Mid run fueling

(Elijah Barrett) #1

Hey everyone! I have my first half marathon next Saturday, and I’m trying to figure out how I should fuel during the race. Today I ran 9 miles fasted, but my calves started cramping badly around mile 8.5. Is this a salt problem? Any tips or strategies would be appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face:

Also, should I take time off the week after the race or start a marathon training plan?

(Edith) #2

The cramping is from not replenishing electrolytes during the run. I did a half marathon back in May. I brought along a 1/2 t of salt to add to my water at the halfway point. That seemed to work fine. Or you could bring the ingredients for keto-aide and add that to your water.

I’m a slowpoke and it too me 2.5 hours but I did not need to eat during the run. I did have a few slices of bacon for breakfast that morning.

(Ant Corrie) #3

File in the better late than never category. I take a SaltStick tablet about 4 or 5 miles in to keep cramps away. As for recovery after the run, it depends on how long you have been running. When I first started, I would follow Hal Higdon’s recovery plan before starting up. After 15 years or running, I mainly listen to my body and when it feels right, I start up.

(Scott H.) #4

Even on short runs, the salt is key for me. It’s a huge difference in terms of stamina. I always run fasted, and without the salt, it’s like starting the lawn mower up again after a long winter!

(Scott) #5

An easy trick for running cramps is to carry some of those McDonalds salt packs (in a dry pocket) and just reach in and bite the top off and get a salt hit. It works well according to my sister who does full Ironman races at age 60.