New to this and loving it but

(Bubba) #28

Sorry, I promise im not a moaner but its just disheartening. I know I shouldn’t use the scales often, its a habit im finding hard to break after years of restriction and crappy diets.
Youre absolutely right though and its my fault for looking, cause all it does is put my mind in the danger zone.
Your progress is both amazing and inspiring Rob, thank you for being so understanding…

(bulkbiker) #29

Which means that your body is in healing mode and looking after itself rather than looking after you with weight loss… KCKO… it will comes but most importantly it will come when your body is ready and prepared for it rather than when you would like it.

(Bubba) #30

Just a thought…the ONLY thing I changed yesterday was having sesame oil, instead of using butter…thought i’d give it a try as it was zero carb. Long shot but could this have been the reason for my gain?

(Teresa (turtle)) #31

Sesame oil is listed as an oil to avoid due to being higher in polyunsaturated fats, higher levels of omega-6 fatty acids, low levels of omega-3 fatty acids and higher in toxic trans fats.

(Brian) #32

Troy, have you listened to any of the talks by Dr. Ted Naiman? I have heard him say that in his practice, he’s seen people that absolutely do eat too much fat and hit a wall with trying to lose weight while eating way too much fat.

I know Ted is a bit different in his thinking as much of the keto world seems to imply that there’s almost no such thing as too much fat. He also tends to push the upper end of what he considers a healthy amount of protein intake.

I do tend to listen to what he has to say because he is a practicing physician that sees patients. I am aware that he sees a lot of people who are of Indian background, people who are vegans and vegetarians, and may see a somewhat skewed subset of the population. The types of people he sees probably do tend to have rather low levels of protein intake and may be more likely to be adding way more fats to their diet thinking that they will lose weight no matter how much fat they take in. So when I hear him say “people need more protein”, and “yes, they can eat too much fat”, I do try to keep the context of his perspective in mind.

Maybe not adding a whole lot to your quest for scientific studies but just throwing that little tidbit out there.

Good luck with your search, sincerely! And please do share the things you find. Lots of people here are interested, for sure.


(karen) #33

I found this video by Dr. Bikman to be useful in understanding what happens to excess dietary fat in the absence of insulin. At least some of it winds up being used as a heat source, along with some being excreted in urine, breath and sweat. I don’t know if you consider him a more credible source or not, I found his science made sense to me.

(Troy Anthony) #35

I found this by dr fung and look at that, seems we were all right about something. I think this applies to the thread because it could also be good info for the OP.

“The practical implication is this. If you are lean and leptin sensitive, then eating more dietary fat, like cheese, will not make you gain weight. However, if you are trying to lose weight, and have some problem with obesity/ insulin/ leptin resistance, then adding extra fat to your meals is NOT a good idea. Once again, you can see that we do not need to go back to that outdated, and useless notion of calories. Obesity is a hormonal, not a caloric, imbalance.

What can you do instead? Well, eating more carbs is not a good idea. Neither is eating more protein. Nor is eating more fat. So, what is left? That’s what we call fasting.

At this point, you might worry about nutrient deficiency. That is why so many people talk about nutrient density. How can you get the maximum nutrients for the minimum calories? This is muddled thinking. Why do I care? Ask yourself this – are you worried about treating obesity or nutrient deficiency? If you choose obesity, then worry about obesity. You don’t need more nutrients, you need less. Less of everything.”

So seems like it’s not a great idea for everyone to throw caution to the wind when it comes to fat consumption unless you are metabolically fit. I don’t think a newbie needs to focus on fasting, but telling them that eating over energy needs even with fat can cause weight gain is not horrible advice.

(Terence Dean) #36

Hi MonkeyNuts,
I’m a noob six weeks into Keto and here to tell you that it isn’t that bad and to give support to others struggling a bit. This forum is great because there are plenty of people who have been where you are and have done well on Keto. Can I say 8 days in is nothing to worry about except perhaps No.6 on your list which can make you worried and also another source of not losing weight. I was a bit surprised that constipation was not one of the first topics I was advised about when beginning and I’m assuming here that the experienced people all have their own solutions for dealing with it.

My shared opinion is that this diet has the effect on my digestive system of slowing the time it takes to move waste from the intestines to the bowels. That’s my opinion and not based on any scientific facts, if you have some I’d be interested to read it but that’s a fact in my experience. I wish I’d known before I started so it wasn’t such a surprise when it happened. Added to that on a low carb diet you don’t have the bulk that you probably had eating whole grains, fibre, etc. Its just not there anymore so I’m guessing that the normal peristalsis we had before Keto is somehow changed. Not sure why but that’s my guess based on me being regular (daily) before I started. To me dropping carbs shouldn’t do that right, well it does believe me. So it has to be something to do with the type or lack of food going through our digestive system, I’d like expert opinions myself on how that is possible?

I have my own solution on clearing constipation that works for me but may not work for you, I stop eating and go into a fast, and drink a minimum of 2litres of water daily, and also have some beer to free things up. Laxatives may help and in my case they didn’t either so I went with the beer. I used to drink a lot of beer in my youth which makes me an expert in that area, I always remember the way I would spray paint the toilet bowel the next morning after a good drinking session. Anyway this may bring a bit of levity to your plight but I imagine the pain in your gut is not funny, Keto on and all the best! …usual disclaimer attached, I am not a medical expert, etc, etc.:grinning:

(Bubba) #37

Beer? Doesn’t that kick you out of ketosis??

Don’t get me wrong, my health is very important and so early on, I’m feeling good…bloat gone, backache gone and getting restful sleep so it’s fantastic in that respect.

But weight is really important, not cause I’m obsessive but I gained very quick due to coming off a god awful contraceptive pill and weight gain was a horrid side effect that no-one told me about. I refuse to buy a new wardrobe and just need to lose the excess baggage that suddenly appeared. Now 2 weeks gone and I just keep going up and down the same 2lbs and I don’t get it…really, really don’t. I’ve done nothing to explain it, I’m not expecting miracles, absolutely not but just want to understand why or if there’s something to remedy this. I’ve done an 18hr fast today and had just under 700cals which isn’t intentional. So if I lose, I’m guessing it’ll go back on again when I eat 2-3 meals.!!!

(Terence Dean) #38

Who cares if it does, when your constipated you aren’t going to lose weight if you keep eating. Its normal to have regular bowel movements so that needs to be addressed. It was only one beer but it seemed to help clear the obstruction, I say use whatever method works to get your digestive system working properly again. (Of course seek professional medical advice if constipation persists).

I’m only 0.4kg away from celebrating a 10kg loss since starting Keto, my weight loss has been slow by former diet standards but this is a good thing. I don’t want to lose it fast anyway; currently my average is around 1.5 kg a week which is half of what I normally do on calorie controlled diets. Females are notorious for losing weight at a much reduced rate, my wife is on the same diet as me and she has only lost 3.7kg over the same period. That is normal but can be disheartening if you have a lot to lose.

So the game plan for us has been:

  1. Follow the Keto basic guidelines :keto:
  2. Keep your digestive system regular :poop:
  3. Eat fat instead of carbs and sugars :no_entry_sign:
  4. Exercise moderately (good for moods) :walking_woman:
  5. Don’t under eat (we’re about 2000 cals) :face_vomiting:
  6. We don’t eat anything after 8:00pm :night_with_stars:
  7. We have 3 meals a day (others choose to do 2, that’s cool too) :cut_of_meat:
  8. Keep hydrated and drink 2 litres of water a day, (more if you do something strenuous.) :potable_water:
  9. Up the salt intake this diet seems to require it :sweat:
  10. We also take multi-vitamins daily :pill:

We do not do long fasts at the moment just wanting to keep it simple. Yeah so that’s us in a nutshell.
I see some people like Alec saying that we don’t need to exercise but then he’s posting how he just did a 10K run on Keto, come on man exercise is part of the deal of losing weight!!:yum:

The principle in Keto weight loss is to lose it by tapping into your own fat reserves instead, by getting the body to convert fat to energy(ketones), but if you are over-eating 2000-3000 cals a day don’t expect to lose, equally don’t drop your calories to below 1500 and trigger the body into starvation mode where it virtually stores everything you eat. You said you were on 700 calories or less, that raises red flags for me, I bet you’re hungry too. I’ve never starved on this Keto program which we find amazing but really not surprising when you read about how that’s possible.

(Bubba) #39

Thank you, I appreciate your advice…it really does help.

However, your list…I’m doing all of them? The only one is poop, no longer regular after the first week! And salt, apart from salting my food, I’m eating 1/3 teaspoon of salt and 1/3 teaspoon of lo-salt. Everything else, im doing as you said which is upsetting.
I had 675 cals yesterday, only cause I was out at a theme park with no access to carb free food and I wasn’t hungry anyway. It didn’t budge anything either :0( but I average 1500-2000 usually.
After 2 weeks, up and down the same 2lbs and measurements are the same as when I started.

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong…I was thinking of having a big carb blowout today, hoping it might shake things up and get me to the toilet too. Just feeling a little down at the moment cause I’m trying so hard.

(Bubba) #40

Well done on the 10kg loss, that’s amazing…if only!!

(Terence Dean) #41

That’s an important one to fix, after I flushed my system the next day on my weigh-in I’d lost nearly a kilo over-night, that’s how much I’d backed up.

675 cals is low unless you are fasting I would take it up within the range you quoted. It sounds counter-productive that you need to eat more to lose more but that’s how strange our bodies are. They are quite amazing what they will do. When I would plateau on a vicious 1500 cal plan, my JC counselor would tell me to eat a chocolate bar to shock the body out of starvation. The body is panicking and storing reserves from anything you eat when it thinks its being starved, staying on 675 cals is just going to make it store more, its a steady spiral. Starvation is not the way to go long term.

(Bubba) #42

No 675cals was only yesterday and not intentional but as I said, it’s usually 1500-2000. You’re right, eating so much on a diet is so alien to me but I’ve been doing it, and enjoying it.

I’m going to eat some bad stuff today, what a chore haha, but fingers crossed it’ll get something cranking into action. I just hope it doesn’t do any damage, which has me in a bit of a fizz.

Do you think my salt intake is enough of too much…I feel so weird eating so much salt, just seems so unhealthy!

(Terence Dean) #43

What does your body tell you? Some people on the forum have said they suffered from severe cramps and that salt solved the problem, I had a weird cramp on top of my foot one night but I knew exactly why. I’d done some strenuous exercise that day and not drank enough water. Perhaps it was the salt I excreted from sweating for over 2 hours I don’t know but I re-hydrated and it was not a problem after that.

I hope your plan really works out for you and Keto on as they say here. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Bubba) #44

My body keeps a lot of secrets, tells me nothing!!!
Many thanks and let me wait and see I guess😕

(Terence Dean) #45

Ok I’ve been doing some research and it seems one of the side effects to a low carb diet is constipation. I’ll post a link to a page on side-effects but I read one by Dr Phinney saying that constipation may be experienced before becoming keto adapted. Good to read that its not a permanent thing. There’s definite evidence that the gut will slow down without the carbs we were eating before keto.

Another link suggests that we need to keep our fluids and salt intake up, eat plenty of leafy non-starchy vegetables and consider adding psyllium husks. Milk of magnesia is mentioned as helping to relieve constipation.

(Alec) #46

Blimey, someone’s reading the shit that I write! :rofl:.

Yes, I run, but is it required on keto? I dont think so. But if you read all my posts (:crazy_face:) I have also said exercise has got to be one of the best things to do for your health. But beware CICO thinking with exercise.

(Terence Dean) #47

Haha. Alec I’ve been waiting for you to take the bait! :fishing_pole_and_fish: zzzzzzzzztt!! Finally.

Good we agree that exercise is a great thing to do and helps to get your body systems going. Good for blood circulation, very good anti-dote for food cravings, and getting yourself fitter than before has got to be a plus. I also think that over doing things will not necessarily mean you will lose faster.

(Ron) #48

Dr. Phinney explains weight loss and exercise pretty well in this article.