Oh my gosh I was starving and I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

(Karla Sykes) #1

So I was fasting and I was starving and I was at school and I thought I can make it to the next time I got at home and I was so hungry I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich thinking I could do it on whole wheat bread like that would help I feel so sick right now

(Wendy) #2

Bummer! But il bet it was sooo good!!! If it were me, I would just try to drink alot of water to wash it through…


Okay, hopefully you learned from it. Use your brain even when starving (not so easy, I know… have a plan then, don’t eat on a whim) and keep some food on you if you aren’t sure you get proper food in time.


take some nuts or pork rinds with you.

(Karla Sykes) #5

My head is hurting.

(Karla Sykes) #6

Believe it or not I feel like I have a hangover, how is this possible


I’ve heard about a thing “carb hangover” a few times…
I don’t have that. It’s slowly progressing carb poisoning for me but I need to eat a lot of carbs for that, for days. Some people can go back to high-carb (it’s something I can’t, don’t want and won’t do) and some get long-term agonizing pain eating just a little food bad for them. Most of us are somewhere in-between.
I eat as little carbs as I can if I manage to overeat carbs, what better would I do?

Get better and think again if you get such ideas again… If you are very curious (like me), you may experiment with adding back a single type of carbs and only a little bit to see what happens. But for the near future, it’s better to stick to little carbs.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #8

@Karla_Sykes Karla, at least you didn’t have to learn this hard lesson:

Good news! We’re constantly being informed by the few in the know that eventually you’ll not only be able to indulge a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but remain solidly in ketosis doing so. :crazy_face:


That’s a shame, I hope you feel better soon. I am still transitioning off sugar and carbs and find I am fighting headaches too. Of course, some of it may be adjusting to my new pair of glasses. :nerd_face:

I have heard comedians make fun of this happening to people who follow strict dietary guidelines whether it’s vegan, paleo, keto, or whatever. I know I felt it some when I cut out all fast food and then had to get some in an emergency like you. Not only did it make me feel ill, it didn’t taste good like it used to.

So does keto eventually make us carb-intolerant? That kind of makes me sad, but I guess it will be a strong motivator not to fall off the low-carb wagon!

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #10

(Wendy) #11

Hopefully within 24- 48hrs youl feel back to normal. At least you didnt end up on the ground. That’s what happend to me at Thanksgiving. A combination of sugar and anxiety did me in. I passed out. Just alittle reminder when I think about sneaking a treat. Funny I work at a Counseling office, and was sharing how when I go to the store I walk down the goodie aisle and SNIFF! All the chocolate, and sweets. My nose is so intune with the yummy smells of sugar. That I CAN NOT HAVE. And at our office we always have a bowl of hard candies for the clients! I have to remember how I felt at Thanksgiving, just alittle reminder. About the consequences.

(Karla Sykes) #12

But if the thing I never would have touched a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but I have been fasting for 3 days and I’m done trying to get to 5-day fast and today I got very hungry day for where I feel so weak like as if I was going to pass out and so then I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I feel terrible

(Karla Sykes) #13

It’s all right I don’t know what was worse dying of hunger or trying to eat a regular carbohydrate meal I didn’t even know my body was going to react that way I’ve been eating a low-carb diet now for like a year. I have no clue my body will react this way if this is never happened before. I use can eat as many carbs as I want


Quest Bar for emergencies.

I couldn’t force myself to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich no matter how hungry I get.

Hope your feeling better. :smiley:

(Wendy) #15

I have been on Keto since last April. And after the few times I have had problems. They’re just good reminders why Not to Indulge. No matter how much I would love to. Consequences are there for every action. You will have a reaction.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #16

Karla, I don’t fast other than overnight when for most of the time I’m sleeping. So I may be wrong and hopefully some of the more experienced and knowledgeable fasters can advise you better if I am. I do get hungry occasionally simply because I forget to eat. So for what it’s worth, which may be nothing:

What you describe sounds a lot like my pre-keto experiences with multi-day fasts. For me, the hunger peaked on day 2 and then subsided on day 3. Aside from that timing, which is most likely an individual thing, you seem to be describing what I call ‘carb hunger’: the incessant, gnawing drive to get something, anything into your stomach now or I’ll die. ‘Keto hunger’ is a different thing: more of a gentle reminder that you really ought to think about eating sometime soon.

I compare carb hunger to the flesh eating plant in the movie Little Shop of Horrors demanding to be fed constantly. While ‘keto hunger’ is more like the treasurer at the monthly company board meeting announcing that income failed to match outgo during the previous month and we had to dip into cash reserves to cover the difference.

So my question is: how many carbs are you eating every day? Do you measure? Do you have some means to test for ketones? If I haven’t eaten all my calories the day before, I will often feel keto hunger the next morning before my first meal. But it goes away. I have never experienced the sort of hunger you seem to be describing since I began keto 3+ years ago. I’m quite willing to accept that I may be an oddball and my experiences irrelevant for you. :unicorn:

(Marianne) #17

I think the reason you feel so bad is that it is a pretty marked metabolic switch from what you were eating.

I used to love to binge on straight peanut butter (on white bread), or peanut butter and jelly (again, on white bread). Don’t eat nut butters now or nuts in general now because they are just too easy to binge on.

You’ll feel better tomorrow.

(Karla Sykes) #18

I almost peed my pants when I was reading that I was so freaking funny

(Karla Sykes) #19

Weird part about it is I used to be able to eat whatever I want. I used to eat spaghetti without me and French bread. I don’t know what happened to me it’s like if I’m not eating meat and vegetables and my few 10 or so fruits that I’m allowed to eat then I feel terrible if I eat anything outside of that. I mean I really felt like I had a hangover wear I was dizzy my stomach hurt it and I felt like I had to throw up all this over a silly sandwich that I used to eat all the time. How is this even possible? I didn’t even know I can give sick of Rich carbohydrate food. Does this mean that I literally change my metabolism or the way my body process food or is this like a forbidden food from this point on what happened to my body?

(Edith) #20

A couple of thoughts: I think most people actually have problems with gluten, but they don’t realize that it made them feel bad until they give it up. On a ketogenic diet we all pretty much give up gluten, and then feel crummy if we eat some at a later time. The bread you ate had gluten, so it could be that.

My other thought, is that after fasting for three days maybe peanut butter and jelly was just too heavy of a meal to break the fast.