New Year 2018 fast?


You’ve got this! We are all sending you anti-insanity vibes!

(MakinBacon) #115

108 hours in for me! I’ll be ending it tonight at 120 hours since I have dinner plans with family. After that gonna feast for a few days, then get right back into another fast.

(Raj Seth) #116

Ended at 3Days 5hours, 77 hours.
Felt great.
Plan to do 84 hours fasting, 84 hours keto from now forward.
I think that will work great for me.

(Liz ) #117

Yes! Lol I call it my fasting super power except I don’t want it!! I swear I can smell water, it’s INTENSE

(MakinBacon) #118

All done! Ended at 121 hours. I could have gone longer, by I couldn’t miss dinner with my family.

(Becky Searls) #119

Great job! I’ve bewn feasting for 4 days, and now just started my next fast!

(bambiying2) #120

I’m currently fasting for 134 hours. I started Monday and my fast has changed over the course of the week.
Tues and Wed-nothing but water, salt, magnesium, and potassium.
Thurs and Fri-freezing cold, added in hot green tea with lemon.
Sat and today (Sun)-added in bone broth.
I will eat only these things until Monday night when I will break fast with 2 eggs and a slice of cheese.
I then plan on going on an egg fast until Friday night when I will begin to add in other keto foods. Eagles playoff game next Sat which I’d like to imbibe with some vodka or tequila.

My weight loss is as follows:
Started Tues morning at 187.8

I’m hoping to be below 172 by Friday. That’s where I was all summer until holiday season set me off track. Then I’ll work on losing some new pounds instead of getting rid of old pounds again.


That’s my plan as well! Feasted Friday night Saturday and today. Ready to go again this week!


Amazing! Great job!


I’ve been fasting since the New Year. So it’s Day 6 for me. I always reassess on a daily basis, but right now there is no end in sight…

(MakinBacon) #124

I’m about 3 hours into my next fast. Gonna do another 120 or more if I can.

(MakinBacon) #125

Already 52 hours into my second fast of the year. Feeling great!


Today on the 9th day, I broke my fast. No particular reason this time. Ate 3 fried chicken drumsticks, 8 oz of sushi, and 2 avocado within an hour window. Tomorrow starts a new fast…

(Andrew) #127

@4dml Have you done the back to back fast before? How is that?


I’ve been doing one meal a week for about 3 months. The meal (both timing and content) is usually determined by social circumstances. An uninterrupted multiple week fast would be too disruptive to my life. So this works for me.

In terms of physiology, I don’t think there is a more effective to repair my metabolism or lose weight. I’ve had no complications. The doctor says my labs are fine. DEXA shows no loss of LBM.

Sometime in the upcoming weeks, I will have to transition to an IF protocol to prevent further weight loss.

February Zorn Fast 2018
(Becky Searls) #129

Wow, impressive! Are you totally over the psychological hump of wanting to eat just for eating’s sake?


Prolonged fasting toughens up your mind. The self control makes you feel superior to weak minded mortals… :grin: I’m exaggerating, but it does instill a sense of discipline that can carry over to other aspects of life. I don’t have psychological issues about food, but I’d imagine a 30 day fast would be curative.

Fasting gets easier the more you do it. My prolonged fast will end, but fasting will be permanent part of my life going forward. And I’ll be able to do it at the drop of a hat.

(Becky Searls) #131

So cool! Did you ever go through a stage when it got harder to do prolonged fasting? I’ve done 5 and 6 day fasts before but lately it’s hard for me to get to even 48 hours?


I’m approaching that stage now. I’m starting to get tired of it…

(Melanie Armistead) #133

I did the same this morning! I broke my fast in my dream and was having a good old feast (keto-style). Thought it’d make me hungry but it didn’t :slight_smile: