Need advice for my healthy athletic husband getting started

(Jan) #1

So my husband doesn’t really have health issues, but after seeing how awesome I feel on it is starting Keto for athletic performance.
He is having some issues, however. He works nights at a very physical job. Gets very very hungry, very often. And when he eats, his stomach gets upset as soon as he goes back to work. Feels like he’s going to throw up. And he’s had diarrhea from the beginning. And gets tired, totally wiped out in the middle of the night.
I’ve switched out sweeteners, eliminated erythritol, just using stevia now. Still has the runs after 4-5days. He’s got Keto Breath, so pretty sure he’s in ketosis.
He has heard that a lot of Japanese men can’t eat much fat after they turn 50 ( he’s a 60 yr old Japanese man). Has anyone heard of this?
Any insights or advice?

(Dustin Cade) #2

what all is he eating? are there any hidden sweeteners in the food? perhaps simplify the diet with meat, eggs, cheese, butter, fat… can add and remove different items from the diet to see if anything specific is causing the gastric distress…

(Jan) #3

He us eating what I eat, totally Keto. And he has been eating my foods for many months. I’ve been too busy to cook separate meals for his non-Keto self. The problems all occurred when he cut out his beloved rice, and bread, and potatoes, sugar… all that carbage.
Maybe just bacon & eggs for a while?

(Dustin Cade) #4

yeah, simple meat, burger, steak, chicken, pork, eggs, cheese… can rotate things in and out see how they sit with him… I’d eliminate the sweeteners, those could be causing the issue, though it could be any number of things… can also take a body a while to adapt to a new diet as well…

(John) #5

How long has it been? I was probably like that for a solid 6-8 weeks. My first times working out also gave me an upset stomach and intense cravings. Not sure if I changed anything, but it isn’t there now.

(Barbara M) #6

Jan, I wonder if this is his “gut bacteria” hollering and making a general nuisance of itself? A change in food will absolutely change the balance of the GI tract.
I don’t have a solution to implement, (I’m sure others will) so at least wanted to suggest that and you may find that he is having a yeast die off?

Good luck with finding a culprit and solution. .

(Jan) #7

@jmbundy, thanks - that’s good to know.

(Jan) #8

@Hockeylady, I didn’t even think of that! Makes sense. I wonder if probiotics would help? Or maybe kimchee - nice ripe fermented kimchee… he likes Korean food.

(Barbara M) #9

@Jan, yep both of those sound like great options. Saurkraut, and pickles also?

There are some prebiotics in pill form (over the counter) also, maybe acidophilus? Or some of the other multi strain ones. I really think that his current symptoms are detox and gut related. Just a thought.