Need a midday reset


Very stressful workday, didn’t sleep well, and I caved into the catered lunch - with dessert! All I can say is I felt like a zombie at the time and now I’m angry with myself.

What’s the best recourse? Implement a fast? See if I get hungry or not? It was probably around 800 calories with 100 Grams of carbs. More? So sleepy. Grr. I refuse to let this set me back any more than it inevitably already will.

Suggestions for rest of today and tomorrow?

(TJ Borden) #2

100 grams every once in a while isnt a big deal, and may not have even kicked you out.

Life happens. Just get back on the horse, and fast if you can.


Thanks, TJ. I can’t believe how wiped out I am. It’s not even 7 pm and I’m in bed, done for the day. Hard to tell if my exhaustion was more a cause or an effect of the eating.

I hope it’s not a big deal. I can be a perfectionist and sabotage myself when even little things rock me. I guess the challenge is to think about it differently. Not be so anxious.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve eaten something and thought, “Why did I do that? I know better.” Then I just start over the next day.

If I was feeling sick from what I eat, and thought I needed something else, I’d probably eat an avocado, or some eggs. And drink plenty of water.

If nothing else, it’s been a learning experience. Am I right? :thinking:


It’s the carb coma that you are suffering from. I used to have it every night after dinner, and would fall asleep in very awkward positions on the couch, and (probably) snore. Strange how I haven’t fallen asleep after dinner since I went keto!

(Kerin ) #6

Put in a little more exercise. You are fueled up like the athlete you were born to be!
Burn them grams! That’s my thought.


Thank you. If I hadn’t read your responses, I probably would have tried to immediately implement a fast. That would have been a bad idea. I fell asleep at 7 p.m. and woke up at 5 a.m. SO hungry. Had breakfast at a diner (omelette with cheese and spinach, sliced tomatoes, coffee, and cream), and then had a good lunch of cabbage/greens, salmon, and avocado dressing.

But then I became soooo suddenly hungry in the afternoon. Dammit! I snacked throughout the afternoon and went way over my carb limit but nothing major like yesterday. I did walk a ton: 15,000 steps. Most of it was nervous puttering because I’m so out of balance. wowie, I want to be back in keto ASAP.

Thankfully, I have a few quiet hours ahead of me so I can psych myself up. I’m so looking forward to getting to the point where I don’t have to try so hard. It’s such a mental thing for me. Keto isn’t physically hard at all. It’s like I’ve been brainwashed into believing that eating 3 exotic meals a day is a good thing. I’m far, far happier when I eat simple meals that are high fat and low carb.

Learning for sure!