Newbie With Some Needed Answers

(Luci) #1

Hi All, firstly to introduce myself I am from Australia, 152cm (nearly 5’2) tall, currently 74kg (163.14 pounds) and excited to get some advise from the community here.

So I started my new health regime on Dec 28.12.18 with a weight of 77.4kg (170.64 pounds) in that time I have tried my best to keep carbs down to 20g or less, protein around 51g and fat 119g. It has been quite and up and down road as making food that fits these goals has been hard to work out.

Things that I have noticed which I need clarification on whether its normal or not:

  1. Haven’t had regular bowel movements since I started, I would say maybe only remember 2 or 3 times at the beginning. Is that normal??? I previously was everyday 1-2 times, never missed in my entire adult life (currently 33). Last night I had this fizzy stuff that i know helps you go the next day, and I was able to today. I haven’t had any cramps or felt bloated or anything so I’m very confused. Should I be drinking fibre or some sort, or eating something particular every day?

  2. My mouth tastes really weird like I have been gargling some sort of chemical, have brushed my teeth numerous times and drank a fair bit of water to no help. That started yesterday, will it go away or is it some sort of side effect?

  3. My pee smells really bad, like chemically, started today. Again not sure if I am doing something wrong or eating something bad, it’s really weird. Will this smell go away?

  4. I tend to over eat protein and under eat fat based on the macros above, except for the last few days where I have eaten the same food which nearly works out perfectly with all 3 under by 1-5g is there like a meal plan example I can follow somewhere? I subscribed to a paid app Lifesum where it allows my to record my food, it has a fair bit of recipes on there, but the plan it put me on doesn’t give me options for the day.

  5. What is the difference between total carbs and net carbs? My current plan on the app is set to total carbs, is fibre carbs not counted as carbs? Or do you still have to stay below 20g included fibre carbs?

I think that’s it for now as I have written a novel, any help is appreciated, thanks.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #2

Welcome Luci

This is normal. There is controversy over the value of fiber in the keto diet. I eat a salad maybe 4 or 5 times a week and cauliflower broccoli 1 to 3 times a week most weeks and get some fiber from that. I am not regular. Now that I do Intermettimnet fast 18/6, 20/4, OMAD I am even less regular. I don’t suplm=lement fiber but did when I started out on strict keto.

You are producing ketones. Some people find that as they become fat adapted and their body gets used to regulating ketones to the amount burned (used) then the odor and test go down. Been strict keto for 6 months and I occasionally get both of these “symptoms” especially when fasting.

I don’t record what I eat but I am sure that I overeat the recommended protein amounts occasionally and I don’t worry about it. I am 65yo and I do some light strength training and both older age and lifting weights requires some extra protein. Others can comment better on this topic. As I went from starting out and got fat adapted the amount of fat I consumed went down because my body wanted to and was burning more fats. If you want to lose weight that will happen to you. Ss you approach your metastatic weight you will increase the amount of fat you eat so that you don’t undereat calories.

I’ll let other answer this. I have to go to work.

Again welcome.

(Carl Keller) #3

Welcome Luci.

I’ll just add that what @daddyoh has told you is pretty much spot on and that macros should just be a guide. The main one you need to pay attention to is 20 carbs. Keeping those low will force your hormones to behave. As long as you let satiety be your guide, keto is pretty easy. Don’t worry about too much fat or protein as long as you are not hungry or stuffed, after eating.

Total carbs is a bit more strict than net. Net subtracts fiber, while total does not. I’ve used both and both do work. I am doing net currently and I like that I don’t have to limit my veg intake so much. Here’s a thread/poll about net vs total and you will see that 2/3s of forum voters prefer net over total. You can also read some explanations as to why people choose what they choose and what might be best for you.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #4

I just let my bowel move whenever it feels like it. The frequency varies from 0 to several times a day. It just depends on what’s going on. Forget about fiber. A lot of people find that on keto, fiber actually makes things worse, not better. If you find yourself getting constipated, it’s most likely from low sodium, so eat more salt. Aim for 10-15 grams of table salt (NaCl) a day. If you get your sodium right, you shouldn’t have to worry about other electrolytes.

Mouth-weirdness is a sign of being in ketosis. Don’t worry about it. People may tell you that you smell of acetone (nail polish remover), but that is different, and is usually temporary. Acetone is one of the ketone bodies, and it is often wasted in the breath in the early days of ketosis. Once you become fat-adapted, it should go away.

Smelly urine, ditto, except it’s acetoacetate instead of acetone—unless you’ve been eating asparagus, lol, in which case, switch to broccoli or cauliflower!

Protein is a target, but going under or over is fine. Don’t worry about it. Just keep on eating the same amount of protein you were eating before. If you start to become malnourished, you aren’t getting enough, so eat more. If you start to smell ammonia in your sweat or on your breath, you are getting too much, so eat less. Otherwise you’re fine. Fat is a fill-in. It is in your diet to replace the calories lost by no longer eating all that carbohydrate, and it’s safe to eat because it hardly stimulates insulin secretion, especially compared to carbohydrate. Eat enough to satisfy your hunger, then stop. Don’t eat again until you’re hungry again. Ignore the clock.

Total carbohydrate includes the fiber, net carbohydrate excludes it. Count whichever one feels right for you. Whether you count total or net, just make sure the amount is under 20 g/day. Fiber is indigestible, so many people feel it is okay not to count it. Many others feel safer about their insulin level counting the fiber in the total. Just be aware that in the U.S. and Canada, nutritional labeling includes fiber in the listed carb amount, whereas in Europe, Britain, and the Commonwealth (is that still a thing?), the carbohydrate listing is the net carb amount. I’m pretty sure OZ is among the latter countries, even though I know you all hate Pommies.

(Running from stupidity) #5

It is indeed. We have to keep it together so Australia can beat the crap out of similarly useless countries in sports every four years.

the carbohydrate listing is the net carb amount.


I’m pretty sure OZ is among the latter countries, even though I know you all hate Pommies.

It is, and we do. As do all right-thinking folk.

(Luci) #6

Hahahha yes I ate Asparagus, must of been that, I have more to cook, but after that I will leave it alone until everything normalises.

As I live in Australia we don’t have labelling that splits carbs and fibre so I think I will just keep things as total carbs for now, thank you for the link, I read many peoples views on it as well

Not me, not at all! I have many pommie friend here :smile:

Thank you all for the much needed explanations, I have been listening to the 2keto dudes as well to get more information as well as what I read here.

One last question, how do you know when you stop losing water weight and are actually losing fat?


Just coming here to laugh at the thought of you walking out of a store when the bowel “feels” like moving.
“Oh, well this is happening, and I’m just going to roll with it.” :rofl:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #8

Seems like you have gotten a ton of advice about the bowels and funny taste in your mouth so I’ll address your question about food. You can literally think of just about anything you have been cooking previous to the keto lifestyle and just google “keto…” and you will find someone had done it before. There’s also a great running thread here called “What did you keto today“ where you will find inspiration from what other members are eating. And as you go on you will start making up your own stuff with substitutions that you have learned. This diet can be achieved a million different ways as all of us don’t like the same foods have food allergies or sensitivity, religious dietary guidelines or even live in different parts of the world where what’s available is different and diverse. We all make it work for our individual tastes and needs. And there’s no foods that you have to eat, choose what works for you. Enjoy this journey and culinarily challenge.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #9


Oops! Didn’t think of that! What I had in mind was a chap I used to know who got upset if his bowel didn’t move at precisely 10 a.m. each and every day. Thanks for the laugh!