October 2019 - IF/EF Chat Thread (All Welcome)

(Bob M) #77

@TimeForMe Blood pressure every three hours?

I’m starting a 36 hour fast. I tried to eat more yesterday to ensure I got enough food in me to avoid getting too cold.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #78

I ate a little more as well yesterday. I’m counting on getting cold. Seems to be a thing for me when I fast.


Only because I can. I have a little wrist cuff device so it’s easy to just throw it on and do it.

(Bob M) #80

It definitely affects my blood pressure over time. After 4.5+ days, I can start getting dizzy when I stand. Doesn’t happen all the time, though.

@daddyoh I should also get cold, especially at night/bedtime. Last time, I had to have long pants and a long sleeve shirt on at night. We’ll see though. It’s a bit warmer here.

(Bob M) #81

By the way, has anyone taken their (internal) temperature while fasting? That might be an interesting data point. We have one of those thermometers you shoot off the forehead. Maybe I’ll take my temperature tonight to see what it is.


I hadn’t thought of that but I’ll start doing it just for fun. LOL

I’ll be posting my data from pre-fast and first two full days on my fasting log


It’s okay to take Tylenol or ibuprofen for a headache while fasting, correct?

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #84

25+ hours. Some light hunger today. Not my easiest day but not that hard. Ready to bank sleep time. See you in the am.

(Susan) #85

I think that it is fine; I have done it a few times as well =).

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #86

I try salt first for a headache but if after that go for it. Might help you sleep better.


Just over 25 hrs. myself. Ran out after work and picked up some new Camo Pants, and may go to bed early. (Been a little tired, but it’s because I got up at 4:15am both Sat & Sun, and both were long days.)

I agree with Eric, that some Salt may indeed help if it’s related to not getting in enough. But I have taken Advil a few times when I’ve had headaches whilst Fasting. (usually due to too much computer work) But like most meds, it’s always better to take it with some food in ya, but I just take some if Fasting.


Thanks @Digital_Dave @Momof5 @daddyoh
I tried additional salt and ketoade. It may have helped a little but i still had a dull headache and ended up taking a couple acetaminophen. I’ll be heading to bed soon, very early for me, but I’m sleepier than usual and could use the extra sleep anyway.

Happy l’ve made it through to almost 50 hours so far and will be at nearly 58 when my alarm clock goes off at 4am. I’m hoping that third-day mental clarity and focus phase kicks in tomorrow!

(Susan) #89

Wow, alarm going off at 4am (yikes! that is early).

Congrats on your progress so far, you are doing great. The acetaminophen probably made you more sleepy, taking it on an empty tummy as well. Sleep well =) and best wishes on your 5 day goal.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #90

About 33.5 hrs. 7 hrs of sleep but a little restless at the start and end of the sleep cycle. Here is hoping today goes well.

Happy fasting to all of you today.


At 59 hours so far. Going well with the exception of that little headache. It still persists but it’s bearable. Down 2.5 pounds. BG seems to be trending downward. I started my day with coffee and a teaspoon of cream, a glass of ketoade and a fingertip of pink Himalayan salt.

Happy fasting day to you, too! I hope your restless night doesn’t make for a sleepy day.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #92

I’ll be good. Middle sleep was fantastic. Thanks

(Allie) #93

This is the easiest fast ever! Only intended it to be 16 hours but keep extending the goal :joy:


Awesome! Way to go!

(Bob M) #95


I made it overnight, so 32+ hours so far, then went to the gym. Will end soon, though. I was not that cold last night for my sleep. Last time, I had a long-sleeve shirt, T-shirt, and long pants under covers and was still a bit chilly; this time, similar but no long-sleeve shirt and not too chilly. I think eating more (the so-called “feasting”) before a fast does seem to help reduce how cold I get.

Darn! I forgot to measure my body temperature. Will do that next time.


Presently at 39 hrs. … Not sure if I will eat something later tonight or just continue on? (No issues as usual, but also no set limit) I’ve only been doing a couple days Fast here recently, but mainly just want to keep in the mix. I’ll probably just eat something when I start missing eating a nice meal. :slight_smile: