #15

I think I was with both of your ex’s at different times so I don’t think it was the same woman for both of you :cowboy_hat_face:

(Chris) #16

I wouldn’t doubt it if you were with my ex while I was with her, TBH.

(Mark Rhodes) #17

And Now for our other Forum, Dear Penthouse…:smirk:

(Cathrine Helle) #18

@CarlKeller @Dread1840

I can’t help but wonder why you guys didn’t do the cooking yourselves if your ex’es were so terrible at it :laughing:

(Chris) #19

My cooking was too rich for her.

(Carl Keller) #20

I’d rather suffer through a dry, flavorless dinner than a good one with constant complaining.