New cookbook

(LeeAnn Brooks) #1

I have to admit, along with my carb addiction, I have an addiction to cookbooks. 99% of the recipies I know I’ll never make, but I love collecting them and pouring through them and picking out 2 or 3 things that I actually do make before I find my next cookbook to buy.

So here is my latest purchase. Just got from Costco today, so if anyone’s tried anything from here, let me know how it went.

I’m not going to delve too deep into it until I’m done with my Zorn fast, for reasons which should be obvious.

(Amy Ramadan) #2

I too have a cookbook obsession!!! I love them and I have so many!!! What do you think of this one? Have you tried many recipes? I will have to look for it!! Can’t wait lol… I can already see my hubby shaking his head over one more cookbook in my kitchen!!!