Metabolic Assessment

(Alex Dipego) #1

So! Working at a gym really helps experiment with everything I can in regards to my health. We have an active assessment and a resting assessment. I did the active this past Tuesday and will do the resting next Tuesday. Before we look at it, I brought up to a trainer id like to do 3-4 active tests. One fasted, one fed, one after a workout and one with a small number of carbs. This test was me 18hrs fasted after a 4500cal day. I will replicate this next week for the resting assessment.

The third image shows caloric burn based on my assessment based on heart rate.

The second image shows where my heart rate correlates to my fat/carb burning. The low end has me mostly at fat which is relatively normal.

The first image I find very important here. My oxygen usage is poor. Why is that important? I being tested during a run, that was 16mins long which is long for me. I never run that long, and the past couple months I barely ran. So I’m not surprised my oxygen use is bad so not surprised by my results. Excited for the rested test and then even testing the other active tests.

The respiratory quotient as a prognostic factor in weight-loss rebound
(Alex Dipego) #2

So I tested my resting metabolic rate and my results were fun. Using a generic equation I was assumed to have an RMR of 1700 but was in the 2200 range. Tag on my normal daily activity I’m assumed to be 2900. Now we all know CICO doesn’t work by these numbers but part of this test was telling me how energized my body was and the best part how much was fat. In a rested state I’m burning nearly 80% fat! And just like the last test I went in fasted after a large meal of 4k cal. My protein was over 200 my carbs in the 20s and my fat 350+. This is amazing info and I look forward to the other tests for a fatigued and fed state.