May zero!


Omgosh I get it truly LOL

we can’t and won’t give it all up but we always must ‘watch us’ thru what we do to ourselves.

In that being older now, my alcohol level is SO low and I feel it if I have one…so I am kinda out of that now…so my experience is lower.

Remember on alcohol is does it make ya wanna go off plan and eat whatever. So if we know our level of have and control we can do well thru it all…if we feel it is bad for us, we know…we just pretend we don’t and everyone has to make that call personally!

your post was funny as heck!

(Elizabeth ) #22

Don’t mean to be pedantic but there are essential fatty acids and essential amino acids We have to get from meat. There’s nothing essential we have to get from wine… Might be time to cultivate a taste for single malt scotch? :wink:

(Daisy) #23

I’m in Fangs! I have been strict carnivore, but had bought some goat cheese and pepperoni and have eaten too much of that the past week. Goat cheese is gone now and not to be replaced. I haven’t eaten anything that’s not an animal product for a good 2 months.

(Scott) #24

I have that food group covered too :tumbler_glass:


you rocking it KD! and yes we will clean up too much dairy and processed crap like pepperoni…going clean we are and I bet we all are so much better for it!!! So happy you are in!!

(Scott) #26

I have not had any almonds in two days…mostly because the bag is empty.

(Not a cow) #27

I’ll try and see if i can get some bulk deals from those big box stores around here. Great idea Fangs, but thinking that maybe, for the month of May only, I’ll try to up the ribeye count, you know for the team.

April 30th Carb Detoxing with
3 Regular black coffee’s
2 Eggs
2 thick slices of bacon
4 oz burger

1 1/2 pounds of burgers w cheese w 2 slices of bacon

That’s my Day, ready for May


May I join? Is May a good month for an effort concert. It is so full of “May I“ and “l may”. Imagine if there was a month called ‘Can’? But can May have different meanings in different countries.

I had a beefed up beef bone broth based beef stew on Monday night past. I made the initial stew in panic prep cooking a few weeks ago. It was slow cooked diced beef with mineral salts. That was put in the freezer. Then last Sunday I put some chuck beef bones from a grass fed beast into the slow cooker for 16 hours (my no eating window). We are heading into the colder weather at the end of autumn here. Home was full of delicious beefy meat smells. The neighbour’s Labrador would not leave. I pulled the meat from the bones at about the 8 hour mark and into a bowl in the fridge to mix it later with the beef stew. When I finally had the bone broth, I combined the beefed up extra meaty beef stew, by adding the bone broth meat into defrosted beef stew, with some of the bone broth in a large bowl (the one I used to eat vege stir fry from), added a bit more salt and had dinner.

I could only eat half the amount in the bowl. My brain just said, stop! If I took another mouthful, I would have entered the nausea zone. To make this beefed up beef dinner I had defrosted and reheated the first stew during the combination making, so I couldn’t put that, or the half bowl of leftovers, back in the fridge. So I put it in the Labrador.

‘AB’, that’s the Labrador, and I did not, could not, eat for Tuesday nor Wednesday after the beefed up beef bone broth beef stew on the Monday night. It was the most amazing experiment that I didn’t know I was even doing. For two days all I had was rain water and good internal furnace energy. I didn’t even have a coffee. Even partook in an ocean swim in late autumn sea temperatures.

Yesterday I had a bacon and egg breakfast with a hot coffee. Before breakfast I checked my fasted blood markers. Ketones = 0, blood glucose 6.3 mmol/l. Last night I had an egg battered, fillet of white fish, with avocado mashed in sauerkraut.

The beefed up beef bone broth beef stew accident experiment has made me curious about mixing up a high intensity beef carnivore meal with intermittent fasting to see what happens. In the very least, there will be a happy Labrador.


It’s not what we get from wine that is sought, it is what wine gives us.


This MAY change us all forever,


oh heck no, those gotta go for sure LOL almond bags empty are a good thing :slight_smile: and they have no legs so more can’t walk into the house and surprise you now :wink:

Moo your sacrifice to this cause is very much appreciated. You taking one for the team like this shows how selfless you truly are :slight_smile: :wink:

and that was a great day of eating yesterday! On point for sure!!

You may join may for sure FB!

Loved your post about your beefy adventure!

You are going into autumn while a lot of us are now going into hot weather so maybe the cool down for you a bit has brought about new energy…I know those high heats you have can sap the life out of a person.

I think you experimenting thru this May will be a huge great adventure for ya :slight_smile: Love it!!

and AB is gonna become your best buddy cause all critters follow the meat in life HAHA gonna be hanging with you for sure!

--------------so off to the races today for all of us! I love it. May 1 and we are all committed (but not involuntarily HA) to our cause. Clean up to strict carnivore. Time to see if in a month we can tighten the ship, rock out some new benefits for each of us as we need, heal up the body even more to gain better results and see where we land thru it all.

My commitment is hands off any spoonful of this or that. All stops point blank. WHICH IS FINE LOL I mean I don’t need it, truly want it, but this May challenge is a focus for me again. A focus on zc and why I do this and how darn great it makes me feel…and May will be to shift a few lbs. off the scale.

I will be present in my eating. Very much listening to my body etc. I can focus on me and my eating and my body signals for this month and see how I roll thru it all. I lost a tad of focus thru all the crazy going down right on out in the world, which is cool, many have it so bad out there, this little bit I can handle and putting focus on a personal challenge is always good for me. I hope ya’ll got something you want to see out of yourself thru us being very committed and eating super clean.

As soon as I hit reply I am putting in my little 30 minute exercise tape and getting that done. Every day 30 min. exercise tape, easy one, but moves me and I am the type that shoots out of bed full speed ahead so will do that each morn. for 30 days. My commitment along with clean eating.

Food today is about a 6 oz beef tenderloin steak cooked in some Kerrygold butter…will watch added fats, I can go super heavy on that so gonna watch how I do cook my food a bit tighter now…then adding in about a 1/2 lb. to lb. of shrimp. Will dip in some homemade alfredo sauce. Eat around 3 or so…and if hungry a bit later I have a small cheeseburger patty to hold me thru the rest of the day.

Loving the challenge guys…let’s rock out May! We all got this easily!


Good morning

perfect on plan

not one nibble off plan at all.

Close call tho cause I made hubby a monster pile of chicken legs with his good BBQ sauce…pile to eat and pile to eat later. He is a chicken leg lover and when he finished I put up the leftovers but the juicy fatty sugar-laden dark yummy bits all on the bottom of that roasting pan, omg I wanted to take a fork and wiggle thru it all and taste it. See that is how my ‘nibble or forkful’ of this or that can get me and it was all I could to not put a finger in there and wipe up some and lick it…LOL…yea sad but true. I threw the dish straight into sink, soapy water filled up and left all that sugary icky yummy goodness to the heavens and never had my one little taste.

So yea I did fine in my day :sunny:

Did my little short exercise tape. Will do it again this morning in a bit.

Day 1 down for me. Hope we all are doing well and will rock and roll thru May in fine form!

(Not a cow) #33

Great Idea Fangs !

Okay, I have an elliptical machine sitting in my LR, barely used in 2020. Time to dust off the moth balls and up the anti-dotes, or maybe raise the steaks ;), or sweeten the pot roast, but I’ll see that 30 minutes of exercise and lower the anecdotes for 20 minutes of walking/running, cause that’s all the boredom I can take in one day. haha.

Eats for May 1
2 black coffee
3 Egg and Cheese Omlette
1 Chicken Thigh
Mid Morning - Cup of Black Coffee
Late Lunch
4 Chicken thighs
Early Dinner
At least 1 lb of Chuck Roast au jus & au jus de Franks

Late Snack
Way too Big hunk of cheese ( kept me from going out for a big ole piece of pie , haha)

Fighting Cravings!

(Scott) #34

Big ribeye for dinner last night. I was trying to save half for lunch today but that didn’t workout so well.


Why anyone ruins some meat with sugar I never could understand… I never would touch some sugary meat, I never could imagine even meat with fruits like sour cherry and those are popular (apple and quince is a tad different, I actually ate my deer with apples ages ago. once in my life, good meat is perfect without adding much else).

You wrote a few things in this thread that touched me. Losing focus, listening to body signs… My body definitely wants as low-carb as possible at the moment.

1st of May was my SO’s birthday, not like it should matter but I still only started today, on the 2nd. I have so much motivation that I don’t actually have choice for anything else. My last week was pretty crazy. Not my ancient carby days crazy but still. So I will have some very easy and enjoyable days and then we will see. My berries are still flowers so May is doable, theoretically (but not the berries are dangerous. some of them surely will ripen in the end of May and I won’t feel the need to eat those. I can enjoy them without eating). The currently too serious lack of meat (except smoked pork) combined with my personality is a tad tricky but I really need to be better to my body after this week.

I had a tiny lunch. 3 eggs fried in lard, a piece of sausage (rarity but we visited the shop of the pig farm today), a piece of smoked pork ribs, various cheeses (15g in total, I use cheese as spice or snack, usually… not as substantial food. except when I eat quiche).

To get my pork, I got up super early (5 hours earlier than on the previous days…) and cycled 2 hours. So I had my exercise today and it’s a beautiful spring here :smiley:
I have my tiny, usually 50 minutes daily walks (except when I do something else and I feel that’s enough), I resumed weightlifting… It’s not so bad. I never was particularly active.

My not so carnivore item is coffee but I need it now. And it’s enough to focus on my eating (not like not eating plants need so much focus but it has its difficulties sometimes), coffee may stay for a while.

So I am tentatively… In. I can’t promise anything, just that I will try :smiley: And won’t force myself at all but try to give my body what it wants. That’s a pretty good goal.


Yesterday’s food was bacon and eggs for meal 1, and meal 2 was taco meat of beef and pork with sharp cheddar cheese.

I’m working to narrow my eating window and no more food after 3 in the afternoon though still having my coffee and heavy cream several times a day. I switch to decaf after 2 but I know I need to dial that back more and reduce dairy overall.

Sounds like eve is going well and off to a solid start!


Hey that is super fine. As long as you eat on plan and don’t go off you are doing very well. You would not believe what I would eat to fight cravings, I ate a crap ton of food HAHA—you did well on that truly.

And fab you are gonna shake off the moth balls and go for it also…I mean we ALL can give 20-30 minutes of our day to exercise a tiny bit right? well, we’ll see how long we do it HAHA but for me I have to say an easy 30 minute move I can do and it is sad shape truly if I find excuses not to do it LOL

Rocking it MOO!!

Ahhh you got more, you eat and enjoy!! :slight_smile:

It is important S cause all of the sudden we go against what our bodies want and we do feel it ya know…I need to listen hard and when I do, I get it and feel wonderful eating as it needs. Glad you are listening again :slight_smile: Your coffee is fine, drink up. Many keep coffee in their life. Personal to ditch it or keep it kinda.

You have good May goal :slight_smile:

You are doing great also. Tightening down the eating window huh? Good for you!!! Luckily I am eat around 12-1 and then I eat around 3-4 tops and call it a day so I found my sweet spots.

You are off to a great start for sure!!!

------today I plan 2 thin pork chops for around 12-1 when I get back from errands…then dinner I got about a 6 oz beef tenderloin and will pair up with maybe some bacon if need more but I think the chops and beef will be enough. I am not super focused on food right now so that is a good thing.

Rock on guys, we got this!!

(Daisy) #38

Day 1 was a cup of bone broth with collagen powder, then some leftover steak bites (just a few), plus a tiny lamb burger, a medium hamburger and some raw beef suet. Then dinner was a chunk of fatty bottom round roast flash seared on the cast iron. No picture of lunch :

(Daisy) #39

Today was a cup of bone broth, then a slice of kielbasa (like literally a tiny slice lol), a couple pieces of that roast from last night, and 2 lamb burgers. Plus a few bones from my bone broth batch. Then I rendered a batch of lard. So I ate too many cracklings with salt (come on, I couldn’t pass that up) and dinner will maybe be a steak. But I’m pretty full from the cracklings lol

Edit: yep, ate a great big tbone and some more cracklings lol


Fangsy! It’s autumn. There is food growing out of the ground.

I listened to Dr. Salad (Paul Saladino) in the past two days. He is easing off his militant science driven carnivorism it seems, to a more philosophical intake. Maybe I’m listening with my bear headphones on (only let through what I want to hear)? Anyhow, he says honey is carnivore as it is an animal product.

So that brings me to field mushrooms. They are there on the ground, in the morning, when I walk outside and they are delicious with bacon, butter and eggs in a sizzling fry pan.

We have chooks now. 6 Isa Browns. Their eyes are brown. The cooler weather and moulting time has slowed down their laying, but they are fantastic kitchen scrap cleaner upperers.

Fresh eggs and field mushrooms have become spanner shaped in my ruminant munching carnivore goals. :chicken::mushroom::egg:

I have been gaining inspiration for “May. iCarnivore” from this lady:

Reset: black coffee + sardines and eggs this morning.

Oh, exercise. I was listening to the Peak Human podcast. In this time of reduced travel, I have realised that the car is really just an isolation room, in which to listen to podcasts.

Dr. O’Mara has explained that exercise for a few minutes every 5 days is enough [39:25] What he suggests for exercise. But that exercise is like you are in a car park knife fight in LA. Or that bear fight that Leonardo DiCaprio got into in that film The Revenant. 3 minute ‘work out’ video (below).