May 2018 IF/EF chat - all welcome

(Allie) #575

One of my work friends just told me how healthy and energetic I seem today, 115 hours into my fast… and she knows I’m fasting too! She says it obviously suits me as I’m looking great and never get ill :grinning:

Out for a lovely walk in the sunshine now. The world around me is complaining about being too hot while I’m thinking how lovely it is :joy:

(KCKO, KCFO) #576

Ah another fasting victory, bring on the global warming, we know how to handle that shit. LOL

Nice coworker, to even notice the positive changes you are getting.

(Victoria Mc Coy) #577

Happy Friday everyone! Planning to break at dinner tonight, which will be 96 hours. 3 lbs down this week, which is good for me. For now, :coffee: & :sunny:!

(Dawn) #578

My husband told me this morning that my underwear look like running shorts and that I need to “commit heavily to improving that situation”. I guess that was a compliment?

Fasting does strange things in terms of WHERE I lose weight. I have lost weight plenty of times before (40 pounds) and the weight loss is always in my legs and butt. I always seemed to maintain that stomach no matter how hard I tried. However this time around doing fasting combined with keto seems to have changed where I am losing most of my weight. My face, stomach and arms seem to be where most of the weight is coming from. Does anyone know the reason behind this? 40 pounds lost with CICO and exercise looks very different that 40 lost with Keto and fasting. Hm?? Why?

(Doug) #579

:smile: My wife would have given me a withering look if I said that.

Dawn, I don’t know the reasons for the difference, but to be losing abdominal fat is certainly a good thing.

(Candy Lind) #580

What ^HE^ said! :grin:

(Dawn) #581

I would have “withered” him to the ground except for the fact that there was such a sense of pride and encouragement in his tone and smile. I had to just laugh with him. Plus he was correct, my undies are just waaaay to big. But why make an investment now when I still have 40 pounds to lose?

I will try to do more research. If I had to guess, I would say that the loss of weight in my stomach may be associated with reduced insulin. I think that my weight loss before was because of the level of exercise that I was doing and the muscle built in those areas. I was still insulin resistant even though my weight was down. Maybe the weight was “locked” in those trouble spots by those insulin gates that Dr. Fung speaks about. But this time, I think my body is naturally unlocking those fat stores because of the lower insulin (fasting and keto) I don’t do nearly as much exercise now as I did back then. I am going to go back through the two keto dudes podcast to see if they provide some science behind it. I know they say that keto can definitely get rid of the Krispy Kreme you ate 10 years ago. I wish I could show you guys pictures to explain what I am trying to say

(Doug) #582

:slightly_smiling_face: Right on, Dawn - good for you both. Glad to see that neither of you is taking this stuff too lightly.

(Candy Lind) #583

You have got a bead on your “N=1!” :+1:

(Allie) #584

This evenings numbers.

I’m starting to not feel so good… so I’m going to do an hour of yoga then see how I feel. I’ve hit the five days that I was hoping for so not the end of the world if I break fast tonight, although I do prefer not to break fasts in the evenings, but I have a rather busy day tomorrow so could be my better option.

(Allie) #585

OK I’m going to break fast tonight. Tried to do yoga but suddenly felt really sick, bad enough to run into the bathroom, so eating a few almonds to wake my digestion up and then will eat a proper meal.

(Candy Lind) #586

Hope almonds work well for you. I can’t do nuts without an uproar.

(Allie) #587

I have them every time and they work for me


Avocado seems to work well for me, not tried the nuts… Did a 48hr fast as planned. Overall ben a good week, but have now eaten a lot tonight! Relax over the weekend, then back into it Monday.
@Goal179Dawn- I’m the same, gone from the top half & stomach, arms look quite muscly even though I haven’t worked out! We have a standing joke in the family about ‘empty envelopes’- losing weight from the boob dept.; my mum lost a lot of weight for a spell, was a bit merry & drunk one night, & started on about how hers were now like empty envelopes! Mmm, hubby has been joking about that, he’s oblivious to withering looks!

(KCKO, KCFO) #589

It was a complement. I had a similar experience, my husband just pointed out that none of my underwear was staying up and it was time to go shopping for some that fit my new body.

Not at all sure about the science but I love how keto & fasting has chosen to remove fat stores from my body as well. I lost the normal legs and butt stuff but the boobs are a much more manageable size now, and my stomach hasn’t been this flat since my teen years. I think we should just thank the keto/fasting gods and accept this and be darned happy about it all.

You are doing well, keep on keeping on.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #590

Happy Monday all. I started my EF last night after dinner. Striving for at least 48 hrs but may go longer. No big stressors anticipated at work this week and work distractions will help me not think about my health.

I’m committing to a 20 min meditation each fast day and getting back to reading for pleasure.

(Allie) #591

Fasting today, I’m working on making it a regular Monday thing (maybe Friday too…).

(hottie turned hag) #592

Guys you’re in the May 2018, not 2019 thread :slightly_smiling_face:
Hop over to the current one!
Am about to post there myself; seeing this one threw me off lol

(Allie) #593


I didn’t look, just followed up @daddyoh when it showed as an updated topic :grinning:

(hottie turned hag) #594

LOL come over to 2019 and give me some hate. Failed again!! :zipper_mouth_face: