Often forgotten nsv!

(Marianne) #41

Ha, ha!!! Love it! Let your freak flag fly!!!


(Marianne) #42

Can you tell me where this is? I googled it but a bunch of stuff comes up.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #43

Search on YouTube and you’ll find it. If not I’ll send you a link when I get home.

(Marianne) #44

Thank you - I did find it. Have watched about half of it and it is hard to know with a lot of these. Doesn’t help that all the examples are the top 1% of the population. I am curious, though, and will complete it.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #45

Yeah, comparing oneself with movie stars isn’t fun. But those are also the pictures she has available without invading privacy more than is already done. I found it made more sense once I was done.

(Becky) #46


I agree with what ya said…BUT…I still prefer to compare myself to Nancy down the street as opposed to Marilyn Monroe :joy::joy:…even tho she is my absolute idol :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

(KCKO, KCFO 🥥) #47

I find this interesting, but still trying to see where I best fit in, it is complicated.

13 body types video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkf33PHuD-c&list=PLjq1drkA_Cmn-bSUsQqAaLZcrIHQCN8vO&index=5

Here is the test . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLIuYHLzZpM

One of the comments contained this helpful info for the body parts.
Alaina Cheng

Alaina Cheng5 months ago

  1. @2:48 Hands and Feet 5. @3:21 Overall shape of body 6. @4:00 Bust line and torso 7. @4:40 waistline 8. @5:13 Hipline 9. @5:52 Flesh 10. @6:20 Jawline 11. @6:49 Nose

(Marianne) #48

Ain’t that the truth!!!


(Marianne) #49

I don’t understand the numerical references - anything that will make this easier is welcomed!

(Kirk Wolak) #50

My wife pointed out that she doesn’t remember the last time I bought clothes for myself. I do it all the time now. I actually enjoy trying things on and seeing how they look on me.

Much easier now that I stopped buying TENTS to wear. LOL

(Becky) #51

That’s awesome :clap: congratulations :confetti_ball: it does feel good not having to shop in the camping section lol!!

(KCKO, KCFO 🥥) #52

Those are the mins. and seconds into the video @2:48 is two mins and 48 secs. into the video.