Million Dollar spaghetti, keto-hacked by Zorn

(Candy Lind) #21

Rao’s is $TEN here! But Sprouts had it on sale last week for $5, and I loaded up. HOWEVER … I will look again because I think I may have seen Buon Giorno Italia there, as well! And your hack sounds really good. :heart_eyes:

I think it’s Dana Carpenter (?) who recommends in one of her books to rinse, microwave 30 seconds, rinse, microwave, rinse to get a better consistency. I have also heard/read that dry cooking them a little bit on medium heat makes them less rubbery.


Mmmmmm yum. Nom nom nom yums.

Am looking forward to making this with zucchini zoodles and will call it Zoodlesagna!!! :blush:


It’s not.

(Steve) #24

Seems it depends which Rao’s sauce you buy - the marinara appears to be net 4g

This recipe (haven’t tried it yet myself) is supposed to be 4.4g net carbs per serving: