October ZornFast 2019

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #8

Thank you!


Girl, you know we have your back!

I’m so excited for you. I admire Dr. Ali’s work, so happy you will get to work with him.


I love Dr. Ali too! He was a fairly recent discovery for me.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #11

Thank you :slight_smile:


Hi all. I think I might join you this time round. Have been thinking of doing this once a month for a while. Have done a couple of 36/40 fasting and could possibly do 48. Is that ok? Am doing it mainly for autophagy.

(KCKO, KCFO) #13

Absolutely ok. You do you in the monthly fast. I often do 36-40 hrs. of fasting, do a refeed day and do another 36-40 hrs. for this monthly fast.

Glad you decided to join in.

October 2019 - IF/EF Chat Thread (All Welcome)
(Susan) #14

It will be great to have you join the group, Amanda =). I totally agree with @collaroygal -you do whatever works for you =). Fasting is a totally voluntary thing, and everyone has to do what works for their own bodies =).

(Marc SW129.4 SD07/19) #15

Hey all this will be my second attempt at a 3 day fast I’ve been going great on IF this month easily getting 16:8 most days with a few 18:6 days and two 21:3 days. I’ve just started a 16:8 and should be finished after 1pm where I have a 4h window to feast before starting the fasting!


I had a WONDERFUL Fast 48 with loads of energy and optimism for life. So far, my break-fast has been good too!

I do these often, but often I add some fats…to the tune of about 200 or less calories.


(Susan) #17

I am so happy for you that you have been doing so well with your Keto journey so far since you joined the forum, Marc, this is terrific =). Keep up the great work.

(Susan) #18

Congrats on completing your 48 hour Fast =).

(Susan) #19

I am going to do a 48 hour fast from tonight at 4:30 until Friday at 4:30 and then have supper at that time on Fridaythen I will continue Fasting Friday 5:00 pm until Sunday at 5:00 pm.

I find it too difficult to go grocery shopping on Friday night’s with my 3 year old grand daughter, lugging her in and out of carts and stuff if I don’t eat a supper first so I need to do a break in the fast. . So I will be doing 2 -48 hour Fasts with one meal in between the two. I know that sometimes others have done something similar, and I feel that we all have to do what will work for our own bodies so this is my plan this time =).

I wish everyone a great fasting experience =).

(KCKO, KCFO) #20

Marc, just make sure your electrolytes are good and it sounds like you’ll do fine.

I start my fasting after dinner tonight, hope to go til Friday night or even Sat. morning. I’m in maintenance mode, so not as much self fat to digest as when I had a lot of extra weight.

Anyone else starting tonight or already into their fasting?

(KCKO, KCFO) #21

Susan, I often follow that pattern, I’m sure you can do it.


(KCKO, KCFO) #22

Stan, you’re back in a good fasting groove again. Yea, YOU.


Planning to go from evening 16th to evening Friday the 18th

(Susan) #24

That is great, best wishes for your goal =).

(Susan) #25

Thank you @collaroygal --hoping I will see the scale down a bit by Monday =). I know… it is not just about the scale, but still… haha.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #26

You’re so polite to blur even the mention of a meal but really I only mean to blur actual food words. You don’t have to go through the trouble of blurring talking about when you’re going to have a meal. It is okay, really :slight_smile:

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #27

Hey guys, I want to share a new fasting protocol with you. Named after one of my IDM clients with his permission. It’s called, The Clark Protocol. It goes like this:
Feast 2 days
Fast 2 days
Feast two days
Fast 3 days
Feast 2 days
Fast 4 days
Feast 2 days
Fast 5 days.

End fast.

On the feast days you eat two meals each day.

This is an excellent protocol to strengthen your fasting muscle and does not seem so ominous to newer fasters wanting to do more extended fasts. This entire protocol last 22 days, over three weeks! I plan to follow it after the low carb Houston conference and I already have some of my other clients committing to the protocol.