NoCarbvember Adventure!

(Polly) #41

Separated by a common language. The basics are similar but the nuances make a big difference.


very true but in my mind, how many times thru the years of ‘finding me and a plan to WORK’ I have said the same type of sentence. Short and sweet. I am SO done with this BS! HAHA I think my mind read that cause I said it so much thru my journey…lol Like a PTSD flashback kinda thing :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I experienced the same. Even if I just go near carnivore for a few days at a time, I get way, way more benefits than with ketosis (except fat adaptation, I always must add, that was the only big benefit of keto for me).

So if that worked so well, I am curious what full carni for a month could do… :wink: I will be about as strict as you. I rarely eat out and at home it’s coconut oil in the worst case but if I visit a relative once in November and there will be meat, it will be fried in vegetable oil. I know I can handle it to that small extent occasionally and I doubt it would seriously change the results.
I allow mustard and tea too and the first even has erythritol but extremely little and I use it sparingly anyway. Maybe I will have an even stricter time, no lactose, no mustard…? But I never had problems with super tiny amounts of anything not too toxic. I can handle even a little alcohol and that is clearly a toxin. But I will be as strict as it’s comfortably possible, it’s for this month only…


You said a key thing here for yourself S.
Don’t put ‘extra pressure’ on ya at all.

You do ok on a bit of mustard or whatever you allow it on your trial month of carnivore.

If you don’t have that gut fire feeling to go all in ‘super strict’ then don’t go there. What you will allow, that tiny bit should not harm ya at all, but taking it out ‘for some strict experiment’ could send ya off the rails.

just a suggestion to go in easy peasy cause ya know what to do, just don’t eat plant matter as a meal. A few spices, tad of coconut oil to cook is ok…don’t over think any of this. Just think big meat each meal. Big fish each meal.

You will come thru fine!!


My mind is a JERK. Seriously. I never ever had carb dreams on keto then I had one this year I think… And now I got a very weird series in a few hours. It was completely irrealistic but poor dream me didn’t know that, I just knew it’s the second day of my carni November.
My poor insides, I didn’t actually ate anything in my dreams (except a tiny hard candy. I hated hard candies with a passion even as a kid. except if they were very special flavored ones) but still… It wasn’t nice. Even my morals were challenged.
I am very sure my desires towards carbs are definitely less than zero (and as medlar season started today, I can be very sure… sorry Fangs but it’s my life and it even shows how I am now… I expected it to start in the middle of November as last year. oh well, it doesn’t matter. we have 4 different fruits in the garden now but not for very long. winter is coming! so no more talk about them in November but it was the First Day of my Final Fruit Season, it’s a big day for me! Alvaro will be happy).

But I woke up and now I have my blissful fast feeling perfectly satiated ~. I just fed the cats, they love their multiple small meals of the day but they are cats, used to small preys… I never could handle small or early meals. It’s weightlifting day for me anyway so I must be well-fasted to have enough energy to do it!


Oh that will be okay… :slight_smile: I hope… I never had weeks without a slice of crunchy, juicy raw vegetable… I didn’t “need” them but they were nice so it will be interesting to see how my brain can handle the loss for long.
I do my best to avoid coconut oil because it’s just not “clean” enough even if harmless, I don’t even use added fat in most of our common food but if we bake chicken or turkey, coconut oil comes into play. Pork is fine as lard is a natural choice even for Alvaro but he doesn’t want it for fowls. And I won’t bother with baking things separately. I could do it but it’s a very little bit of coconut oil, not THAT serious.
But I so won’t eat my liver with coconut oil from now on. That’s a lot of fat. If Alvaro has problems with lard, I do two batches, I can eat up any amount eventually anyway :smiley: But first I will do my own and we will see if he can handle it. I suspect he has no problem with the taste (that’s tallow), he just finds eating lard a poor, plebs thing. It’s fine me doing it but he just won’t. So it’s some weird mental whatever. I really couldn’t care less who eats what, I eat what I like. He is usually a smart, okay person but I guess we all have our quirks and whatever helps him feeling a bit better.
I feel only a bit insulted in the place of all good lards. Lard is awesome and mine is from the pig farm I like. I wouldn’t touch some store-bought one, I can’t imagine how they are able to ruin it but they managed to do it so bad I still have bad memories from my childhood. As bread with lard is popular here (probably most people my age grew up with it) and very nearly an obligate item if there is food for hikers at an organized hiking… My Mom didn’t buy it often, she was the white bacon type like her Mom and unlike me.
I use close to no lard though. I eat my pig fat with my pork :slight_smile: In the beginning I needed it for my eggs, now I put smoked fatty pork into my eggs or use boiled ones. But the livers will need it in big amounts. They will be even better with lard, yay!

So I agree, no extra pressure. 1 MONTH is a longish time for undisciplined little me. It sounds easy but it’s just theory, I can’t extrapolate. So I surely will make sure to make my life easy. But I LIKE challenges and making things stricter sometimes. Mustard is merely too big of a sacrifice. It suits my eggs and sausages so very very well. And a month without SOUR things? :scream: Sour cream isn’t sour enough and it has lactose so I won’t use it all the time. I may do pickled eggs again… But I only like them with pickle juice… No, I am fine with boiled eggs. And maybe my own mustard. I can enjoy anything I am willing to eat, the bothersome negligible amount of erythritol in the good mustard is worse. So I need to figure out what cause me less stress (both are tiny at this point but still :))…

I so, so wish to make good mustard. I never managed that feat. I can mix my mustard into complex spreads, that works but on top of my egg, that requires tastiness. And being creamy wouldn’t be bad either.
Or I figure out how to put vinegar into my food so I won’t need mustard seeds. Vinegar is what I really like… Maybe I could live without it. It just feels too extreme and needless too.

We will see. I feel very well at this point, except my stupid dreams, I feel bubbly and excited and chill enough with some tiny dilemmas. It’s all good now.

(Kellyn ) #47

Happy Nocarbvember everyone! I had a great weekend with my parents. I brought some ground beef patties that my husband grilled and just had eggs in the mornings with coffee. We did go out to eat on Halloween night at a Mexican restaurant. I had steak and shrimp covered in queso. I am down 2 pounds this week. We are low on food at my house since I was gone for the weekend. We were out of eggs and I brought 2 hamburger patties. I think I will have to run to the store or McDonald’s on my lunch break to get more meat as two patties are not going to be filling. I’ll be eating chicken wings tonight as it is date night with my hubby at our favorite wings place and then we are hitting the grocery store for more meat.

(Murphy Kismet) #48

Hi Fangs,
Thank you for the warm welcome. :relaxed:
I will not be partaking of the ciders for the foreseeable future as I really want to figure out some things with my body, and mind. (I still partake of the cannabis before bed for the brain to STFU already lol)

Hubby’s got quite the brain for someone with multiple TBIs and PTSD :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: He labels them as he sees them, and to be an loving asshole :rofl:. But he’s mine and I love him dearly. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Can’t really do burgers. Something about the texture, possibly overcooked. At one time we were eating them bbq’d with layers of bacon, cheese, and a fried egg. A right beautiful mess! And for a while it was okay. But then my stomach just said “nope not gonna do that.” So now it’s a mess in a bowl, an actual dog food bowl to boot! :rofl:

Mind you, when hubby makes burgers I LOVE them. He’ll use a mix of meats: beef/lamb/deer (if we have it) and sometimes pork, and adds puts haloumi, other cheeses, bacon, parm, mushrooms (cremini?), and spices. He’s called the Spice Master. Measures nothing, and always tastes amazing, but never the same. :yum:

I gotta start making some alfredo sauces, or some bechamel or hollandaise sauces. I hear they’re quite good on eggs, and steak. Gotta gotta gotta.

Hangin’ on to the caboose!
My worst craving times are (big surprise) at work, and I start thinking of the junk machine in the breakroom (junk machine = drug dealer!). Having a hard time dealing with all the rules at work, and the customers who don’t want to follow the rules, who get upset when I have to tell them NO, that is NOT a line for the cash (as it keeps them in the aisles where mgmt doesn’t want them, unless they’re shopping, go figure). And then I come home, and there’s DH, and adult daughter, and visitor, and they’re all standing there in front of me, waiting for me to…what… move toward them? I’ve just spent the last 9 hours trying to stay away from people! I tell myself: customer MIGHT lose their life, but I WILL lose my job. My loss is a much higher guarantee than another’s possible illness. And these thoughts run around my head, and cause my co-workers to ask me, at least once a shift, as they lean in real close and concerned-like, “are you okay?” And I have to slap on that “happy eyes” look (no more happy faces) and respond with, “I’m fine!”
But I have successfully stayed away from the drug dealer in the breakroom, pushed through the mental hell, and have not totally alienated my family. They still surround me when I come home, so I guess I’m still doing ‘okay’. :upside_down_face:

(Karnivore) #49

Thank you Fangs (:
My friend used to call me that (before I was even keto). I haven’t seen her for a while though because I moved out of the state :frowning: . She called me that because my last name starts with the letter “K” lol
Now all my carnivore account names are Karnivore lollllll


Nope :slight_smile: as much as we wanna say this cause that inner self is wanting to go against your ‘new focused goals and changing self’ ya have doubts. It is normal for many on changes we ‘guess’ what will go down and ‘how it all’ effects us…so no worries there :slight_smile: it is cool cause you are among many at this stage :wink:

if you want an ALL IN experience on carnivore then you have to make it just that. See how 1 month does for you and you focus on eating meat/seafood as you love, all you need, when ya need it and ‘drop all’ other thoughts cause in the end, ONLY this walk into zero carb will work. Eat the animal kingdom foods you do well on and just let this month flood over you, and it will go fast :slight_smile: But your actions and focus on good old zc and eat well is all way need to do. The other is ‘interference’ you now have to weed out.

I think you will come thru just fine S!

(Daisy) #51

Today’s beautiful meal: porterhouse, bone broth, chicken liver pâté, eggs topped with whipped tallow, , salted pork, old croc cheese, and 2 types of butter


wow super congrats on down on the scale and and and YES, you go find your food!!! That is exactly what I would do and then just enjoy the festivities and fun after I scored my good food LOL

darn right you are doing ok LOL

yea I couldn’t eat a darn burger for a long time when I ‘went off burgers’ and it was texture and more til I thought, ahhh, taco meat. chili meat. I COULD do very small amts of that taste easily when eariler on…now the taco spice/chili spice kills me, but back then I could ‘do burger’ and that spice was what let me have it and ‘eat a tad’ cheaper on burger sales cost vs steak costs. Yes I had to bob and weave thru costs and find what worked. just thoughts on it.

I got the biggest idiot hubby at home and while he has the kindest character and best intentions when ‘he goes off’ OMG but I wouldn’t trade this hubby for the world here either. Sounds like you got a great one also!! We always give big wide berths to those we truly love :wink: I hear ya there!!

Work. Stress. Just BS in general. Anything and all can get on nerves thru our lives. My solution…go eat 2-3 lbs of crab legs with butter. Down 2-3 lobsters. Eat a massive Tbone steak. Cook and love a big old deer roast from hubby hunting.

meat heals ya know HAHA

my name is Karen and I see it is Karen and my first name and now you are hear with the second name as a K Love it!!

what is wild is Karen was always just K…now everyone asks me is that spelled with a K or a C…C? I guess in modern times it is but back then there was no Karen with a C…shows my age HA…and some say Y in there? Y? omg Caryn? that ain’t Karen, not in my day :pensive:

and I was born on 12/7, Pearl Harbor day and Dad wanted to name me Peral…thank gosh for mom on that one taking Karen over Pearl :money_mouth_face:


Sounds full success to me! :slight_smile: I really enjoyed reading your comment, it’s so nice to have you here :smiley: And I pretty like the others too. For some reason, carnivore threads on this forum tends to be very nice, cosy, chill…


we zc people NOW have very even temperments cause we are carb free :smile:

I will say thru experience what ‘irked me back then’ and how ‘I judged others’ has changed quadtruple fold on yrs on zc vs. how I was before and I believe zc gave me that.

off ‘the carb drugs’ and ‘carb processed chemical crap food’ we are very different and tolerant to other sides of life when old days we would say, WTH? LOL :wave:


But I have no doubts… Everything is fine and I eat whatever I want (or more like I don’t eat whatever I don’t want. I’ve read a few times in my life ketosis mimics fasting. well, to me, more like carnivore mimics fasting. I feel the connection with food and I like fasting for long. it’s chill and nice and eventually I will break it anyway but it’s surreal, so different from my normal). I am very sure even my subconscious has no problems. Yeah, sometimes parts of me likes to sabotage me but not at this point, later. My rebellious inner self hates restrictions but it got more than what it wanted in October so it will chill for a long time…

Oh well. I just hope this dreams won’t happen again. I rather get up when my alarm sounds… It’s the best and the plan anyway. I only remember dreams after I wake up and go back to sleep…

(Kellyn ) #56

Yum! :drooling_face:

I’m stuffed now. I went to Ingles and got a rotisserie chicken. I ate most of it. The rest I think I will mix with a little may and have a chicken salad with.

I have realized that I handle stress better nowadays.

(Murphy Kismet) #57

Interesting you mention crab legs. I’ve neve had them, don’t even like seafood. But hubby is a Newfie, and a fisherman’s son (and Irish/Scottish, and a vet, so a whole multi-fecta of screwy lol) He bought some frozen crab legs last week, they’re sitting in the freezer right now. Wondering when he’ll cook them… I like his garlic-butter shrimp he makes, not love, but I’ll eat more than one :wink:

Memory issues can be fun. He’ll either forget to tell me something important, or tell me something not-that-important multiple times. I just smile, and nod. And love him. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
He’s a good man, good ethics and morals. He’s fond of saying that if he’s an asshole to someone, that person might wanna ask themselves why this nice man is being an asshole to them. :joy:

I should add that he’s mostly on the carni-wagon, but he still adds sugar (1 tsp!) to his morning coffee, still eats chips (Hardbite fried in avocado oil, not that bad I guess), still drinks his 3-4 vodka drinks at night. Though he recently discovered a sugar-free kombucha ginger-lime, and added some kraken to that, and now that’s his favourite. :yum: (He used to drink kraken with non-alcoholic ginger beer, but the ginger beer has too much sugar.) So “dirty carni”? But MUCH better than before.

DH also adds mct powder to his coffee (only drinks it in morning), and after a month or so was noticing his memory issues getting better. For example, he was driving bus for disabled people, and one week after dropping off this one passenger, he had to pick them up again, and remembered how to get to their address. His friend, also a vet with TBIs and memory issues, and started using MCT, has also reported that he could “remember numbers now!”. This guy has a farm that he’s turning into a sanctuary for other veterans to reintegrate back into society, so LOTS of building, which means measuring this area, and going over to the saw table over there and remembering the length needed to be cut without having to walk back and re-measure 3-4 times before it finally “sets” in his mind. Mind you, this guy eats total SAD, but things are improving. Now, if he could just hear himself when he says he feels better when he eats only meat (he has Traegar for pete’s sake!) Doesn’t help when courting females bring him chocolate cakes full of sugar, wheat, seed oils, and he mows down on that like a little kid. Hubby and I just sit back and mow down on our bacon and blue cheese. :yum::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


carnivore does not mimic fasting actually. That is ‘gained as a given’ down the road on this eating path. The toughie is that darn word fast.
ZC people don’t eat if hungry. Simple truth. We can change up and go incredibly long without food and this will 'not mimic ‘a forced fast’ cause say, hmmm, one wants no food 48 hrs. They fast and usually are starving thru this at some point yet will not eat. A ZC person will not do this ever. We might not eat for say 21 hrs cause we aren’t hungry from our other meal but when hunger hits we eat.

you are thinking ‘non zc terms’ and zc is not any of that and without the truth of concepts and science behind why we do what we do you won’t get it.

you do have doubts on zc and no direction to it in full truth. you already said next month is carbs cause you will allow it so? Your direction is wishy washy at best but if it suits you then cool and if you are fine with that than cool, I would never deny anyone their walk thru personal health but if you want carnivore then you commit and learn truths and experiences thru those who do this or? keep excusing or not? find a path or not? Find you or not and hold that?

up to you solely but you can not ‘put zc advice in any way on this thread’ if you aren’t willing to give it full truths on your personal experiences ya know.


No, of course not. It doesn’t even seem like that for most people at all. Just for me, now, to some extent. As carni always lowered my food intake this far. I am sure things can change A LOT, I just mean it’s exactly the same feeling as fasting for a longer time. I get disconnected from eating. I don’t want eating, I feel a slight aversion to food…
But it’s just me, now, we will see what future brings. This would be a problem for an underweight person, probably very bad with some kind of eating disorders but with my somewhat eating disorder (overeating) it’s cool. I still eat enough, I am good at eating much even if I have zero hunger, zero appetite etc. No way I will starve. Unless I lose variety in my food as I will end up not wanting any food in existence then, I know as I lived that. Of course, I still didn’t even lose fat as I ate eggs. Even when I disliked eggs. I had no other options, after all and I know tricks. I always can eat eggs. I mean, every day, I surely couldn’t eat a bite of anything right now…

As I felt eating must be a good idea, I ate. I can’t wait until the hunger that never arrives or when it arrives, my appetite is negative so eating won’t happen. It’s very weird to me but things probably will get sorted out and I eat whenever I can, as much as I can squeeze into myself, surreal as it was what I totally shouldn’t do before carni… Oh well.

So I had a nice dinner, 15g carbs this time (5g for yesterday), not like it’s important but me and my numbers :smiley:
It was tasty but I didn’t enjoy, the same as yesterday. Maybe I should eat earlier if I can…? Or just wait a few days. My meals always were an important source of joy and now it’s just a chore, it can’t stay like this and I definitely won’t. My earlier carni trials were way better. Maybe the weather, my sleep and my October or who knows what is the culprit, it’s probably complex and I am no robot, I don’t really enjoy my meals every day anyway. No need to overanalyze temporal lil things.

I started with a few little bowls of chicken soup :smiley: With poached eggs and a little meat. It was nice. I always loved soups but meat soup is especially nice. I ate and wondered why to overcomplicate meat soups? People put zillion vegetables and pasta and spices into it and it’s perfect for me when I just put any meaty bones into a pot of water, add a little salt and cook it for an hour or a bit more…? I can’t imagine it can get much better than this, fine, I know the joy of extra vegetable flavor but it’s really not needed. I am a happy soup eater now.
My other food was way denser so I had a big enough meal. Tuna spread, boiled eggs, sponge cakes, smoked pork ribs (so fatty, I had to cut off some part. it will come handy when baking some leaner meat)… And a lot of sour cream, I think it’s my fav eggless dessert now… It’s creamy and nice at the end of my meal so it must be a dessert. I am sometimes confused since my not desserts lost sweetness and well, last time I used vanilla and a few drops of lemon juice in my sour cream but it’s quite good all alone… I can enjoy simple. It was the second item I really enjoyed and it’s not even my favorite brand.
I will be more careful with lactose but not today.
It wasn’t enough so I searched for something I didn’t eat yet. I am like this. Sausage wrapped in sliced Gouda cheese? With a bit mustard. Nice. Not as great as normally, I think I dislike that it’s all dark when I eat, there is so little sunshine during the day too but what can I do?
Some more chicken and even Masdaam cheese whisps, it’s one of my favorite cheese though as with gouda, the drier, harder parts aren’t as tasty. But cheese whisps are fun, fluffy and crunchy (Alvaro eats them before that point, soft. but I am all for crunch. chicken skin belongs in the oven and I should eat it fresh!)…
I am a tad too full but it’s fine. Hopefully things will reach the old perfection when I feel a slight hunger, enjoy my food and feel when to stop and it still feels just perfect.

By the way no one talked about a forced fast. I NEVER forced fast, I think I mentioned it a few times. Fasting is not eating. It’s damn cool, I enjoy it and I enjoy food too much. I don’t wait for hunger, I eat before that most of the time!
You say forced fast? I say force-feeding. I don’t do force-feeding, ever. I am a hedonist. So I have my longish fasts :smiley: Super tiny compared to most people in the IF/EF threads but well, I am a lil glutton basically and food is one of my main joys… I eat very nearly every day! And a lot, usually.

I don’t even forced my 120 hour fast, I was merely determined. It’s the same as my carni November attitude: I am determined so I want it. No temptation emerge for a loooong while.
Of course, there are huge differences as I can do this for long while long term fasting is tricky. Our body needs fuel. That’s not the point. Determination is super powerful, even strong compulsions are powerless if it points to some other direction. Temptations have no chance. As I am totally different by default (though I came a long way and changed for the better), it’s very nice to have this. It feels cheat :smiley: But this strong determination is hard to get. And I need to be compatible with what I want.

I never gave any advice I am very sure. I just express myself.

I don’t consider it wishy-washy at all. I never want to be a carnivore and never wanted it ever… I wrote walls of texts, it should be obvious what I am like. I just want to try it and we will see.
But of course I will eat carbs on December… I see absolutely no problem with it at all. I am no carnivore and no full-time ketoer. I am still a low-carber. With experiments and fun challenges.

I ALLOW myself all the carbs I want, all the time (I don’t need December for it but I will be a bit relaxed then indeed). I am a hedonist, I can’t do this any other way. If I get tempted to eat some carbs, I will eat it… It’s not even super easy to AVOID real temptation for a whole month but it seems doable at this point if I get determined. That’s why I build the way until my carni November, that helped me, being here helped me, getting more meat as usual helped me… It’s hopeful.

My vague goal (that I can’t possibly know if it will change as I am no seer) is doing my usual on/off lifestyle where carnivore-ish is the on, low-carb is the off. It sounds great. Of course, it would be horrible for most people but if it’s the best I ever found this far (and it is), I surely will cling to it. I don’t FORCE carbs on me so if the off times become rare or extreme low-carb, that’s great too…
Actually, most of you do it but the off times are super rare and soft… I let myself to evolve. But no way I don’t eat plants on December, it would be super early therefore horrible from my hedonistic viewpoint. Even if I don’t need the carbs :slight_smile:

My challenge is for November only. I probably will start another carnivore(-ish) time on the 25th or 26th of December as it’s a perfect time for it but carni November AND December in 2020, no, I never ever would want that if I have a better idea and I have.

I don’t think I have excuses. I don’t NEED excuses. I eat whatever the hell I want and can, any time. It’s my own business so I make the decisions (and my body though hopefully we will feel like one at some point). I don’t force myself, not my eating time, not my food… I have no other option just doing like this as this is me.

If carnivore means committing and truly burning all the bridges? Nope, I definitely don’t want it then.
I do what I feel like. I never swear oaths. I didn’t do it with keto (I did keto for a while, grabbed fat adaptation and quit. but I evolved out of keto and always came back. my old on/off style was nice just not enough. but I had to go through it to reach something more ideal… now I will have my new, way better on/off style I guess. not off as I go off and stay. just little visits when I have a very good reason for it), I won’t do it with anything else if it’s obviously not a good deal for me.

100% is much to me, unhealthy, stressful… Except regarding very very few items. Not all plants and mushrooms VERY suddenly. You folks didn’t go from grape eating to carnivore in no time either so i don’t get this intolerance. Oh well. We all have a right to our opinion but if it’s about my own woe, it’s exclusively my own business. And I always was super bad at caring what others want me to eat or not to eat… My better parts knows it best, I only need to reach concensus between all my parts. Ha! It’s not easy and not quick… But that is fine and I not have many options so I do the only thing I can, basically.
I do my absolute best now so I am very very pleased with myself regarding my woe… So I am confused why I should feel bad. So I won’t.

(Elizabeth ) #60
