Mt Dew!

(Brian) #1

So yesterday I had to go to the dealership to get a repair done, and in the waiting area they had fresh popcorn and vending machines. I’m only 20 days into keto so that was pretty rough to walk into. I stared at the popcorn for a bit, and then turned to the vending machines. I noticed they had a diet Mt Dew! I was pretty excited about that so I bought it, but once it came out it ended up being regular mt dew! Oh no!

So I’m standing there with this regular can of Mt Dew, 46 carbs (all sugar), thinking what do I do now? … I gave it to an employee of the dealership, got a free water next to the popcorn, and listened to ketodudes. Bullet dodged!

(Derek I. Batting) #2

Way to be strong! Keep calm and keto on. :thumbsup:

(Larry Lustig) #3


(Jane Reed) #4

Good for you!

(Tom Seest) #5

I averaged about 6 liters per day of Mountain Dew as part of my journey to bad health. I don’t really miss it now.




Niiiiiiice! Resisting the temptation of food that has brainwashed us into associating it with enjoyment is really difficult to do when starting out - I avoided going to the movies over the holiday period for that exact reason. Nothing like a few words of wisdom from the Dudes to keep you on track. :grinning::+1:


BAM!!! Nailed it!!

(Omar Newsome) #9

Great job holding strong! I love me a good diet dew and would have been crushed to get reg instead! :joy:


Have you tried Mountain Zevia? It tastes just like Mountain Dew but uses stevia/erythritol.

(Jennifer) #11

Me too, I drank 24-48oz of diet Mt Dew a day. Surprised I still have teeth in my head.

(Omar Newsome) #12

You have my attention! Please tell me more!!! :open_mouth:


The only store I’ve seen Mountain Zevia at is Whole Foods, and it’s a bit pricey at 5.99 for a six pack. Here’s what it looks like:

(Tom) #14

At one point in my life I was drinking a case of mountain dew a day. I don’t miss it either.