supplementing with it needed on a long-ish fast?

(Andrea) #1

Looking at 5 day fasts (prob no longer). I do have salt/lo salt water drink, sometimes with a little cider vinegar, once a day but is there a need to supplement with magnesium? When I was on keto I’d have it sometimes but I currently only have capsules. Is it worth buying mag powder? Or is it not required?

(back and doublin' down) #2

My suggestion is listen to your body. Having used it before, you may recognize signs of needing it. Magnesium was a big game changer for me early in keto so I’ve never stopped using it, especially during fasts.

Good Luck!


If you get a muscle cramp, feel restless/can’t sleep, or can’t sleep well, or get heart flutter or palpitations, then they are signals to supplement magnesium while fasting.

If you are prediabetic, highly insulin resistant or type 2 diabetic, then there is some indication that in these metabolic states magnesium is lost from the body. Supplement magnesium.

If fasting drives ketosis deeper, as it often does, indicating a reduction in liver glycogen, and possibly partnered with fasted physical activity (especially if sweat inducing) this can lead to magnesium loss and symptom signals to supplement magnesium.

If your main water source while fasting is tap water, or filtered water, and you’re not drinking from a natural spring in a magnesium rich landscape, it’s worth considering supplementing.

If you have been eating a plant based diet, or a diet high in spinach, almonds and dark chocolate before fasting, then it is advisable to supplement magnesium. Especially if you experience subtle, yet interesting joint aches (maybe in fingers or toes joints, or could be anywhere).

A nice hot soak in an Epsom salts bath* before bed is just a pleasant nightly event in pursuit of fasting reflection and meditation. In which to float and resolve to tune in to the benefits of doing the fast. (*requires deep claw foot bath, or nearby natural thermal spring)

I am not selling magnesium supplements.