Nathan's Keto Journey To Race Weight

(Nathan Toben) #39

I can’t speak for Zach Bitter, but I have come to this WOE to treat multiple mental illnesses as well and so beingg a little more ketogenic gives me freedom from the burden of mental turmoil.

(Nathan Toben) #40

@T1mbro, how much protein works for you?

(Tim ) #41

Still too early to tell really, I’m using ZB as a bit of a model as seems to work well for him. Interestingly Ives heard him say on a podcast he’s so well adapted he can eat 150-200g of carbs before a heavy workout and be back in ketosis at the end of it. It doesn’t surprise me really as it’s probably all getting burnt. But he goes back to nearly zero carb on lighter recovery weeks. I guess it just shows that it’s the principles of how the metabolism works that count especially at the extreme end sticking to strict macros I guess doesn’t work!

Now the trick is I suppose to get fat adapted first or that’s all a moot point. I’m 3 weeks in and feeling better but HR still really high on runs, how long did you take for that to go away for you?

(Tim ) #42

Sorry realised I didn’t answer your question. Actually not tracking that much but mostly going carnivore on the premise that if I then end up eating other food because I’m out or the wife wants to eat together at least I’m getting the important bits in, I think it could be easy just to eat cheese and salad leaves if not careful. Having listed to the HPO podcast a lot it’s really making me question the value of anything non meat at all!

I am definitely finding though that if I feel better the more I eat (meat) and although not lots much weight I’m getting noticeably leaner.

(Nathan Toben) #43

oh man awesome to meet another ultra person trying this out. Gunna respond when i have a moment. At work currently…

(Bunny) #44

Thought maybe PC Protein Cycling might be of interest to you?

”… Protein Cycling (PC): The next piece of reclaiming your youth is the protein cycling or PC part. PC is the practice of alternating between periods of LOW protein consumption and NORMAL to HIGH protein consumption. The reason you want to under-eat protein on some days of the week is similar to why you want to start intermittent fasting – it comes back to the dance between glucagon and insulin. Lowered protein intake means lowered insulin levels and higher glucagon. And recall that higher glucagon means autophagy is active. Since your body can’t make its own protein, if you don’t eat it (or eat enough of it) then it’s forced into recycling its existing proteins. This recycling activity is a fundamental task of the autophagy process. …” - Naomi Whittel

Glow15: A Science-Based Plan to Lose Weight, Revitalize Your Skin… - Naomi Whittel


  1. Protein Cycling & A Cell Death Deep Dive With Author Naomi Whittel. - Podcast:

Whoa! Dr. Phinney's take on protein...correct or incorrect?
Born in Ketosis
Whoa! Dr. Phinney's take on protein...correct or incorrect?
(Nathan Toben) #45

@atomicspacebunny wow wow wow thank you for sharing this resource, can’t wait to get home, make some kielbasa and research this!!! :orange_heart::orange_heart::orange_heart:

(Running from stupidity) #46


Found a new (to me - they’ve been around for 15 years!) band the other week, and the first line of the chorus on this track:

Welcome to the nightmare in my head, (Oh god!)
Say hello to something scary

are so relevant…

Really like this band, plenty of good tracks.

(Nathan Toben) #47

Just binged. Primal Kitchen bars and cheese and salami. I guess I was due. I rarely go 14 days without one. Feels bad. Telling on myself. I know I know, my body probably needed some calories, just not this many. I felt physically full after dinner but could not quiet my mind and went into the fugue state. The only thing I can do now is punish myself immensely…I mean let myself off the hook, get some good sleep, forgive and move on. I just want so much to reach a new level. I was starting to catch a glimpse of that today, the new threshold, no wonder I bumped up against a binge. If only I could pass through to the other side unscathed. Maybe I’ll have another crack at it soon.

(Running from stupidity) #48

At least it wasn’t a kilo of chocolate or the like.

(Running from stupidity) #49

I spent years covering pro-level sport (mostly Aussie rules, which is insane in terms of fitness and lean muscle). One of the things I learned from talking to people involved such as fitness staff (pro-journo-tip - fitness staff are great for learning from) is that you can’t rush/force things. You can optimise, but things move at their own pace.

(Nathan Toben) #50

those words are good to contemplate in this negative headspace right now. I had a massive day. 7 miles barefoot on astroturf with strides and drills and then an 8-hr shift on the bike pretty much nonstop totaling around 50-60 miles of in-town, hilly riding. I am hoping my body can find a use for all this energy I just bestowed it.

(Nathan Toben) #51

if anything it will definitely boost my metabolism, as they say. maybe I could implement such to the benefit of a fast tomorrow but that sounds kinda binge-purgey to me. The best thing is probably to sleep on it and see what tomorrow brings. Take it a mealtime at a time.

(Nathan Toben) #52

Day 9

Notes: After last night’s cheese and meat adventures, I am up to 166. So it basically set me 2 days back and now I am .2lbs ahead of schedule only. Although, I weighed first thing today as I always do so this number is taking into account water retention and still me processing all the energy I consumed yesterday.

@T1mbro, I am interested to see your progress implementing a ketogenic way of eating. Yes, for the first 3-5 weeks, my energy levels were unpredictable, my legs felt fried and I would have some heart flutters and elevated heartrate during even MAF runs. But like a slowly unclenching fist, you’ll start to notice (with adherence) that these little dramas being to recede into the background until they are all but absent. And in their place is just this no drama, present-minded energy source that spurs you farther and faster down the trail. Less inflammation and soreness after efforts so much so that I have often questioned myself, did that even do anything? And then I gotta gutcheck myself and say, “yes, that 24 MILE RUN you just did, definitely did something”. Stay in touch, I’d feel often times out on my own in these endeavors and would love to hear your experiences.

@atomicspacebunny I like just this basic platform that is illustrated a bit in the quote you offered. The dance between insulin and glucagon. I think there is a lot I could take away from learning the steps of this dance, the dance partner being my healthy body. When I am running and working, day in and day out, I believe that mentally I thrive in more of a glucagon state. Where another athlete may differ from this, I find that my depression and BED let go their claim on my mental real-estate, freeing up my mind. And let me tell you, as a bike courier, having a clear head is put to a high premium when we live in a smart-phone inebriated world of traffic and incoherence. But then, come the weekend when it is time to rest, digest, repair mentally and physically, this is when I either binge, or cant seem to get enough protein in. So being able to understand this phase as a less glucagon-centric time, and a more insulin-centric time where my muscles are refilling with glycogen and repairing themselves, it feels more useful and objective to me than my emotional notions of its just me eating “off-plan”.

@juice, thank you for your input and the music share. Heavy man. Glad to hear that keto is helping your head too. Yeah man, the head trouble is REAL and not to be brushed off or minimized. I am first a recovered alcoholic, a depressive and food-addicted and only secondarily am I a trail runner. If I put trail running ahead of any of those things, it will be the second thing a I lose…right after my sanity ;).

Anyway, its sunday, I’m drinking coffee, wondering whether or not I’ll run or rest today. I’m leaning towards rest seeing as I kind of lost my head last night, which is a sign of reaching (or brazenly passing) my weekly athletic budget. Got to remind myself that all that effort goes to waste if I do not give my body time to soak it up and integrate it into my fitness.


I’m not the expert I’d like to be at pulling myself out of negative states, but FWIW I think there’s progress in you (just based on stuff you’ve posted) that’s evident to those of us on the outside, even if it’s harder to see on the inside.

I loved this. Good reminder for all. :slightly_smiling_face:

(Nathan Toben) #54

@Callisto thank you, even though I spend hours every morning in the woods, I often still cannot see the forest for the trees.

(Nathan Toben) #55

Day 10

Not going to weigh in today.

(Nathan Toben) #56

For better or for worse, i’ve decided to fast for ~34hrs to break my record by 1hr. Gonna be tough because my boss asked if i could stay late at work. Feeling some sorrow today from i don’t know where, just trying to get through this day and get in bed and read some Robin Hobb and just call it.

(Running from stupidity) #57

I’m 36 hours in, so good stuff!

Things that take your mind off it are good, so try to put the extra work in the “positive” column :slight_smile:

(Nathan Toben) #58

nice work @juice, how long you looking to fast?